Joyful Pussy Cat Tales by Joy M. Lilley

Joyful Pussy Cat Tales by Joy M Lilley.

Pussy Cats are always looking for something to pounce on. They seem to be on an endless quest of adventure. But do we remember how their quest began? From the most gentle to the most fearless, you will read the life stories of a few pussy cats who found their forever home and, with their unique personalities, made a name for themselves.

Product Details:
Paperback: ‎24 Pages
Publisher: ‎Independently Published (July 4, 2022)
Language: ‎English
Young Readers: Short Story Collections
Young Readers: Cats

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Message from Author: Hello, my name is Joy Gerken, pen name Joy M. Lilley. I write and blog at I was a trained nurse all my working life, until I retired in 2015.

My first novel is ‘Figs, Vines and Roses’ a tale of love and loss at the turn of the nineteenth century.

My second novel is called ‘The Liberty Bodice’. This is a completely different genre to the first novel and follows the trials and tribulations of a young girl working for the Special Operations Executive[S.O.E.]in W.W.2.

You can also find my short story ‘Lost and Found’ published in Liphar short stories Vol 1. by Liphar magazine.

In 2016 my novella ‘Times pendulum swings again’ was published. This tells of a hospital romance that starts well, until the truth about the surgical registrar admitting to his nurse girlfriend that he is married with two sons back home in Nepal.

I am hoping to release my fourth publication ‘Strawberry Moon’ a crime, mystery set in the Dordogne, France.

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Twitter: @joygerken

Audio Actor: Voice Artist Joy Gerken:

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