Anastasia Marie Cassella

OUR READERS TO DATE: 4,812 Books Written With “The Flavor Of Maine”! The Seiners by Anastasia Marie Cassella. What has Johnny Cavelli gotten himself into? His peaceful, quiet Granite Island in Maine has become a battle zone for greed. When Johnny calls Uncle Vittorio for some help he did not… Continue reading

The Seiners by Anastasia Marie Cassella

OUR READERS TO DATE: 436 The Seiners by Anastasia Marie Cassella. What has Johnny Cavelli gotten himself into? His peaceful, quiet Granite Island in Maine has become a battle zone for greed. When Johnny calls Uncle Vittorio for some help he did not know that this help came with a… Continue reading

Stalk Or Be Stalked by Anastasia Marie Cassella

OUR READERS TO DATE: 369 Stalk Or Be Stalked by Anastasia Marie Cassella. Have you ever felt that someone has been in your space? Have you ever felt that you were being stalked? Adsila turns the tables on her stalker. 5-Stars: Anastasia reminds us in this short crime fiction to… Continue reading