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Book Trailers:

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Holistic Therapy-Diane Kurtz Calabrese (Mind-Body-Spirit Expert):

Diane Calabrese has been included in Marquis Who’s Who. Ms. Calabrese obtained a Bachelor of Science in therapeutic recreation from Saint Joseph’s College and a Master of Science in health care policy and management from Stony Brook University. While at Stony Brook University Diane served on various boards including the Mental Health Advisory board, and the Healthier U board including the programming and budget subcommittee.

Ms. Calabrese gained valuable expertise in the field of recreational therapy working as a recreational therapist for 30+ years in hospitals, nonprofit agencies, public schools, and universities. In recent years, Diane worked in higher Education for FIU, and as a recreational therapist for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, from which she recently retired.

Ms. Calabrese continues to excel as an adjunct professor for Florida International University. She continues to teach numerous classes there–since 2014. She has certified two courses through Quality Matters- (LEI3542: Principles of Parks, Recreation and Sports Management, and LEI3723 Assistive Technology Lab course.) Diane has also taught LEI4705: Program Planning in Recreational Therapy, and currently teaches LEI4720/6726 Trends, Issues, and Managerial Aspects of Recreational Therapy as well as two holistic healing labs: LEI3723 Reiki Lab and LEI3723 Aromatherapy Lab.

Due to her considerable breadth of knowledge, she is also an author, having written–” Meditations for the Mind-Body-Spirit” and “Mind, Body, Spirit and Discovering the Purpose of Life,” a self-help book that shares her experiences in professional life, providing insight into how holistic healing modalities can be integrated into therapy for people who struggle with pain and mental health disabilities. More can be found about her written works at Diane’s areas of expertise including aromatherapy, meditation, reiki master, psychotherapy, spirit card reader, crystal healing, leisure counseling, spirituality.

Holistic Therapy Package With Diane

Guided Meditation With Diane

How To Safely Use Aromatherapy With Diane

Heavenly Aroma Therapy

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Author Diane Kurtz Calabrese: M.S., CTRS, Professor/Therapist.

God Loves Sea Animals Too by Diane Kurtz Calabrese.

Poetry For Inspiration.

This book is a collection of inspirational poems about sea animals. It teaches children about the various kinds of sea animals in the oceans and their purpose, both physically and spiritually, to inspire one to have a wholesome respect for sea life and their marine habitat. Like all life, sea animals were created by God to cherish their divine purpose. In each poem you will find that each sea animal has a job to do on this planet to help keep oceans as well as humans thriving.

Long Island Author Diane Calabrese is a retired recreational therapist from the Veteran’s Administration Medical Center on Long Island. Diane currently teaches for Florida International University as an Adjunct Professor, and is an instructor for, a continuing online education site. Diane is affiliated with and as a holistic therapist. Diane is the author of 3 other books, “Mind, Body, Spirit & Discovering the Purpose of Life”; “Meditations for the Mind-Body-Spirit” and “He is Watching” has just been released.

Diane is published through Balboa Press-a division of Hay House and West Bow Press–a division of Zondervan.

Product Details:
Paperback: ‎79 Pages
Publisher: ‎Diane Calabrese LLC (March 11, 2024)
Language: ‎English
ISBN-13: ‎979-8891700833
Children’s Marine Life Books
Poetry For Inspiration
Reading Age: ‎6-18 Years

Amazon Soft-Cover:

Amazon Hard-Cover:


God Loves Sea Animals Too! Written by Diane Kurtz Calabrese:

God Loves Sea Animals Too! Poetry For Inspiration:

He Is Watching by Diane Kurtz Calabrese.

“Compelling and Enlightening”

Christians want to lead a righteous life, yet it can be a challenging desire to fulfill while existing in a society plagued by greed, jealousy, envy, and other sins. As a result, many believers want to know who we are today as a people, a nation, and a world, why we are here, what is life’s ultimate purpose, how we will be judged after death, how God fits into all of this, and much more.

In a thought-provoking presentation, Diane Calabrese shares details from interviews with clergy from different denominations, applicable scripture, peer-reviewed research, and her own insights and reflections to offer an in-depth exploration of the values, morals, and crimes of humanity. Included with stories and books of the mystics, the book of Enoch, and ancient aliens (the fallen angels) as well as other profoundly important phenomena are testimonies from those who had near-death or out-of-body experiences, witnessed paranormal activity, or saw visions or apparitions of the Blessed Mother.

