About Book Marketing Global Network

Global Readership!

A Boy Called Archie by Joy M. Lilley

OUR READERS TO DATE: 20 2024 Release.Reading Age: 4-12 Years. A Boy Called Archie by Joy M. Lilley. Children’s Book. Reading Age: 4-12 Years. Archie is found to be a most unusual child. He fails to have the usual ‘Terrible Two’s’ behavorial difficulty that most young boys always seem to… Continue reading

Experience Year-Round Book Sales In Your Own Community

OUR READERS TO DATE: 693 SPRING, SUMMER, Fall AND WINTER BOOK SALES! Make A Plan: Things You Can Do: Suggestions For A Successful Book Signing: In The Winter Months: Don’t Forget All The Local Community (Church) Christmas and Craft Fairs. Be Creative! Keep A Positive Attitude! Have Fun! Article Written… Continue reading

Self-Publishing Service Providers

OUR READERS TO DATE: 693 Our Suggestion: Stay in total control of your own brand. We have received a lot of emails from authors who have been with Traditional Publishers and want to make the switch to Self-Publishing. Being in control of your own work has many advantages. You do… Continue reading

Nick Korolev’s Writing And Art!

OUR READERS TO DATE: 599 Award-Winning Author and Professional Artist! ABOUT MY WORK: I’m originally from New Jersey and was raised in a boating family and had all kinds of pets.  Both have greatly influenced my writing and art. My first short story was published at the age of 14… Continue reading

Chauncey’s Premier Book Manuscript Editing!

OUR READERS TO DATE: 561 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 5 out of 5 Customer Review: Anyone who needs an editor, I recommend Anastasia Marie Cassella. She has helped me with editing my book. She is both respectful and fast. 5 Stars From Author Finn Grey (11-15-2022). About Chauncey’s Premier Editing: Anastasia Cassella,… Continue reading

Book Trailer Plus Services Offered By Diane Calabrese LLC

OUR READERS TO DATE: 466 Diane Calabrese, LLC Is An Independent Company Offering This Service To Authors. Fees Are Subject To The Service. This Organization Also Has Standards By Which It Functions, So The Request Can Be Turned Down Based On Diane Calabrese’s Discretion. Book Trailers: For Book Marketing Global… Continue reading

JemsBooks Copy Editing Service!

OUR READERS TO DATE: 585 We are offering Copy Editing for writers and authors. If you have a children’s book, a novel or short story that is in need of our expertise, please contact us. Our Copy Editing service will thoroughly proofread your manuscript or book for errors in spelling,… Continue reading

Audio Actor Voice Artist Joy Gerken

OUR READERS TO DATE: 641 Performed A Number Of Audios For Short Stories On Fiverr. Prices: Begin For Short Stories-$200 Her Voice Can Be Heard At:http://www.fiverr.com/lilleypond3 Website:http://www.joymlilley.wordpress.com Contact Email:joygerken@gmail.com Author’s Page At Book Marketing Global Network:https://bookmarketingglobalnetwork.com/book-marketing-global-network/joy-m-lilley

Michigan Avenue Media Podcasts On Blog Talk Radio!

OUR READERS TO DATE: 450 Message from Marsha Casper Cook: Hello! I’m the host and producer for all the podcasts on Michigan Avenue Media Inc. on Blog Talk Radio for over 12 years and I love it. My shows are usually about what’s new in the entertainment field including books… Continue reading

Articles by Author Linda Frank

OUR READERS TO DATE: 564 Author and Educator Linda Maria Frank Shares Articles! Click On The Links To Open Each Title. Translating Your Books Into Spanish by Linda Maria Frank:https://bookmarketingglobalnetwork.com/book-marketing-global-network/translating-your-books-into-spanish-by-linda-maria-frank/ F. I. Times Tiny Races By Linda Maria Frank:https://bookmarketingglobalnetwork.com/book-marketing-global-network/f-i-times-tiny-races-by-linda-maria-frank/ What Authors Want From Indy Bookstores By Linda Maria Frank:https://bookmarketingglobalnetwork.com/book-marketing-global-network/what-authors-want-from-indy-bookstores-by-linda-maria-frank/ A… Continue reading

