Special Collection (Romance, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Paranormal, and Humor) by Nick Iuppa and John P. Mendoza

5-Star Multi-Genre Fiction By Nick Iuppa and John Pesqueira!

The Promise Of The Gateway by Nick Iuppa and John Pesqueira.

Deep in the drop behind Green Mountain High, Emily Perkins finds a gateway to the past where she’s no longer a nerd, and the school’s superstar quarterback is in love with her. He hasn’t yet suffered the crippling injuries that will ruin his future, and Emily thinks she can use the gateway to save him. But there’ll be a price to pay. Dangerous distractions wait on the other side. Visions of social injustice haunt everyone who returns. And then Emily learns that the gateway can’t be trusted.

5 Stars: Coming Of Age Time Travel Spectacular!

Emily Perkins, the brainy class nerd at Green Mountain High, is the loneliest girl in the school. She eats alone, spends her break time alone, and is shunned by most of her classmates. She’s also secretly in love with the school’s former super-star quarterback, Jake Kane… even though his life has degenerated into total failure.

Eight years earlier Jake was clearly destined for a career as a superstar quarterback in the National Football League.  He had amazing talent, and real motivation because his family was deep in debt due to his father’s high tech business failures. After rewarding discussions with recruiters from several major universities, everything seems so promising for Jake. He could work it all out, he thought, save his family, and live out his dream.  But less than two hours later, his life and dreams were shattered by a tragic career-ending injury.

As the years pass, Jake’s life crumbled even further, from sorrow to uncertainty to bitter withdrawal. His mother convinced him to take a job as the high school janitor. At least he would still be around the school, still remembered and honored by the school’s football players though he felt less and less deserving and more and more bitter the more he saw them.

And then that nerdy girl, Emily Perkins, dared to come into his life. Somehow, she said, she stumbled on a green shimmery phenomenon in the ravine behind the school, and she learned that it was vortex… and a gateway to the past. She’d already traveled through it and thought that it may just allow Jake to go back to the day of his injury, relive it, and undo the tragic event.  Jake was skeptical, of course, but Emily insisted that they go exploring… together.

From that moment on, the novel deals with both the past and the future, as Jake makes repeated attempts to return to his former life and undo his fate. He soon finds he can’t do it alone. He needs help… and not just help from Emil who is more than eager. He also needs the participation of players on the school’s current team and help from an amazing teacher whose lectures are so powerful that they too are a gateway to the past.

The story’s characters are tied together by Jake’s tragedy, by family bonds, friendship, the teacher’s amazing lectures on social injustice, and their own psychological needs. With them, we face the age-old question of ‘what If?’

What if the Vortex is all Jake needed to go back in time, replay one botched football down, sidestep his injury, and go on to the career that was promised to him?

What if he needs more… to find someone to be injured in his place, perhaps? Would Jake be willing to sacrifice one of his friends to achieve his dream?

And, what sacrifices would you make if you were Jake, or—just as importantly—if you were Emily and suddenly realizing the dangerous consequences of trying to save someone you love.

I invite you to read The Promise of the Gateway… a Coming-of-Age Fantasy that raises important ethical questions for teens and grown-ups alike, and… It’s one heck of a good story.

Editorial Review (Book Marketing Global Network).

Review by Celia: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. The Bonds of Friendship Are Tested Like Never Before. Reviewed in the United States ?? on October 5, 2020. Verified Purchase. The destiny of a high school football star collides with that of a shy class nerd in this enthralling tale of time travel and atonement.

Emily Perkins is no stranger to being alone; she eats by herself practically every day in the school cafeteria, and all her classmates think she’s too smart to want company. But little do they know that the truth is entirely different about shy Emily Perkins. So, when Emily discovers a magical gateway into the past where she’s no longer alone, it seems like her life isn’t so bad after all. Even more astounding, the school’s famous quarterback Jake Cane is head over heels in love with her, something that would never happen back in her own time. Emily is happy to keep the gateway a secret until she realizes the dark and miserable future that awaits Cane, and she quickly shares her secret with him in the hopes that it will prevent a terrible event from occurring. But what she doesn’t realize is that Jake Cane has been waiting for a second chance for years, and he’s not about to give it up now…not for anyone. With the two teens at odds over how to best handle the gateway’s potential, there are other more sinister forces at work that neither one of them could have foreseen. Visitors to the past are susceptible to other kinds of time tripping, including dangerous visits to historic moments inspired by a brilliant teacher. With the lives of their friends hanging in the balance, Emily and Jake must race to uncover the secret of the gateway before they overstay their welcome. The authors have debuted many successful books that revolve around friendship, and this one is no different. Indeed, one of the book’s greatest strengths lies in the portrayal of the unshakable bonds between a group of high school teens and their devotion to one another. At the first sign of distress, one of them is always at the other’s side ready to help or defend their friend. It is this emotional connection within the group that makes the plot so arresting and so intriguing. Of course, the elements of time travel and fantasy don’t hurt either, especially when it involves the idea of redemption and second chances. The authors skillfully combine the best of several different topics into one fascinating story – sports, romance, lessons from history, coming of age, regret, jealousy, and friendship are all important parts of the plot that are weaved seamlessly into the narrative without seeming baffling or disjointed. And while there is a certain darkness to the storyline, it is actually a rich and seductive twilight that brings to the forefront all the complexities and contradictions of being a human being forced to choose between the past and the future. If you’re looking for a unique work of fiction that touches the heart while also exhilarating the spirit, then you can’t go wrong with The Promise of the Gateway.