He Is Watching shares insights from clergy, the Bible, research, and a devoted Christian to help believers determine whether they are truly ready to meet Christ one day.

“I highly recommend this thought-provoking book to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of Christian living and a renewed commitment to a life of purpose and virtue.”—Miguel Bustillos, pastor, exorcist, and Christian counselor.

“She is what I call a truth seeker!”—Kenneth Dudley, UFO investigator.

“A deep dive into faith and society that pushes you to reevaluate.”—Nicole Mullaney, author; script supervisor for TV, film, and commercials; award-winning romance novelist, Pen It Publications/

“Compelling and enlightening”—Dan Mariani, author of many books, including Exploring the Boundaries of Time-Space and Our Lives.

“The book is easy to read and leaves you sometimes uneasy with questions asked of the reader of their faith.”—Sheri Adams, Christian, author, artist.

“…eye-opening book of spiritual guidance and uplifting ways to see ourselves.”—Crystal Miles Gauthier, author/writer, CEO of C & J Promotions and Marketing Agency.

“If you want to stretch your understanding and add balance to your belief system, this is a great read.”—Rev. Kevin Hartman, Pastor, Care Coordinator.

“Diane Calabrese’s new book is excellent in helping each of us fully live our lives”—Rev. Dr. John H. Krahn, author, Lutheran Minister.

“… addresses modern challenges through personal faith”—Prof. Krishna N. Sharma, vice-chancellor, St. Louis University, Cameroon; former vice-chancellor, Victoria University, Uganda; Best-Selling Author; World Record Holder; and TEDx Speaker.

“Breaking free from the limits of traditional literature…”—Aldrin D. Nacu, LPT, MATh, MPM, BA in Philosophy, MA in Theology, MA in Pastoral Ministry, Educator, Catholic Writer, and Editor.

Product Details:
Paperback: ‎144 Pages
Publisher: ‎WestBow Press (April 19, 2024)
ISBN-13: ‎979-8385023660
Language: ‎English
Christian Social Issues (Books)
Christian Commentaries (Books)
Christian Spiritual Growth (Books)

Amazon Print:



New Book—HE is Watching! Written By author Diane Kurtz Calabrese:

He Is Watching written by Diane Calabrese:

“Our Prime Purpose In Life Is To Help Others.
And, If You Can’t Help Them, At Least Don’t Hurt Them.” By Dalai Lama.

Mind, Body, Spirit And Discovering The Purpose Of Life by Diane Kurtz Calabrese.

The purpose of this book is offering every one of you who reads it the opportunity of having a clearer perspective of life. God’s greatest gift.

Life really is a miracle in itself and it is so easy to take that for granted. You are not here by chance; I can assure you that. You are God’s miracle, not by luck or chance… but by purpose.

Each and every one of us are here for a divine reason. We are equally gifted by Jesus Christ our life force energy, by God. We are unique in our physical appearance as well as our spiritual essence. We have one soul that is on a journey to learn what it is like to live on the earth’s plane. And this is the earth school. We are here for a very short period of time. Don’t leave here not recognizing what it is you came here for.

From The Inside Flap-Introduction: Our prime purpose in life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them. Dalai Lama.

The purpose of this book is offering every one of you who reads it the opportunity of having a clearer perspective of life…. God’s greatest gift… Life really is a miracle in itself and it is so easy to take that for granted.  You are not here by chance; I can assure you that.  You are God’s miracle, not by luck or chance… but by purpose.  

Each and every one of us are here for a divine reason.  We are equally gifted by Jesus Christ our life force energy, by God.  We are unique in our physical appearance as well as our spiritual essence.   We have one soul that is on a journey to learn what it is like to live on the earth’s plane, and this is the earth school.  We are here for a very short period of time.   Don’t leave here not recognizing what it is you came here for.

In this book I would like to mentor you on how to utilize holistic healing modalities in your life to help you cope, to help reduce anxiety and stress with life’s struggles.  We are not in this alone.  Whether you are rich or poor, have sickness or in good health, no matter what upbringing or childhood experiences you’ve endured…. You are not alone.  You have never been alone.   We have to remember we are all children of God.   We have unique personal experiences and encounters in life… but we all came from the same universal life force energy and that is God.