Article by Author Jon Cocks

OUR READERS TO DATE: 364 Australian Author Jon Cocks! The 1915 Armenian Genocide Is The Setting for ‘Angel of Aleppo’.Compares To Chris Bohjalian’s ‘The Sandcastle Girls’.Story Highlights The Injustices And Cruelties Of The Armenian Genocide. Angel Of Aleppo Is A Story For Today… My novel Angel of Aleppo is a… Continue reading

Article By Author Chris Karlsen

OUR READERS TO DATE: 401 I spent nineteen of my twenty-five years in law enforcement as a detective. Long before I became a police officer, I wanted to be a writer. But I feared it wasn’t a practical profession and lacked the confidence to an attempt at it. Shortly after… Continue reading

Article By Author Charles E. Yallowitz

OUR READERS TO DATE: 480 I have to say that the scene from Spaceballs is very close to how some people have reacted to present tense writing. I know this is a topic I beat to death, but it’s my style and I take several hits because of that. There… Continue reading

Articles By Author Jay Dubya

OUR READERS TO DATE: 458 View And/Or Download PDFs: View Special Pages: Special Page: FBI Inspector by Jay Dubya (John Wiessner):https://bookmarketingglobalnetwork.com/book-marketing-global-network/fbi-inspector-by-jay-dubya-john-wiessner/ Agents, Editors and Writing by Jay Dubya:https://bookmarketingglobalnetwork.com/book-marketing-global-network/agents-editors-and-writing-by-jay-dubya/ Dickens, Thurber, Andersen, and London by Jay Dubya:https://bookmarketingglobalnetwork.com/book-marketing-global-network/dickens-thurber-andersen-and-london-by-jay-dubya/ Rap Music Is Not Music by Jay Dubya (John Wiessner):https://bookmarketingglobalnetwork.com/book-marketing-global-network/rap-music-is-not-music-by-jay-dubya-john-wiessner/ Special Recognition For The… Continue reading

Articles By Author Clayton Graham

OUR READERS TO DATE: 337 Important Links That Go Along With Author Clayton Graham’s Science Fiction Series. The Conscious Universe And Panpsychism:https://claytongraham.com.au/the-conscious-universe-and-panpsychism/ Coober-Pedy-Opal-Capital-Of-The-World:https://claytongraham.com.au/coober-pedy-opal-capital-of-the-world/ Does Time Really Exist:https://claytongraham.com.au/does-time-really-exist/ Possessional Blog:https://claytongraham.com.au/blog/ Article Page Created On 03-07-2024. Author’s Page At Book Marketing Global Network:https://bookmarketingglobalnetwork.com/book-marketing-global-network/clayton-grahams-books/

Article by Author Gail Meath

OUR READERS TO DATE: 406 FUN HISTORICAL FACTS BY AUTHOR GAIL MEATH. I have always loved researching history, so it makes sense that I chose to write historical fiction novels, cozy mysteries, and romances.  I spend a great deal of time making sure every aspect of each book is historically… Continue reading

Article By Author Linnea Tanner

OUR READERS TO DATE: 368 The Curse of Clansmen and Kings Series! Travel Back In Time With Author Linnea Tanner. Apollo’s Raven by Linnea Tanner. Curse of Clansmen and Kings Book 1. A Celtic warrior princess is torn between her forbidden love for the enemy and duty to her people…. Continue reading

Articles By Author Ronald E. Yates

OUR READERS TO DATE: 375 View And/Or Download PDFs Below: View Pages Below: Historical Fiction and Political Correctness by Author Ronald E. Yates:https://bookmarketingglobalnetwork.com/book-marketing-global-network/historical-fiction-and-political-correctness-by-author-ronald-e-yates/ The Challenges of Writing Historical Fiction: Part One by Author Ronald E. Yates:https://bookmarketingglobalnetwork.com/book-marketing-global-network/the-challenges-of-writing-historical-fiction-part-one-by-author-ronald-e-yates/ The Challenges of Writing Historical Fiction (Part 2) by Author Ronald E. Yates:https://bookmarketingglobalnetwork.com/book-marketing-global-network/the-challenges-of-writing-historical-fiction-part-2-by-author-ronald-e-yates/ The… Continue reading

Article By Author Lynne Podrat

OUR READERS TO DATE: 387 I hadn’t gone looking to write a book. And although I love to write, especially poetry, and editorial responses of educational articles, writing can be arduous and was never cathartic for me. I would rather take pictures. My dream was to be a veterinarian, to… Continue reading

