David W. Thompson

OUR READERS TO DATE: 4,596 Southern Maryland Author David W. Thompson! ’Possum Stew by David W. Thompson. How dark do you like your fiction?Are the terrors of day-to-day life enough?Or does it take the creature hidden in the dark woods to stir your blood?Perhaps, a visit back in time to… Continue reading

Justice Is Served by Anastasia Marie Cassella

OUR READERS TO DATE: 566 Justice Is Served by Anastasia Marie Cassella. Sequel to Murder, Secrets, and Injustice in a Small Town. Anastasia Marie Cassella’s ‘Justice is Served-Sequel to Murder, Secrets and Injustice in a Small Town’ is where a young man finds himself in the same predicament that the… Continue reading

Murder Secrets and Injustice In A Small Town by Anastasia Marie Cassella

OUR READERS TO DATE: 526 Murder Secrets and Injustice In A Small Town by Anastasia Marie Cassella. Anastasia Marie Cassella’s book: Murder, Secrets and Injustice in a Small Town accurately depicts small town America with its good and its bad. Come follow Ana’s story about murder, secrets, and injustice in… Continue reading

Sophie London and Evin Foster Mysteries by Christina Siwik

OUR READERS TO DATE: 586 Sophie London and Evin Foster Mysteries. He Never Said Good-Bye & Deception In The Moonlight by Christina Siwik. Sophie London and Evin Foster Mysteries Book One and Two. Sophie London sets out to prove her husband, William, was murdered and not just killed in a… Continue reading

Carron Maitland-Jake Brennan Mysteries by Christina Siwik

OUR READERS TO DATE: 573 Carron Maitland-Jake Brennan Mystery (Two Book Series). Justice For Lindsey by Christina Siwik. A Carron Maitland/Jake Brennan Novel. Carron Maitland and Jake Brennan would have never met in another time and another place. Carron had it all. The heiress to a fortune had built her… Continue reading

Murder Among Friends by Linda Burson

OUR READERS TO DATE: 720 Murder Among Friends by Linda Burson. Emotionally and mentally, Camille Thurston has had it. She needs a much-needed rest from her job and her life in Boston. She decides she’ll find it at her brother Zachary’s home in Connecticut. Little does she know that this… Continue reading

Haunted Southern Maryland by David W. Thompson

OUR READERS TO DATE: 669 Haunted Southern Maryland (Haunted America) by David W. Thompson. Haunted Potomac River Valley! Take a journey to the dark side of Southern Maryland, one of the most haunted spots in America, and visit with the ghosts and otherworldly specters of the area. Southern Maryland is… Continue reading

John Cannon Trilogy by John W. Howell

OUR READERS TO DATE: 695 ***** My GRL by John W. Howell. John Cannon Trilogy Book One. John J. Cannon successful San Francisco lawyer takes a leave of absence from the firm and buys a boat he names My GRL. He is unaware that his newly-purchased boat had already been… Continue reading