I have worked 35 years in the healthcare industry.  As a recreational therapist I worked with emotionally disturbed children in various non-for-profit agencies, I’ve worked with mentally ill adults, I’ve worked with the geriatric population, I’ve worked with the patient’s suffering from MS and multiple disabilities; I’ve worked with the developmentally disabled/Autistic populations; and lastly, I’ve worked in palliative care and with disabled Veterans.   Each experience and position I’ve held I’ve felt eternal gratitude to God for the ability to give back to him.  It is very rewarding work, and there is a sense of clear purpose going to work knowing what you do does make a difference in the lives of others.  The greatest gift for me is for a patient to let me know that what I’ve said or what activity I’ve implemented that day made a difference in their life or changed the way they’ve viewed something in a more positive light.  There are challenging days working in healthcare, some good, some bad.   As a recreational therapist you have to be cheerful and happy to elevate the spirits of others in your group and there are a variety of techniques and activities a recreational therapist will do to enhance the lives of their patients, to help them discover their interests and passions that stimulates their cognitive, physical, social and spiritual health.

In this book I will cover many holistic healing modalities that anyone can learn and benefit from.  The core purpose of holistic therapeutic interventions is to recognize what’s already within us, what’s in nature, and that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience to learn and grow and be one more like our maker “God”.

Many people have difficulty discussing topics related to God or the purpose of life because it reminds them of their mortality.  The truth of it is the more we do talk about our existence here, the more focused we will be on our purpose and the less we will be afraid of death.  I have found with people in general it is more of a belief system that was instilled in them as a child.   We are societies of culture, and cultures are diverse… so depending upon your original family’s thoughts on life and how to live will determine your comfort level on discussions of our life’s purpose.   Having no belief in God and raising children to believe it is survival of the fittest, as in the Darwinian theory of evolution will only lead to depression and anxiety from fear that there is nothing.   We are spirits of energy, we have souls, and we are capable of much more than we can even imagine.   Some people utilize their gift of intuition on a stronger level of vibration than others.  It is less about them being more gifted, and more about their trust and faith of God and their understanding that they are more capable and intelligent than they can imagine.   We are creatures of God.  We are supreme beings.  How we spend our time here on the earth and what we think of ourselves is up to us.   What you think you become.  There is a poem on that.

How Do you Think (author unknown):

  • If you think you are beaten, you are.
  • If you think you dare not, you don’t.
  • If you’d like to win, but think you can’t, it’s almost certain you won’t.
  • If you think you’ll lose, you’ve lost.
  • For our way in the world, we find.
  • Success begins with a fellow’s will.
  • It’s all in the state of mind.
  • If you think you’re outclassed, you are.
  • You’ve got to think high to rise.
  • You’ve got to be sure of yourself before.
  • You can ever win the prize.
  • Life’s battles don’t always go.
  • To the stronger or faster man.
  • But sooner or later the person who wins.
  • Is the one who thinks he can.

From The Back Cover: Diane was practicing as a recreational therapist for 30 years and has been certified by the National Council of Therapeutic Recreation since 1992.  Diane holds a master’s degree of Science in Healthcare Policy and Management, and a bachelor’s degree of Science in Therapeutic Recreation. More recently Diane has continued her education getting certificates in various holistic healing modalities-that is her passion today.

Diane has worked in many diverse healthcare settings and was a pioneer in the establishment of a Saturday Youth Program for ED children at the Family Service League back in 1995; the program mentored children in the development of appropriate social skills offered to families of special needs.  Diane was also a pioneer in the establishment of the first afterschool program advocating for recreational therapy services as part of the student’s IEP through East End Disabilities, Inc.   Diane has been a seasoned adjunct professor for Florida International University since 2014.  Diane also has a diverse background in healthcare management.  Diane served on two boards at Stony Brook Medicine- the Healthier U Committee & Subcommittee and the Programming and Budgeting Committee- promoting healthcare initiatives for the hospital employees.  She has also served on Stony Brook Medicine’s- Mental Health Advisory Board.

Diane has written professional publications for Creative Forecasting and did a cable interview on the Public Access Channel with Dr.  Larry Weiss, Associate Director of The Family Service League called “The Center of the Issue”, regarding the establishment of their Saturday RECESS program for emotionally disturbed children.  Diane’s long dedication to the healthcare field led her to teaching higher education to foster that passion with students in the field of recreational therapy.

