Anastasia Marie Cassella

OUR READERS TO DATE: 4,812 Books Written With “The Flavor Of Maine”! The Seiners by Anastasia Marie Cassella. What has Johnny Cavelli gotten himself into? His peaceful, quiet Granite Island in Maine has become a battle zone for greed. When Johnny calls Uncle Vittorio for some help he did not… Continue reading

Two Sides Of A Bi-Polar Survivor by Anastasia Marie Cassella

OUR READERS TO DATE: 365 Two Sides Of A Bi-Polar Survivor by Anastasia Marie Cassella. Anastasia Marie Cassella’s book, ‘Two Sides of a Bi-Polar Survivor’ shares the promiscuousness, manic side of a bi-polar survivor, along with the depressive, suicidal side. Read about the pendulum of happy and sad times. This… Continue reading