Author Joy M. Lilley

READERS/FOLLOWERS: 13,917 Download PDF And Purchase Book(s) At Your Convenience! Joy M. Lilley (Joy Gerken)! Review by M Khan: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. A Heart-Wrenching Journey of Self-Discovery. Bleeds When Broken by Joy M. Lilley. Our protagonist, Fiona talks early on about her troubled childhood, revealing why she is… Continue reading

My Aunt Peggy by Joy M. Lilley

READERS/FOLLOWERS: 1,639 My Aunt Peggy by Joy M. Lilley. This story written by the protagonists niece is an insight to a lady with little education or hope of achievements and success in her life. However she bucked the trend and achieved much in life. Her family loved her dearly and… Continue reading

We Endorse ‘Justice Is Served’ by Anastasia Marie Cassella

READERS/FOLLOWERS: 1,455 Justice Is Served by Anastasia Marie Cassella. Sequel to Murder, Secrets, and Injustice in a Small Town. Anastasia Marie Cassella’s ‘Justice is Served-Sequel to Murder, Secrets and Injustice in a Small Town’ is where a young man finds himself in the same predicament that the main character of… Continue reading

We Endorse ‘Murder Secrets and Injustice In A Small Town’ by Anastasia Marie Cassella

READERS/FOLLOWERS: 1,417 Murder Secrets and Injustice In A Small Town by Anastasia Marie Cassella. Anastasia Marie Cassella’s book: Murder, Secrets and Injustice in a Small Town accurately depicts small town America with its good and its bad. Come follow Ana’s story about murder, secrets, and injustice in the small coastal… Continue reading