Review by Alexis Skriloff James, Freelance Writer, and Editor, DBS AIS Publications: “This is a concise but comprehensive book which equips the readers with the necessary tools to improve physical, mental, and spiritual health. Diane has carefully picked effective techniques that can easily be learned and practiced in day-to-day life.”Dr. Krishna N. Sharma/Professor, Vice-Chancellor at Victoria University Kampala in Uganda, Bestselling Author, Researcher, and World Record Holder.

Diane Calabrese is a talented writer who has spent a purposeful life caring for and healing others. This book is more than just a book- it encompasses the years and talent that Diane has brought to many people- similar to some of us- who have suffered injury and pain. The pain could be physical or mental, or emotional. The pain could also be spiritual. All of these aspects work together in a synergist manner. This book details the many different types of healing for our souls – physical, mental, and emotional, from basic physical therapy types of movements to Tai Chi, Pilates, and Yoga. Diane also embraces and shares the ancient beliefs and rituals of our Chakras, incorporating the uses of rocks and crystals, including the histories and meanings of these ancient practices. You can feel the love and compassion that Diane has for our peace of mind and total healing of ourselves and our souls through the presentation in this book. After reading this helpful book, I felt at ease and happy about life. There is hope through healing. I highly recommend the reading of this book. Happy healing.

Review by El-limitless What a beautiful book! A great go-to for preventative health and healing, packed with a variety of therapeutic modalities, including energy work and sensory techniques, like aromatherapy. What’s interesting about this book is that the author incorporates both her stories of healing and her Christian faith, showing that alternative medicine and Christ-centered practice can work hand in hand. I loved hearing about the psychic/spiritual aspects of the author’s life as well as her dedication to her therapeutic practices–and the community at large. Her clients are lucky to have her, and readers of this book will find a wealth of resources to guide them. Jacqueline Henry Moloney is a writer and poet. She is certified in Kundalini Yoga and as a Reiki III practitioner.

“This book teaches how to take care of our lives physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. It introduces different holistic treatments that help us prevent certain mistakes and illnesses. As humans, we are born with a particular purpose to fulfil, but the problem comes when we don’t discover our purpose, and we live according to others’ perspectives of us. The book is filled with guidelines that enable us to find the purpose for which we are created. It shows the difference in our individual physical well-being as well as our spiritual well-being. It also portrayed self-healing practices when broken. It is known that our actions result from our thoughts, and the book also helps direct our thoughts to become better humans.”

Review by Debra Spector, MS, RDN, CDN Author of- The Things I’ve Seen People Do With and Without Food. A Must Read! As an indie author myself, this book moved me in many, many ways… From the serene cover to the gentle pictures, this book truly is a find amongst the mind, body, and spirit books in this genre. As an eating disorder provider, I am well aware of the connection between all three! The chapter that truly resonated with me most, as a recovered codependent, is forgiveness and letting go. Easier said than done! This book is a must read for anyone struggling with anxiety and/or has a strong mind body connection and I highly recommend!

Review by Kelly Shewmaker: 5.0 Out Of 5 Stars. 100% Recommend!!! Reviewed in the United States on November 2, 2022. Verified Purchase. Diane Calabrese has written a beautiful book explaining holistic healing modalities that may be used in a therapeutic setting or in your own healing and spiritual journey. I have been searching for something to help deepen my faith and serve others in new ways. These practices can be used with any religion or belief in a higher power. This book is very cohesive and easy to follow and implement. It will make an excellent personal or professional resource. This book will not leave my bedside!

Review by Lisa Mercredi: 5.0 Out Of 5 Stars. Editorial Review. Reviewed in the United States on November 28, 2023.Diane Calabrese’s book “Body, Spirit and Discovering the Purpose of Life” is a perceptive and thorough examination of the domains of mind, body, and spirit that will provide significant understanding for professionals looking to include holistic treatment into their recreational therapy practices. Calabrese’s work is an invaluable resource that explores the relationship between mental, physical, and spiritual health and fits in nicely with the recreational therapy tenets.

Calabrese skillfully negotiates the complex interplay between holistic health and the search for meaning in life. Her book offers recreational therapists a strong foundation and useful tools and procedures to support holistic healing approaches in therapeutic settings. The book’s strength is in how well it combines theoretical ideas with real-world applications, making it suitable for both inexperienced and seasoned practitioners.

The book also acts as a catalyst for realizing the complex interplay between the mind, body, and spirit in the context of holistic therapeutic interventions, highlighting the multidimensional character of people’s well-being. Throughout the story, Calabrese’s holistic viewpoint is evident, highlighting the interdependence of all aspects of human life and the need of a well-rounded strategy for fostering general wellbeing.

