Joy M. Lilley

OUR READERS TO DATE: 10,298 Joyful Pussy Cat Tales by Joy M Lilley. Pussy Cats are always looking for something to pounce on. They seem to be on an endless quest of adventure. But do we remember how their quest began? From the most gentle to the most fearless, you… Continue reading

David W. Thompson

OUR READERS TO DATE: 3,800 Southern Maryland Author David W. Thompson! ’Possum Stew by David W. Thompson. How dark do you like your fiction?Are the terrors of day-to-day life enough?Or does it take the creature hidden in the dark woods to stir your blood?Perhaps, a visit back in time to… Continue reading

The Rogue Bear & Other Short Stories by Anastasia Marie Cassella

OUR READERS TO DATE: 329 The Rogue Bear & Other Short Stories by Anastasia Marie Cassella. ‘The Rogue Bear’ short story is based on a true story. The story reflects the experience Anastasia had when a bear tries to enter Anastasia’s Cherryfield, Maine’s ranch. Other short stories in this collection… Continue reading

My Name Is Samantha by David W. Thompson

OUR READERS TO DATE: 279 My Name Is Samantha by David W. Thompson. Top 10 Horror Short Story Award from the annual P&E Reader’s Poll! Her relationship on the rocks, traditional potter Samantha sets out on a camping and caving adventure to rediscover herself. A handsome stranger shares his campfire,… Continue reading

Spy and Villain by Joy M. Lilley

OUR READERS TO DATE: 297 Spy and Villain by Joy M. Lilley. A physically handicapped lady, thinks she sees dastardly goings on in the house opposite to where she lives. She is convinced that the woman opposite is being abused. A Christian theme runs through this story of a spy,… Continue reading

Joyful Pussy Cat Tales by Joy M. Lilley

OUR READERS TO DATE: 258 Joyful Pussy Cat Tales by Joy M Lilley. Pussy Cats are always looking for something to pounce on. They seem to be on an endless quest of adventure. But do we remember how their quest began? From the most gentle to the most fearless, you… Continue reading