Review by Kindle Customer: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Very Creative. Reviewed in the United States ?? on November 27, 2022. Verified Purchase. The twist on time travel was very creative. How many of us have thought, “What if I could go back and change…”.

Review by Got To Read: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. A Great Love Story With Time Travel To Boot. Reviewed in the United States ?? on October 6, 2020. Verified Purchase. I really enjoyed this love story of Emily and Jake in High School, then a career ending injury and how they worked together to restore his promising future. I liked the interplay of the other students surrounding the couple, and the interesting side effect of time travel. Such as, the next day in history class, students who had just been through the GATEWAY were transported to important historical events in their teachers lectures. The scenes of social injustice present is in those time-trips were dramatic and very exciting. The book is a great read with interesting characters and lots of action.

Review by Bridget Ball: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. The writing beautifully bridges the gaps of generations in this time travel novel. Reviewed in the United States ?? on June 14, 2022. Emily Perkins is an introverted high school student that prefers taking pictures than making friends. One day she is taking photos in the area behind her school when she stumbles upon a gateway to the past. There, she discovers the janitor at her school was once a handsome prize quarterback and ivy league scholarship hopeful until a tragedy on the field made his dreams come crashing down. Thinking she can help; she brings Jake the Janitor to the gateway not knowing how badly he wants a second chance. Jake makes up his mind that he must go back to fix things, but at what cost?

The writing beautifully bridges the gaps of generations in this time-traveling novel. I had a great sense of history and community reminiscent of Back to the Future. The book made me think in greater detail about my hometown from past, present, and future perspectives. This book also reads differently in the wake of the pandemic. The theme of community, family, friends, and lovers is a timeless and ageless tale that will reach you on many levels. It will remind you of the glory days and make you wonder what-ifs.

I would recommend families read this from varying generations: grandparents, parents, and teens as a family book club that could spark some very interesting discussions. This may very well be my favorite book of the year. This is that rare type of book you keep to revisit generations from now and learn the journey’s lessons all over again.

Product Details:
Hardcover: ‎390 Pages
Publisher: ‎Independently Published (May 19, 2021)
Language: ‎English
Fiction (Time Travel)
Fiction (Coming Of Age)
Fiction (Teen and Young Adult)

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Alicia Trilogy

Alicia’s Ghost by Nick Iuppa and John Pesqueira.

The Alicia Trilogy Book 1.

The astoundingly beautiful Alicia has ended her modeling career in Mexico City, married the love of her life, helped pay his way through college, settled into a comfortable life in Los Altos, California, and now she’s dead… Murdered.

Her husband, Professor Carlos Mann, has wrapped himself in an obsessive-compulsive disorder to hide from that fact. But when Amy Joy, one of Carlos’s students, is sold into slavery by a Chinese mob that traffics in Asian girls, Alicia returns with a vengeance.

Can Alicia save her man, foil the human traffickers, and destroy her murderer? Overwhelming supernatural forces stand against her. But, hell, that just makes her stronger!

Told in the voices of Carlos and Alicia Mann, Alicia’s Ghost is a funny, imaginative and thrilling ride through the human and spirit worlds of Mexico and the American Southwest.

Review by Celia: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. A Sexy Thrill Ride Into an Unforgettable World of Ghosts and Enduring Love. Reviewed in the United States ?? on September 23, 2019. Verified Purchase. If you’re seeking a delightfully naughty and frightful read that’s just in time for Halloween, you can’t go wrong with Alicia’s Ghost. Professor Carlos Mann is still mourning the death of his beloved wife, the stunningly gorgeous Alicia. They were married for only three short years before she was brutally murdered, leaving Carlos in a perpetual state of shock and overwhelming grief. Now he is trying to pick up the pieces and resume a normal life as best he can. But it’s not easy; he still has terrifying nightmares of her murder that cause him to wake up dripping in a cold sweat. His teaching position at Leland University gives him some respite, at least. That’s soon about to change, however; after he befriends one of his students, the shy and charming Amy Joy, he suddenly finds himself caught in the middle of a sex trafficking ring run by a masochistic dominatrix. As he tries to save his new friend from almost certain torture, he’s now got another problem on his hands; Alicia is back with a vengeance, her jealousy knowing no bounds. Alicia’s ghost is determined to haunt her husband’s every move, and doesn’t hesitate to show her displeasure by trashing his apartment. But Carlos will soon need her help if he’s to survive. Can Alicia put aside her jealous fits of rage and save her husband before it’s too late?

It’s easy to feel sympathy for the character of Alicia. Because the chapters alternate between her voice and that of her husband’s, we are able to see the events of her life through her eyes. This allows the reader to gain a deeper understanding of the motives behind her actions, and how these have shaped her into the ghost she has become. Her undying love for Carlos is both heartbreaking and exhilarating, and the reader can’t help but be in awe of her rebellious spirit, even in death. Because she has to confront her own conflicted emotions about Carlos and the reality of living in a world quite different from his, the dynamic between them feels authentic in its portrayal of lovers yearning for each other across a seemingly impenetrable abyss. Never one to shrink from the sensual and tantalizing, the authors continue to delight their readers with scenes of erotic seduction that illustrate the unbreakable bond between Alicia and her grieving husband.

There’s also plenty of adventure and intrigue along the way. The gritty underworld of corruption and exploitation is described in harrowing detail, as is the voracious greed of those in power. And while this lends a satisfying film-noir like mood to the plot, the many comical moments scattered throughout give the narrative a welcome change of pace. Several unique side characters enhance the story with their own motives and desires, adding another layer of complexity without feeling overdone. And since each chapter builds upon the next, there’s never a dull moment. Quite the opposite, in fact; the many twists and turns keep readers on their toes while granting them just the right amount of hints to keep them guessing.

