Allan Batchelder

OUR READERS TO DATE: 10,414 Seattle Author Allan Batchelder! This Thing Of Darkness by Allan Batchelder. History tells us that William Shakespeare died in April of 1616. Or did he? What if the “William Kemp” who set sail from England for the New World in April of 1619 was actually… Continue reading

David W. Thompson

OUR READERS TO DATE: 4,082 Southern Maryland Author David W. Thompson! ’Possum Stew by David W. Thompson. How dark do you like your fiction?Are the terrors of day-to-day life enough?Or does it take the creature hidden in the dark woods to stir your blood?Perhaps, a visit back in time to… Continue reading

Kaylin McFarren

OUR READERS TO DATE: 9,221 Kaylin McFarren’s Gehenna Dark Horror Fantasy Series! Soul Seeker by Kaylin McFarren. Gehenna Dark Fantasy Series Book One. While awaiting his execution for murdering his son, Benjamin Poe confesses to his lawyer the true story behind his crime, a harrowing tale of a manipulating, soul-collecting… Continue reading

Immortal Treachery Series by Allan Batchelder

OUR READERS TO DATE: 545 Seattle Author Allan Batchelder! Steel, Blood & Fire by Allan Batchelder. Immortal Treachery Book 1. TARMUN VYKERS: His awestruck opponents call him The Reaper, an iron-willed man with no memory of his past, a ruthless champion who has risen to the level of death incarnate…. Continue reading

Gehenna Dark Fantasy Series by Kaylin McFarren

OUR READERS TO DATE: 524 Kaylin McFarren’s Gehenna Dark Horror Fantasy Series! Soul Seeker by Kaylin McFarren. Gehenna Dark Fantasy Series Book One. While awaiting his execution for murdering his son, Benjamin Poe confesses to his lawyer the true story behind his crime, a harrowing tale of a manipulating, soul-collecting… Continue reading