“Mind, Body, Spirit and Discovering the Purpose of Life” is an excellent addition to recreational therapists’ toolkit. Its comprehensive approach and insights give a strong basis for practitioners who wish to include holistic treatments into their work, serving as a roadmap for assisting clients in discovering their life’s purpose and promoting holistic well-being. All things considered, Calabrese’s book proves to be an invaluable tool that enables therapists to develop a more thorough and effective therapeutic approach in their work.

Review by Anne: 5.0 Out Of 5 Stars. My Spiritual Journey through life. Reviewed in the United States on March 3, 2023. Connecting with our spiritual selves is a journey, this book is a guide to connecting with the spiritual part of ourselves. Not to be missed.

Review by Alexis Skriloff James: 5.0 Out Of 5 Stars. If You Would Like to Learn About Total Healing- Then This is The Book For You! Reviewed in the United States on March 6, 2022.Diane Calabrese is a talented writer who has spent a purposeful life caring for and healing others. This book is more than just a book- it encompasses the years and talent that Diane has brought to many people- similar to some of us- who have suffered injury and pain. The pain could be physical or mental, or emotional. The pain could also be spiritual. All of these aspects work together in a synergist manner. This book details the many different types of healing for our souls – physical, mental, and emotional, from basic physical therapy types of movements to Tai Chi, Pilates, and Yoga. Diane also embraces and shares the ancient beliefs and rituals of our Chakras, incorporating the uses of rocks and crystals, including the histories and meanings of these ancient practices. You can feel the love and compassion that Diane has for our peace of mind and total healing of ourselves and our souls through the presentation in this book. After reading this helpful book, I felt at ease and happy about life. There is hope through healing. I highly recommend the reading of this book. Happy healing.

Review by LB1986: 5.0 Out Of 5 Stars. Recommended Read! Reviewed in the United States on May 10, 2022. Mindfulness has become a buzzword in modern society. There are countless books, podcasts, and YouTube channels offering meditations and holistic healing modalities to people looking for alternatives to traditional medicine. As a reader looking for guidance, I look for resources that fit my needs the best. As a practicing reiki healer, I’m also quite particular about the resources I turn to. Meditations for the Mind-Body-Spirit provides inspiration and resonating meditations I’m excited to use over and over again for myself. More so, I’m excited to recommend the book to my clients.

Review by Jeffrey A Webber: 5.0 Out Of 5 Stars. Inspirational! Reviewed in the United States on March 17, 2022. I found Diane’s book to be an absolutely fascinating look at Holistic techniques. It is very well written and guides the reader step by set using narration, diagrams, and beautiful pictures. Also including many inspirational quotes from famous people, this book is not only inspirational but uplifting as well. Whether you are looking to gain in spirituality, or simply relieve stress this book can help. Touching on everything from Chakras, through Yoga, Meditation, Tai Chi and various forms of exercise, this book is a must read!

Product Details:
Paperback: ‎162 Pages
Publisher: ‎ Balboa Press (September 15, 2021)
Language: English
ISBN-10: ‎1982272007
ISBN-13: ‎978-1982272005
Self-Help: Mental & Spiritual Healing
Self-Help: Personal Transformation

Amazon Print:


Customer Reviews:

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Meditations For The Mind-Body-Spirit by Diane Kurtz Calabrese.

This book offers a variety of meditations to enable one to release their daily stress, built up tension, and toxic energy. Guided meditations are a way to let go of your worries for the moment and bring you back to your true, authentic self. It helps re-align the chakras of your body to their natural state of vibration- where you can live more fully, love more abundantly, and react in a peaceful state of mind. Your mind, body & spirit are the essential parts of you-you are God’s precious gift to the world and there is nothing more beautiful than a soul in the state of peace.

Review by Dr. Krishna N. Sharma, International Bestselling Author, Professor/Researcher/World Record Holder. “This book includes different holistic healing practices from different backgrounds, dating back to hundreds of years prior now. It also includes creative expressions in different forms and how they help maintain mental health. Mind, Body, Spirit and Discovering the Purpose of Life also expatiates on the need to have faith both in yourself and in God. Backed up with real-life experiences, Diane Calabrese also throws more light on controversial topics about life and beyond. ” book reviewer-Darlington O. “This is an essential practical book for everyone”-

Review by Adrian Gostick, New York Times bestselling author of “Anxiety at Work” and “Leading with Gratitude”. “Few things can paralyze our progress in life like stress, tension and anxiety. Meditations for the Mind-Body-Spirit offers practical meditations to help anyone develop healthier mindsets. This is a succinct, helpful step-by-step guide to helping you let go of your concerns and focus on finding your best self.”