Review by David M. Couzins: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Fun Ghostly Ride. Reviewed in the United States ?? on July 12, 2013. Verified Purchase. Alicia’s Ghost is not a macabre house haunting story, rather, it is a fast-paced ghostly action adventure with some paranormal romance mixed in.

The novel begins with the reader experiencing the anguish of Carlos Mann who has lost his love, but you soon learn that Carlos’ passionate relationship with his wife is not over–not even after she is murdered.

This is a well-written tale of love, murder, and revenge where good and evil characters—both living and dead—interact throughout a kidnapping crime drama that spans from the cosmopolitan San Francisco area down to the dusty deserts of Arizona and Mexico where a colossal clash of supernatural forces explodes with dire consequences for all.

One of the things I found fascinating about Alicia’s Ghost is that ghosts are “people” too and they have every bit as much personality as their living counterparts. Death has not cooled Alicia’s passions so her powerful love and her jealousy are still very much a part of her living husband’s life.

I thoroughly enjoyed this ghostly crime drama and I am looking forward to the further adventures of this highly unusual husband and wife crime fighting team.

Review by James Loftus: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Loved This!. Reviewed in the United States ?? on January 2, 2014. Verified Purchase. Alicia and her Carlos take a journey together into a universe of ghosts and human, into the now and here, and the once was. She is a passionate girl who just won’t move on to the other side, she can’t Carlos needs her. Carlos is pretty much a normal guy; I can relate to him. He is put into an impossible situation, trying to navigate a shady world of sex-slavery, rescuing to Asian girls who are on the block in deadly danger. The Asian crime Lords are very a despicable bunch, most times they do what they want, not this time. Carlos is lucky he has some ghost friends who come to the party and make it an amazing, at times chilling, and others just plain, enjoyable, adventure/thrill ride. I took the ride, and I don’t want my money back.

Product Details:
Paperback: 342 Pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform;
1st Edition (December 18, 2013)
Language: English
Fantasy (Paranormal)

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Alicia’s Sin by Nick Iuppa and John P. Mendoza.

The Alicia Trilogy Book 2.

To avenge her parents’ death, sadistic sex trafficker Tiger Joy sends deadly assassins after Carlos and his beautiful ghost wife Alicia. The pair escapes to Cancun where they battle witches and drug lords to help their friend Señor Popcorn win the love of his life. But the Afterlife Judges aren’t happy with Alicia’s temper, and they send her off to anger management therapy with the ghost of Sigmund Freud.

In old Vienna, the spirit of a seductive crown prince tempts Alicia, and then she’s captured by gypsies who put her on display in the Ghost Chamber of their traveling carnival. Alicia commits an unforgivable sin, and it finally gives Tiger Joy the perfect chance for revenge.

Review by Celia: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. A High-Stakes Sequel That Will Leave You Petrified And Captivated. Reviewed in the United States ?? on October 2, 2019. Verified Purchase. In this thrilling follow-up to Alicia’s Ghost, the inseparable Carlos and Alicia Mann must face sinister new enemies while trying to avoid the wrath of past adversary Tiger Joy as they navigate the precarious worlds of ghosts, drug lords, and gypsies.

Although Carlos and Alicia are finally together again, all is not well; the sadistic Tiger Joy is out for blood after the death of her parents, which she blames on the two lovers. Once word spreads that Tiger Joy has dispatched merciless assassins to eliminate them, the two lovers flee to Cancun where they hope to find safety. Instead, they get anything but; an old friend needs their help, but helping him will require unimaginable confrontations with some of the most dangerous criminals alive. Not only that, the ghosts of the Spanish Inquisition are dead-set on punishing Alicia for her rebellious spirit by burning her at the stake. As their journey takes them to strange and exotic locales, they meet some of the most famous ghosts in history who have a role to play in their questionable fate. But when Alicia is suddenly captured by gypsies, Tiger Joy may have her chance to close in for the kill. That is, unless Carlos can figure out a way to save her.

This second installment in The Alicia Trilogy continues the successful interlacing of two very different worlds, that of the living and the dead, but this time the result is more shocking and fantastical than before. Readers are given an intimate glimpse into Alicia’s past that shines a light on her infamous temper. The suspense is incredibly taught, especially in scenes from their encounter with the Spanish Inquisition; “I continue my charge across an endless distance as I watch the flames reach for my wife and catch fire to the hem of her robe.” With drama such as this, it’s no wonder that the series has developed a loyal cult following. Fans of pulp-fiction will appreciate the flirtatious sexuality and smart one-liners, while paranormal enthusiasts will relish the story’s eerie and dreamlike qualities. The ending is just what one would expect from the series; evil forces are still at large, threatening to regain their strength and return with a vengeance. What better way to prepare us for book three than a cliffhanger? Get ready to indulge in a spine-tingling reading experience like no other.

Review by Lori Schafer: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. A highly satisfying read. Reviewed in the United States ?? on July 7, 2015. Verified Purchase. I noted when I reviewed the first book in this series, Alicia’s Ghost, that I was not normally a reader of paranormal – well, anything. But after Alicia’s Sin, I have to confess – I’m hooked on this series.

