Robert Martin Bishop

OUR READERS TO DATE: 409 Connecticut Author Robert Martin Bishop! I, Jetebais by Robert Martin Bishop. Building on the theme of separation and restoration that is inherent in faith, can a fallen angel achieve redemption after rebellion? Human arrogance, the Papacy, and the eternal struggle of Good versus Evil collide… Continue reading

Nick Korolev

OUR READERS TO DATE: 1,599 Award-Winning Author and Professional Artist! The Cat Who Fell to Earth by Nick Korolev. An Offbeat First Contact Tale. Set in contemporary Sedona, Arizona, The Cat Who Fell to Earth is a first contact story like no other, with a pair of the most unlikely… Continue reading

Stacy Manning Casaluci

OUR READERS TO DATE: 6,075 California Author Stacy Manning Casaluci! Know You’re Not Alone by Stacy Manning Casaluci. This endearing story is about a mother and her two sons, who must say goodbye to the father when he leaves on a military mission. The brothers, Cory and Kyler, continue their… Continue reading

David W. Thompson

OUR READERS TO DATE: 4,080 Southern Maryland Author David W. Thompson! ’Possum Stew by David W. Thompson. How dark do you like your fiction?Are the terrors of day-to-day life enough?Or does it take the creature hidden in the dark woods to stir your blood?Perhaps, a visit back in time to… Continue reading

Nikki Broadwell

OUR READERS TO DATE: 946 Reading Age: 16-18 Years. Time Travel/Romantic Fantasy. The Library of Time by Nikki Broadwell. 2323 holds many secrets…. Hidden behind the bookshelf in the library is a maze of stacks that change positions when the mood strikes them. Preserving the past and finding lost things… Continue reading

The Library of Time by Nikki Broadwell

OUR READERS TO DATE: 319 Reading Age: 16-18 Years. Time Travel/Romantic Fantasy. The Library of Time by Nikki Broadwell. 2323 holds many secrets…. Hidden behind the bookshelf in the library is a maze of stacks that change positions when the mood strikes them. Preserving the past and finding lost things… Continue reading

Legends Of The Family Dyer Series by David W. Thompson

OUR READERS TO DATE: 472 Sister Witch: The Life of Moll Dyer by David W. Thompson. Legends of the Family Dyer Book 1. Moll Dyer prays she can leave her troubles behind when she immigrates to the new world, but a paranormal threat grows, and soon follows her across the… Continue reading

’Possum Stew by David W. Thompson

OUR READERS TO DATE: 418 ’Possum Stew by David W. Thompson. How dark do you like your fiction?Are the terrors of day-to-day life enough?Or does it take the creature hidden in the dark woods to stir your blood?Perhaps, a visit back in time to face the Wendigo will quench your… Continue reading

This Thing Of Darkness by Allan Batchelder

OUR READERS TO DATE: 463 Seattle Author Allan Batchelder! This Thing Of Darkness by Allan Batchelder. History tells us that William Shakespeare died in April of 1616. Or did he? What if the “William Kemp” who set sail from England for the New World in April of 1619 was actually… Continue reading

Special Collection (Romance, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Paranormal, and Humor) by Nick Iuppa and John P. Mendoza

OUR READERS TO DATE: 565 5-Star Multi-Genre Fiction By Nick Iuppa and John Pesqueira! The Promise Of The Gateway by Nick Iuppa and John Pesqueira. Deep in the drop behind Green Mountain High, Emily Perkins finds a gateway to the past where she’s no longer a nerd, and the school’s… Continue reading