Author Behcet Kaya

READERS/FOLLOWERS: 9,115 Download PDF And Purchase Book(s) At Your Convenience! Florida Author Behcet Kaya! The Jack Ludefance PI Series! Treacherous Estate by Behcet Kaya. Crime Story (A Jack Ludefance Novel). While enjoying his usual Friday night after dinner beer at a local restaurant, Jacques (Jack) Ludefance’s evening is suddenly shattered… Continue reading

The Jack Ludefance PI Series by Behcet Kaya

READERS/FOLLOWERS: 1,698 Florida Author Behcet Kaya! The Jack Ludefance PI Series! Treacherous Estate by Behcet Kaya. Crime Story (A Jack Ludefance Novel). While enjoying his usual Friday night after dinner beer at a local restaurant, Jacques (Jack) Ludefance’s evening is suddenly shattered when a beautiful young woman sits down next… Continue reading

Murder On The Naval Base by Behcet Kaya

READERS/FOLLOWERS: 1,644 Florida Author Behcet Kaya! Murder On The Naval Base by Behcet Kaya. Murder on the Naval Base begins with a blurry account of a cold-blooded shooting of a couple, singled out while having dinner at an Officer’s Club. The prime suspect is apprehended hours later while apparently attempting… Continue reading