While Alicia’s Ghost is an entertaining read with an interesting plot and solid character development, Alicia’s Sin takes the reader even deeper, down into the depths of Alicia’s soul. It is here that we learn the reason behind Alicia’s temper, and what it is costing her, and how it is trapping her between life and afterlife. It’s a fascinating exploration of spirit carefully interwoven into the plot that began with Alicia’s Ghost, and you can sense that this will continue, and perhaps even intensify, in the third book in the series.

I particularly enjoyed the way the authors employed point-of-view changes in telling the story, even, at times, going beyond those of Carlos and Alicia, which makes you feel more connected to the secondary characters who are so vital to the story itself. It’s masterfully done, and perhaps this is what makes the book so compelling to read – you really do become invested, not just in the main characters, but in the whole community of which they are a part, a community of Americans and Mexicans, of drug lords and professors, of living and dead, all working together to support one another and to defeat the evil that oppresses them. All in all, a highly satisfying read.

Review by Charles Masick: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Realistic Imagination. Reviewed in the United States ?? on January 14, 2014. Verified Purchase. I suggest that we call the style used in this book “realistic imagination.” By using the imagination, we are realistically transported to a few different places and times that are extremely interesting. As was the case in the previous book in this series, I especially like the descriptive imagery. It is like being right there, where everything is happening. The depths of emotions felt by the main characters are also very well communicated. The book deals with conflicts among people better than many movies.

From the Aztec region of Mexico to Hapsburg Austria, we experience a few famous historical people from the worlds of politics, music, and science. The book reminds me of a book by Gabriel Garcia Marquez entitled “Love in the Time of Cholera,” which is a very highly respected book that exemplifies the writing style called “magical realism.” That book was made into a movie a few years ago. The imagery of both books is better than many movies, but movie making has developed many options, which may enable movies to match or even exceed the imagery of such writers. I challenge someone to make this book or the previous book into a movie that is even better than the book.

Review by ALY: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Alicia and Carlos are at it again in this fun adventure. This story has ghosts and love and …Reviewed in the United States ?? on December 29, 2014. Verified Purchase. Alicia and Carlos are at it again in this fun adventure. This story has ghosts and love and adventure for all. It great to see what has happen since last we went on an adventure with Alicia and Carlos in Alicia’s Ghost. They have both made new friends and made enemies. This is a great story! I would recommend this to anyone.

Review by Amazon Customer: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. A surprising and suspenseful adventure. Reviewed in the United States ?? on December 21, 2013. Verified Purchase. This book is just a whole lot of fun. Carlos Mann and his beautiful ghost-wife Alicia take on witches, drug lords, gypsies, the queen of Chinatown, the ghost of Sigmund Freud, the whole Hapsburg Empire, and the Spanish Inquisition.

Product Details:
Paperback: 346 Pages
Publisher: Iuppa Creative Group (June 5, 2014)
Language: English
Fantasy (Paranormal)

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Alicia Bewitched by Nick Iuppa and John P. Mendoza.

The Alicia Trilogy Book 3.

Logic Professor Carlos Mann sets out to murder Tiger Joy in her prison cell.

Unfortunately, the gorgeous queen of human traffickers captures him and ships him off to the Yucatan, where the evil witch, La Bruja, uses all her powers to try to weaken and destroy him.

Meanwhile, Alicia calls on friends both living and dead to help save her husband, and in the process, she learns many terrible secrets that were born in the days of the great Mayan Empire … secrets that could save or even destroy Carlos and Alicia.

Review by Celia: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Love Beyond Death. Reviewed in the United States ?? on March 24, 2018. Verified Purchase. A sinister human trafficking ring led by a seductive villain. A powerful and hideous witch that delights in torturing her captives. Lush, intoxicating landscapes simmering with intrigue, mystery, and adventure. A ghost that will do anything to save the man she loves. All this and more embody the immensely satisfying “Alicia Bewitched,” the third book in the Carlos Mann series by Nick Iuppa and John P. Mendoza.

Carlos has finally had enough of the infamous Tiger Joy, and almost manages to kill her as she lies asleep in her prison cell. But before he can bump her off, he is caught and banished to a place that many consider to be hell on earth. Now trapped with the formidable and legendary witch La Bruja, Carlos must use whatever strength he has left to retain his sanity while the witch uses all her powers to drive him insane. Meanwhile, Alicia, his beautiful ghost wife, must try to save him by whatever means necessary. As Alicia recruits her ghost friends to help save her husband, she faces unspeakable odds alongside terrifying monstrositys, the likes of which no ghost has seen before. Will Alicia’s ghost powers be enough to save her husband from almost certain death? Find out for yourself in this gripping, sexy novel that mixes the paranormal with romance and a dash of comedy.

If this is your first Iuppa and Mendoza novel, then you’re in for a real treat. For a unique read that you can’t find anywhere else, do yourself a favor by checking out their other spellbinding novels that are sure to leave you “bewitched.”

Review by ALY: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Alicia Bewitched. Reviewed in the United States ?? on April 13, 2015. I loved mentioned of Grease and The Shawshank Redemption two great movies! I also love new witch added in book. So far, I am very impressed with this book. Alicia is a great character and Carlo’s love for her is such a great love story. I love it when Alicia and Carlos find out more about Carlos’s past and his family lineage. It is great he is a witch. I still say Alicia is my favorite character in this series maybe because we have such great names.

