A Distant Earth by Nick Iuppa and John Pesqueira

OUR READERS TO DATE: 362 5-Star Multi-Genre Fiction By Nick Iuppa and John Pesqueira! A Distant Earth by Nick Iuppa and John Pesqueira. When interstellar travelers discover a planet teeming with life but devoid of humanity and art, they send an armada of spacecraft hoping to recruit Earth’s indigenous people… Continue reading

Special Collection (Romance, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Paranormal, and Humor) by Nick Iuppa and John P. Mendoza

OUR READERS TO DATE: 446 5-Star Multi-Genre Fiction By Nick Iuppa and John Pesqueira! The Promise Of The Gateway by Nick Iuppa and John Pesqueira. Deep in the drop behind Green Mountain High, Emily Perkins finds a gateway to the past where she’s no longer a nerd, and the school’s… Continue reading