Article By Author Kaylin McFarren

OUR READERS TO DATE: 372 While in the midst of creating a new novel, I recently found myself struggling with the purpose of my story. Was I writing it to educate readers, to entertain them, or to transport them to another place during a difficult time in our lives? Perhaps,… Continue reading

Review by Author Cynthia Woolf

OUR READERS TO DATE: 260 I love the services provided by Book Marketing Global Network.Their promotions are not only beautiful, they are effective as I always sell more books when they are promoting me.I will continue to use Book Marketing Global Network services and am pleased to leave this review…. Continue reading

Review by Author Steve Shear

OUR READERS TO DATE: 251 To all of you published and unpublished writers who have finished your “great American novel” and are struggling to get noticed, please stay with it.This part of the process is just as difficult, if not more so, than creating your theme, plot and characters. One… Continue reading

Review by Author Charles E. Yallowitz

OUR READERS TO DATE: 270 Book Marketing Global Network,Thank you for everything. Had a great sales day when the review came out, so there was definitely an impact.Enjoy the rest of the week.Sincerely,Charles E. YallowitzAuthor’s Page Here At Book Marketing Global Network

Review by Robert J. Saniscalchi

OUR READERS TO DATE: 245 Book Marketing Global Network has been a long-time asset in my list of vital tools needed to stay in the game of the highly competitive world of books. The author brings in the quality of work, a great story that in turn reflects in positive… Continue reading

Review by Author Joy M. Lilley

OUR READERS TO DATE: 255 I am glad to have found this amazing website to help with the promotion of my books.They go to great lengths to ensure that everything is correctly in place to give readers the best reading experience they can have.I will definitely be using these services… Continue reading

Review by Author Ronald E. Yates

OUR READERS TO DATE: 246 Book Marketing Global Network works tirelessly on behalf of their author clients to present their work professionally and honestly to the public.What more can an author ask of a company that provides valuable promotional/marketing services for his or her books?To top it all off, they… Continue reading

Review by Author David Harvey

OUR READERS TO DATE: 246 Oh my goodness!!!!So awesome …Book Marketing Global Network is an absolute star.I cannot thank them enough, they will promote the heck out of you!! Regards,Dave HarveyAuthor’s Page Here At Book Marketing Global Network

Review by Author John W. Howell

OUR READERS TO DATE: 243 I have been using Book Marketing Global Network to help get the word out about my books since the publication of my first. Six books later and I am pleased to continue to enjoy the support that is given by Book Marketing Global Network. If… Continue reading

Review by Author Janice Spina

OUR READERS TO DATE: 244 I have been promoting my books with Book Marketing Global Network for several years now. BMGN is a great place to promote your books. The team is efficient, accommodating, thorough and prompt. They work tirelessly to ensure that they have everything needed to provide excellent… Continue reading

Review by Deanie Humphrys-Dunne

OUR READERS TO DATE: 241 Every author needs excellent marketing in order to succeed. The website ‘Author’s Page’ for my books has attracted over 8,400 visitors to date. It looks incredible and is filled with engaging photos and information of interest to others who want seeking more details on my… Continue reading

Review by Author Jay Dubya (John Wiessner)

OUR READERS TO DATE: 249 My recently developed author’s page at Book Marketing Global Network has been quite professionally and creatively prepared, and I’m sure that it will be visited by book lovers many times in the future as your various websites grow from small acorns into mighty oaks.I’m delighted… Continue reading

Review by Author J. C. De Ladurantey

OUR READERS TO DATE: 245 I must say that I appreciate how BMGN has set up author pages. They have ensured that the integrity of the process is protected. The pages are very professional and present my books vividly and desirably. I appreciate the effort and look forward to a… Continue reading

Review by Author J. A. Hunsinger

OUR READERS TO DATE: 250 As an author, regardless of genre, your mission, after you complete the manuscript is to call attention to what you consider to be a masterpiece of literary content. After going through all the machinations of publication, it is a real hoot to hold your creation… Continue reading

Review by Author Linda J. Burson

OUR READERS TO DATE: 250 I can’t say enough about Book Marketing Global Network.With so many books being published every year, it’s incredibly difficult to not only get the word out about your book, but to have an organization like Book Marketing Global Network letting the public know about your… Continue reading

Review by Gisela (Gigi) Sedlmayer

OUR READERS TO DATE: 247 Since authors need all the help they can get; I decided long ago, to go with Book Marketing Global Network. As the title says: “Global”. I am never disappointed with them. They do a marvelous job. They promote my books, allowing them to be seen,… Continue reading

