William P. Robertson

OUR READERS TO DATE: 6,994 Witches, Ghosts & Monsters Of The Keystone State. Pennsylvania Strange by William P. Robertson. Witches, Ghosts & Monsters of the Keystone State Pre-Order Now (Price Guarantee) $14.95 Rectangular in shape, Pennsylvania is 180 miles wide and 310 miles long. It consists of 67 counties and… Continue reading

The Ghosts Revisited Series by William P. Robertson

OUR READERS TO DATE: 976 The Ghosts Revisited Series. Ghosts Revisited 1 (The Ghosts Revisited Series) by William P. Robertson. The Ghosts Revisited Series Book 1. “Ghosts Revisited” exhumes 32 chilling tales from the crypts of Pennsylvania and Western New York. Who knew that Erie Cemetery housed a vampire, or… Continue reading