Review by Vincent Bonadies, MS, CTRS- Chief of Recreational Therapy at U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.  “This inspirational book delivers messages of healing, awareness, and well-being. It is a valuable guide that will enable you to find balance and wellness through conscious awareness. As you read these meditations, you’ll see that they’ll make the journey of your life much more meaningful.”

Review by Kris Brashner, MA, CTRS, Instructor in Health, Science and Recreation Management, University of Mississippi. “As a current Instructor of Therapeutic Recreation and a former practitioner, I just wish I had this book at my disposal during my days in the field.  The meditations are clear, concise, and totally immersive to say the least.  I will be using this book in my personal life as well as sharing this with my students as a wonderful reminder of how meditation can be an integral part of our path to wellness!”

Product Details:
Paperback: ‎94 Pages
Publisher: ‎Balboa Press (April 7, 2022)
Language: ‎English
ISBN-13: ‎979-8765226469
Self-Help: Meditation

Amazon Soft-Cover Link:

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About The Author: What inspired Diane to draft this book was her 30 years working as a recreational therapist. Diane wanted to share special self-help information and holistic healing modalities that not only helped her patients, but herself through life. Recognizing one’s strengths and gifts doesn’t come easy to most. We are forever changing and evolving into a more magnificent soul each day.

Diane Calabrese has been included in Marquis Who’s Who. Ms. Calabrese obtained a Bachelor of Science in therapeutic recreation from Saint Joseph’s College and a Master of Science in health care policy and management from Stony Brook University. While at Stony Brook University Diane served on various boards including the Mental Health Advisory board, and the Healthier U board including the programming and budget subcommittee.

Ms. Calabrese gained valuable expertise in the field of recreational therapy working as a recreational therapist for 30+ years in hospitals, nonprofit agencies, public schools, and universities. In recent years, Diane worked in higher Education for FIU, and as a recreational therapist for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, from which she recently retired.

While Ms. Calabrese continued to excel as an adjunct professor for Florida International University––she certified two courses through Quality Matters––(LEI3542: Principles of Parks, Recreation and Sports Management, and LEI3723 Assistive Technology Lab course.) Diane has also taught LEI4705: Program Planning in Recreational Therapy, and currently teaches LEI4720/6726 Trends, Issues, and Managerial Aspects of Recreational Therapy as well as two holistic healing labs: LEI3723 Reiki Lab and LEI3723 Aromatherapy Lab.

Ms. Calabrese also has an Aromatherapy course open to the public through Udemy Virtual E Learning:

Ms. Calabrese continues to work as a therapist through a virtual platform with Well Me Right. She is a contributing writer for the Journal of Modern Healing, IPHA, Integrative Pain Healers Alliance. She is also a member of the Long Island Author Group. You can find her at many holistic and wellness fairs across Long Island, NY.

Due to her considerable breadth of knowledge, having written two books: “Meditations for the Mind-Body-Spirit” and “Mind, Body, Spirit and Discovering the Purpose of Life, she has been interviewed on podcasts, radio and T.V. regarding her publications.

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Visit Author’s YouTube Channel: Diane Kurtz Calabrese Mind Body Spirit

Book Trailer Playlist On YouTube:

Mind, Body, Spirit & Discovering The Purpose Of Life:

Mind, Body, Spirit & Discovering The Purpose Of Life:

Meditations Of the Mind-Body-Spirit Written & Narrated by Diane Calabrese:

Healing Crystal Cave Meditation–Written & Narrated by Diane Calabrese:

Time Capsule Meditation, Written & Narrated by Diane Kurtz Calabrese:

Water Cleansing Meditation–Written & Narrated by Diane Calabrese:

God Loves Sea Animals Too! Written by Diane Kurtz Calabrese:

God Loves Sea Animals Too! Poetry For Inspiration:


New Book—HE is Watching! Written By author Diane Kurtz Calabrese:

He Is Watching written by Diane Calabrese:

Author’s Page At Book Marketing Global Network:

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