Lucky for me, my sister and I do not have the same taste in men. But she did always try to steal my boyfriends when we were younger so I do kind of understand where the witch sisters are coming from on this. But we were never in love with the same man. My favorite part was when we finally took care of Tiger Joy with her very own Tiger. I love big cats; they hold a soft spot in my heart. I’m sorry for the kitty but I’m glad we got rid of Tiger Joy. I’m so sad Tiger Joy came back as a ghost, though. I do love that in the end Tiger went to Hell. I do miss Sylvia though. But I’m glad Amy Joy got someone special so it all worked out of the most part in the end.

I loved this whole series so much. I can’t wait to see what the authors write next. I don’t think I would change a thing. I would recommend this to anyone who like likes ghost stories or witch stories or just want to read something a little different and exciting. This series had me on the edge of my seat every chapter. Thanks for sharing such a great book!

Review by DT: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Non-Stop. Reviewed in the United States ?? on May 3, 2018. I was provided a free copy of the book to give the authors feedback but liked it so much, I decided to do a review. This isn’t what I usually read and I haven’t read the first two books, but the beginning summaries helped catch me up. Carlos is married to Alicia, even though she’s a ghost, and now they band together with living and ghost allies to defeat the powerful Tiger Joy. This book is well written evoking many worlds within this story with non-stop action. I especially liked the demon sucking crystal ball and the Dread Zones that turn ghosts to dust. At times, I found it hard to keep up due to so many characters and backstories but they gave the story more depth such as the rivalries from the past and the revelation of Tiger’s family history that set her on a path of darkness. I don’t know if there will be more books in this series, but this one concluded nicely.

Product Details:
Paperback: 312 Pages
Publisher: Iuppa Creative Group (April 14, 2015)
Language: English
Fantasy (Paranormal)

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The Alicia Trilogy: 3 Book Gift Set

Now the complete story of Alicia’s Ghost is available as a series of individual books or in a single volume. The ghost of the world’s most haunting and vengeful heroine must battle drug lords, human traffickers, Maya witches, legendary monsters, and the Spanish Inquisition to stay with the man she loves.

All three books for $8.97


Stand Alone Books

Avenging Adelita by Nick Iuppa and John P. Mendoza.

A tender romance with a ticking time bomb at its heart.

There’s a bomb on this train. It will explode before you reach your final destination…because you murdered my wife.

University professor Tom McKeever has just lost his wife Adelita to cancer. But the more he thinks about it, the more he realizes she didn’t have to die.

The faculty and administration of the university where he teaches in Mexico played a major role in causing her death.

Now, Tom relives powerful memories of his life with Adelita as he and the rest of the faculty take a train ride into the mountains. He plans to gain revenge by blowing up the train, killing all those who have wronged him and everyone else on board… including himself.

5 Stars: Fast-Paced, Action Suspense Thriller!

Nick Iuppa, Author of ‘Bloody Bess And The Doomsday Games, has teamed up with John P. Mendoza to bring us another fast-paced, action suspense thriller that will keep readers turning pages and biting their nails.

There’s a large cast of unique characters, many of whom are confined to business class cars on the Copper Canyon Railway as it speeds through the Grand Canyon of Mexico, unaware of the impending man-made disaster that’s about to shatter the serene environment.

Somewhere in the process of grieving for his lost wife, Adelita, his “warrior woman” love, Professor

Tom McKeever walks a thin line between reality and golden memories that keep pulling him back into his-her beauty, delicious aroma, and open arms. The gut-wrenching knowledge that there was an experimental cancer treatment that might have saved Adelita’s life, had it not been for the decisions of one man, is more than Tom can bear. The need for revenge seethes like red-hot embers but conflicts with thoughts dredged up from a Catholic School upbringing: “Vengeance is mine, saith the lord!”

Time is running out, but somehow the collateral damage begins to seem more and more defensible, a justifiable murder suicide. Is it? Find out; come ride the rails into Copper Canyon when time is definitely not on your side.

Avenging Adelita by Nick Iuppa & John P. Mendoza by these two authors give the reader what they have come to expect; great descriptive writing, with dialog and startling transitions from present to past and back again placing the reader in the mind of this widower.

Editorial Review (Book Marketing Global Network).

Review by Amazon Customer: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. High Praise for Avenging Adelita. Reviewed in the United States ?? on December 15, 2014. Verified Purchase. It’s been over a year since Professor Tom McKeever’s wife Adelita died of cancer, but he’s still overwhelmed by bittersweet memories of her and hatred of the university faculty who wronged both of them. He’s out for revenge as he and other faculty members take the train to a mountain resort in Mexico. He’s carrying a bomb with him, to blow up the train and its passengers.

Why is the train detective watching his every move… or is he, really? Does anyone else suspect something, or is Tom just imagining it? And what if he kills a few innocent people along with the others – does he even care? The train keeps a-rolling, the clock on the bomb continuing its count down, and everyone’s time is running out!

Whether Tom’s plan for revenge is justified or not, I found myself caring about this grief-stricken man who is clearly going off the rails himself. I also cared about the others on the train; did any of them really deserve this? Is this really even happening? This combination of a very touching love story and a suspenseful thriller was impossible for me to put down!

Review by W.M. Dawes: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Another compelling offering from this talented duo. Reviewed in the United States ?? on December 13, 2014. Verified Purchase. A tense exciting read. A sweet but desperate love story. I couldn’t put it down.

Review by ALY: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Will the train blow up???? Time is running short. Reviewed in the United States ?? on January 16, 2015. This was a great book. I think everyone should read this book. This book has some sad elements about a man who has lost the love of his life to cancer. It is a hard warming tale as the author takes you through how much he loved and adored his wife. But the professor in the book feels he needs to take revenge on the people in his life who did not help him try everything he could do to save his wife. He decided to blow up the train. There is a surprise ending and it is a wonderful one. I won’t spoil it for you but you will have to read this book to find out the ending. It is worthy it!! * I was given this book from the author for an honest review*.