Review by Author Gail Meath

OUR READERS TO DATE: 240 In today’s world, it is imperative for an author to maintain a huge social media presence if they hope to achieve success.  Quite often, marketing our books now takes more time and energy than writing them, and many of us either can’t find all the… Continue reading

Review by Author Linda Maria Frank

OUR READERS TO DATE: 435 Hello, as you know I talk to a lot of authors on my interview show, The Writer’s Dream. One of the subjects that is most challenging is how to market our marvelous books. I’ve sold 5,000 plus books as of this date. It’s been a… Continue reading

Review by Author Peter C. Bradbury

OUR READERS TO DATE: 253 I’m thrilled with the service offered by BOOK MARKETING GLOBAL NETWORK! Their attention to detail is superb, and the page they have created for me is awesome. They are truly interested in the authors they showcase, which is rarely the case with other promoters. I… Continue reading

Review by Author Mary Deal

OUR READERS TO DATE: 240 When I went searching for promotional venues for my books and found Book Marketing Global Network, I was amazed at the amount of promotion possible through this site. I have signed up all of my 10 books. Any future books will be listed here as… Continue reading

Review by Author Dave McGowan

OUR READERS TO DATE: 178 Book Marketing Global Network; Always there, always dependable!Yes, there are many sites that say they will do this or that, but BMGN increases sales every time.The best bang for the buck for any author. Author Dave McGowanJuly 2024Author’s Page Here At Book Marketing Global Network

Review by Author Charles Salzberg

OUR READERS TO DATE: 248 I’ve been fortunate enough to work with Book Marketing Global Network for over a year now and I couldn’t be happier with the results.Book Marketing Global Network is always ready to help an author promote his or her books.It’s been a pleasure working with you…. Continue reading

Review by Author Clayton Graham

OUR READERS TO DATE: 242 Many thanks for all your efforts on setting up promotion for my books.Thank you, for your great reviews and wonderful promotion of all my books, in particular the recent time and energy devoted to my new arrival ‘Amidst Alien Stars’.Your dedication is unprecedented and is… Continue reading

Review by Author Nick Iuppa

OUR READERS TO DATE: 243 FIVE STARS: Book Marketing Global Network provides powerful marketing services for authors. These include expert reviews, promo images, promotional PDF, and messages that are well-positioned in the important social media avenues.Their marketing material ties in well with other promotions I’m running. The creative and technical… Continue reading

Review by Author Anastasia Marie Cassella

OUR READERS TO DATE: 241 BMGN has professionally splashed my information every where. I couldn’t ask for a better campaign. Professional, high-quality book marketing is what you want and BMGN can get you there. Anastasia Marie CassellaApril, 2024Author’s Page At Book Marketing Global Network

Review by Author Mark L. Redmond

OUR READERS TO DATE: 246 I can’t imagine a more thorough, professional marketing service than what I’ve found with Book Marketing Global Network. As both a self-published and a traditionally published author, I want to share my books with the world; and BMGN enables me to reach my goal. They… Continue reading

Review by Author Lesley Lodge

OUR READERS TO DATE: 238 I am SO impressed with the promotional work by Book Marketing Global Network.They first read and comprehensively reviewed my book Wayland’s Revenge. Then posted a whole host of material on to so many promotional sites.The whole process is completely transparent – even to the extent… Continue reading

Review by Author Stacy Manning Casaluci

OUR READERS TO DATE: 245 Book Marketing Global Network did an amazing job promoting my book!In the review, I felt they captured the essence of my children’s book. You can tell they are committed to doing their best for all of the authors they provides services for, and is very… Continue reading

Review by Author Sandra Sperling

OUR READERS TO DATE: 240 WOW!I’m amazed with all you have done and I just know it will help my sales a great deal. Already I have people contacting me on Facebook about Elisabet’s Will.Contacting you is the best thing I’ve done for my campaign and I appreciate the hours… Continue reading

Review by Author John F. Dobbyn

OUR READERS TO DATE: 246 For a very modest price (single book listing with promotion).I have been amazed at the comprehensive and professional promotion, in a wide diversity of venues, provided by Book Marketing Global Network.I thoroughly appreciate their artistry in a growing promotional enterprise. John F. DobbynAuthor of the… Continue reading