Review by Amazon Customer: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Wonderful suspense story “Avenging Adelita” by Nick Iuppa & John …. Reviewed in the United States ?? on September 29, 2017. Wonderful suspense story “Avenging Adelita” by Nick Iuppa & John P. Mendoza made a perfect vacation read. While reading the book, I suspected a “happy ending”, however, I had to read to the last time to find out how it ended. The authors are great story tellers and the plot is perfect for the British suspense series.

Review by Henry Shilell: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Absolute Page Turner. Reviewed in the United States ?? on December 12, 2014. Hop aboard the Copper Canyon Railway Express for a hair-raising ride through the Grand Canyon of Mexico where a put-upon professor distraught over the death of his wife plans to set off a bomb killing himself and all his accompanying professional colleagues whom he blames for not helping him get his dying wife into a U.S. experimental cancer treatment program. From the get-go the clock is ticking down to as suspenseful a climax as one can ask. A good story through and through and an absolute page-turner. Check it out.

Product Details:
Paperback: 168 Pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (December 7, 2014)
Language: English
Romance (Suspense)

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Esteban Meets Alicia by Nick Iuppa and John Pesqueira.

As two escaped convicts and the worst sandstorm in recorded memory descend on the little town of La Sentencia, Arizona, Esteban Dorantes encounters a mysterious and beautiful woman. She advises him that (like his great, great grandfather before him) he must set off on a quest in search of the fabled seven cities of gold… to save La Sentencia. She adds that she too has a quest… to find the man who murdered her.

Review by Marc Wade: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. A Quest for the Ages. Reviewed in the United States ?? on August 1, 2016. Verified Purchase. A desperate trek in search of a mythical kingdom, whirlwinds that ravage two continents, a magical jukebox, a failing mine that takes all the workers and their town down with it, a spaceship that blasts off from the center of the earth leaving behind the greatest treasure in the history of humankind… all that AND a personal appearance by the Devil himself and his ultra-sexy head of human resources… what a story!

Review by Derrick: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Very well done. Reviewed in the United States ?? on March 19, 2021. This was so good! The authors out did themselves. I think I’ve discovered I enjoy books about some epic quest. This one was full of very engaging characters. There were one or two that were some of the most evil characters I’ve come across in a while. I had a lot of fun reading this. The sci fi and horror elements were well written. All the action was part of what makes it so much fun. I look forward to reading more from these authors. They do such a great job!

Review by ALY: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Esteban’s Quest. Reviewed in the United States ?? on August 22, 2016. What a wonderful book! This book has it all for me. A great adventure and great characters and a wonderful ride! There was so much in this book! What a epic tale. I enjoyed every minute of it. There are so many great characters but I did not have a hard time getting to know and love each one in my own way. I don’t think there was much left out of this adventure. * I received this book from the author in exchange for a honest review*

Review by Linda Todd: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. A gift from two very talented authors keeps them coming. ☺♥ Reviewed in the United States ?? on August 31, 2016. Amazing story loved it as I know I would great book from the two wonderful authors Nick Luppa, & John Pesqueira. This book I would be so delighted to recommend to my friends. The characters are a lively bunch and they all come together in one hell of a story you will love this book as much as I did. My sincere thanks to the wonderful authors Nick Luppa, John Pesqueira for allowing me the privilege and pleasure of reading this wonderful book so to all happy reading and keep smiling from wee me. xx ☺♥

Product Details:
Paperback: 60 Pages
Publisher: Independently Published (January 28, 2017)
Language: English
Fantasy (Paranormal)

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Esteban’s Quest by Nick Iuppa and John Pesqueira.

Magical Madness.

A fireball launches itself from the Arizona desert leaving behind three camels, a magical jukebox, and a five-year-old girl who only speaks Italian.

Soon, the nearby town of La Sentencia is reeling from a series of disasters. The copper mine, which supports the town, shuts down leaving most of the population unemployed. Massive sandstorms batter the place. And then the Devlin Lucero shows up. He seduces a pretty substitute teacher and then uses her to spread greed, anger, and vengeance everywhere.

In the face of all these trials, Esteban Dorantes decides to retrace the steps of his great, great grandfather, who once led a quest to find the Seven Cities of Gold. Aided by the camels, the wisdom of the little girl, and the spirit of the magical jukebox, he hopes to locate a great treasure and bring it back to save La Sentencia.

Esteban is accompanied by Ceci Moreno, his old high school sweetheart, the only person in town who doesn’t think he’s a madman. But Ceci is still in love Gabriel Romo, another dreamer who somehow feels he can bargain with the devil to save the mine and the town.

Wacky, scary and spectacular, Esteban’s Quest blends science fiction, Aztec lore, classic horror, and offbeat humor into an unforgettable tale of love, destiny, magic, and redemption.

5 Stars: There’s A New Adventurer In Town!

Step aside Indiana Jones. There’s a new adventurer in town. Esteban Dorantes may be a little more reluctant, but he has an even greater sense of destiny than even Dr. Jones. Dorantes is goaded by the desperate needs of his impoverished hometown and visions of his great, great grandfather… an African slave who once led Spanish Conquistadors on the first quest for the Seven Cities of Gold.

The story opens in the Arabian Desert where a wall of wind a mile high and a hundred miles wide, roars though an oasis carrying off a husband-and-wife team of archeologists but leaving behind their five-year-old daughter.

We move to La Sentencia, a small town in Arizona, which is devastated by its own windstorms and other disasters including the immanent closing of a copper mine… the only business in that part of the state.

What’s the link between these two desolate desert locations… the little Italian girl who suddenly shows up on the winds of a sandstorm to advise the residents in Arizona? And then there’s an ancient artifact that may have been left by space travelers. Does it hold the key to the building of great earthly civilizations… and the salvation of La Sentencia?

Esteban Dorantes must have some sense of all this as he decides, at the little girl’s bidding, to takes up his great grand-fathers quest for The Golden Cities and save his home town in the process.

The novel’s fifty-six chapters of action-packed adventure may surpass some of the greatest quests ever told, with its Aztec lore, science fiction spacecraft, magical jukebox, a destiny that spans generations, horror, humor, three camels, talking coyotes, a very sexy substitute high school teacher, the devil himself, and, of course, a love story.

I invite everyone to read Esteban’s Quest and experience this compelling tale for themselves.

I loved Esteban’s Quest by Nick Iuppa and John Pesqueira. I encourage you to purchase other books by the team including: The Carlos Mann Trilogy (Alicia’s Ghost, Alicia’s Sin, Alicia Bewitched) and Avenging Adelita (romance), in addition to the stand-alone novels by Nick Iuppa include Bloody Bess and The Doomsday Games (fictional horror drama featuring ancient vampires, teenage romance, and a top-secret military project) and Taken by Witches (a modern horror story based on Grimm’s Fairy Tales).

Editorial Review (Book Marketing Global Network).

Review by Marc Wade: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. A Quest for the Ages. Reviewed in the United States ?? on August 1, 2016. Verified Purchase. A desperate trek in search of a mythical kingdom, whirlwinds that ravage two continents, a magical jukebox, a failing mine that takes all the workers and their town down with it, a spaceship that blasts off from the center of the earth leaving behind the greatest treasure in the history of humankind… all that AND a personal appearance by the Devil himself and his ultra-sexy head of human resources… what a story!

Review by Derrick: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Very well done. Reviewed in the United States ?? on March 19, 2021. This was so good! The authors out did themselves. I think I’ve discovered I enjoy books about some epic quest. This one was full of very engaging characters. There were one or two that were some of the most evil characters I’ve come across in a while. I had a lot of fun reading this. The sci fi and horror elements were well written. All the action was part of what makes it so much fun. I look forward to reading more from these authors. They do such a great job!

Review by ALY: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Esteban’s Quest. Reviewed in the United States ?? on August 22, 2016. What a wonderful book! This book has it all for me. A great adventure and great characters and a wonderful ride! There was so much in this book! What a epic tale. I enjoyed every minute of it. There are so many great characters but I did not have a hard time getting to know and love each one in my own way. I don’t think there was much left out of this adventure. * I received this book from the author in exchange for a honest review*

Review by Linda Todd: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. A gift from two very talented authors keeps them coming. ☺♥ Reviewed in the United States ?? on August 31, 2016. Amazing story loved it as I know I would great book from the two wonderful authors Nick Luppa, & John Pesqueira. This book I would be so delighted to recommend to my friends. The characters are a lively bunch and they all come together in one hell of a story you will love this book as much as I did. My sincere thanks to the wonderful authors Nick Luppa, John Pesqueira for allowing me the privilege and pleasure of reading this wonderful book so to all happy reading and keep smiling from wee me. xx ☺♥

Product Details:
Paperback: 352 Pages
Publisher: Iuppa Creative Group (July 21, 2016)
Language: English
Fantasy (Paranormal)

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The Battle For The Alamo Taqueria by Nick Iuppa and John Pesqueira.

Remember The Taqueria.

When vigilantes gun down her uncle during an illegal border crossing, an idealistic young Mexican woman decides to make a dramatic political statement by leading a strike force to recapture the Alamo. Then international spies, Hollywood celebrities, the American President, the whole Mexican army, and a teenage kid with a tank become involved… and everything spins out of control.

5 Stars: Funny and Very Interesting!

In this very funny and interesting read, a dreamy young Mexican woman name Claudia Madero joins a group who tries to cross the US/Mexican border illegally and is shot at by American vigilantes.

Her aging uncle is mortally wounded in the incident, and – after being returned to her hometown – she partners with a local priest and a successful merchant in an attempt to make a dramatic statement about the negative consequences of US border policies.

Why not recapture the Alamo, she decides, draw the attention of the press, and force an honest debate about the issue?

Of course, there are bungling players on all sides of this comedy, and Claudia and her “Army” end up liberating, not the real Alamo, but a Taqueria designed as a replica of the historic shrine. It doesn’t seem to matter though. The US President decides that he too wants to make a statement and so he sends the US Marines to confront her.

No matter what your political view, we feel that it is important that everyone be informed about both sides of this complex and difficult issue. This is not the time to ignore current events and become a bystander.

If you like Saturday Night Live, you will love this book. I could see some chapters as a skit with the actor Alic Baldwin cast as Donald Trump.

I think you will really enjoy The Battle For The Alamo Taqueria. It is a powerful but humorous presentation of an important side of the immigration issue and perhaps a warning about apocalyptic consequences.

Editorial Review (Book Marketing Global Network).

Review by Patricia Kenworthy: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. This one Worked! Reviewed in the United States ?? on August 27, 2019. Verified Purchase. I’ve tried to read quite a few books claiming to be funny “takes” on our current political situation and most of them truly failed due to trying too hard to be funny and turning out to be just annoying. This one however, worked for me. I think because the author actually created funny characters and let them drive the story! It was very complicated and very fun!

Review by Gershon Weltman: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. A Fable for Our Times. Reviewed in the United States ?? on April 22, 2018. Nick Iuppa and John Pesqueira demonstrate in this eminently readable book that serious issues of immigration and border walls can be approached with understanding, compassion and most important — good humor. Iuppa exercises his cinematic chops in the book’s a fabulous cast of characters, engaging scenes and complicated but logical plot. Pesqueira shows his knowledge of the Southwest by the book’s grounding in authentic Mexican and Texan history, customs, and dialogue. Together both authors convince us they really love tacos, enchiladas, burritos — and the fiestas they are part of – as much as they love spinning a great yarn. I sincerely recommend this book for its educational as well as entertainment value.

Review by Celia: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. A World Without Borders. Reviewed in the United States ?? on March 5, 2018. “The Battle for the Alamo Taqueria” is an undeniable gem, and a crowning achievement for both Nick Iuppa and John Pesqueira. In an age fraught with political bickering and injustice, the authors have taken the controversial topic of immigration and turned it on its head, with surprisingly charming results.

What begins as a perilous journey through the desert for a group of Mexican immigrants soon becomes a living nightmare when they are viciously fired upon by a ruthless vigilante and overrun by the border patrol. After witnessing her loved ones being treated like animals, Claudia becomes an unlikely heroine in a sweeping political movement that positions her as the new face of Mexican pride and freedom. As Claudia’s loyal friends rally behind her in preparations to seize the Alamo, fierce opposition is brewing in the form of political spies and corrupt business men who are intent on diverting the cause for their own personal gain. But soon, the support for Claudia’s movement is so strong that it has become practically unstoppable, and their defiance of the US President’s plans for a great wall along the border incites awe and panic on both sides. Can a small, impoverished band of immigrants really take back the Alamo and stand up to one of the most powerful nations in the world?

With delightful comedic touches, unexpected romances, and bursts of action, Iuppa and Pesqueira successfully chronicle the struggles and hardships immigrants must face every day. In truth, their book is a rallying cry against the absurdity of barriers of all kinds, both physical and psychological. Ordinary working people who want nothing more than to provide for their families are the heroes here, and they deserve to be heard.

Review by Henry Shilell: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Riveting Tale of Today’s Times Wonderful saga that will bring tears to your eyes. Reviewed in the United States ?? on June 26, 2018. Riveting Tale of Today’s Times. Wonderful saga that will bring tears to your eyes. Timely and definitely relevant to the goings-on in Washington today; it really strikes a chord. Satire. Send-upism. Disturbing political thought and action. The problem for many though is the political situation in this country is just not that funny. Pathetic is more the case. Yes, one can make fun of our Commander in Tweet but to many he’s a complete turn-off and really only one button away from blowing the world to guacamole.

Review by Kindle Customer: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Topical, satirical, and cutting. Reviewed in Australia ?? on August 21, 2019. Verified Purchase. If only love really could TRUMP stupidity. Few novels are actually funny, this is humorous which is probably better. It is logistically impossible but that’s fine, the story moves along nevertheless. The characters aren’t deep but they are engaging. All in all a great story.

Product Details:
Paperback: 236 Pages
Publisher: Dos Milagros Press (February 17, 2018)
Language: English
Humor (Satire Political)

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About The Authors:

Nick Iuppa is the former: Creative Director of Paramount Pictures’ Digital Entertainment, Head of Apple Computer’s Learning Technologies Group, Writer for the Wonderful World of Disney and apprentice animator on How The Grinch Stole Christmas. He’s the author of 9 novels, 4 technical books on new media, and a humorous compendium of management tactics called MANAGEMENT BY GUILT. Nick’s an avid international traveler, hiker, and adventurer. He and his wife, Ginny, live in the San Francisco Bay Area.

John Pesqueira studies at the University of Arizona, Columbia, and Stanford prepared him for an impressive career in media design and development. His passion for the visual arts and popular culture continue to inform his creative efforts and still inspire his writing and photography. John grew up in the Sonoran Desert and his love of the history, legends, and people of the American Southwest and Mexico remain a major focus of his work. John lives with his wife in Northern California.

Novels by Nick Iuppa and John Pesqueira:

  • Alicia Bewitched
  • Alicia’s Sin
  • Alicia’s Ghost: The Alicia Trilogy Book 1
  • Alien Inquisition (The Peacemaker Book 2)
  • Alien Mission (The Peacemaker Book 1)
  • Alien Inquisition (The Peacemaker Book 2)
  • Avenging Adelita
  • Esteban Meets Alicia
  • Esteban’s Quest
  • The Battle For The Alamo Taqueria
  • The Promise Of The Gateway

Novels by Nick Iuppa:

  • Bloody Bess And The Doomsday Games
  • Taken By Witches
  • The Sitcom Murders 1: Sexy Sixties Sitcom by Nicholas Victor (aka Nick Iuppa)
  • The Witch Within Her
  • Species II by Nick Iuppa

Contact Us: We love hearing from our readers and learning what they like or don’t like about our stories. We’d be very grateful if you would send us a quick e-mail and tell us what you think of Alien Mission. We promise we’ll answer personally and directly. Please contact us at the link below to tell us what you think and let us thank you for reading our books. Contact Nick & John at dosmilagrospress@Gmail.com

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