We Endorse ‘Mariah Crime Mystery Series’ by Janice (J. E.) Spina

Fiction Crime, Mystery, Thriller, Suspense Series.

Middle-Grade/Preteen/Young Adult.

Hunting Mariah by Janice (J. E.) Spina.

Mariah Series Book One of Two.

An insane killer, obsessed with blood and death, seeks revenge with those he perceives wronged him. He is now on the loose. His next victim may be Mariah.

Book Endorsement and 5 Stars From Book Marketing Global Network!

5 Stars: Mariah has lost her memory. Will she remember what has transpired in her past? Can Mariah escape this deadly killer’s grasp? Will she finally be safe? Will the killer be apprehended? Jump right into this intense crime, mystery, thriller set in a suburb of New York as author J. E. Spina introduces the reader to the thought process of a serial killer.

“His senses were tingling with the sight, smell, and feel of blood. The silky texture of it and its coppery smell and even the intoxicating taste of it. Just the smell alone could cause desire to rush through his body causing a compelling urge to kill. He felt a thrill at the prospect of taking a life.”

Meet Mariah Michelle Hampton and Dr. Roberts as he begins the slow meticulous process of bringing her memories back while in a safe place at the Dr. Darin J. Roberts Memorial Hospital in Lindan, New York. Many people care about and are looking out for Mariah whether she fully realizes it or not.

There are so many unanswered questions like who was the mystery man that dropped Mariah off at the hospital? How did he know her taste in clothing and detail to sizes when he dropped items off for her? What happened to her and why is it that she can remember some of her childhood memories, but not the last few weeks?

Travel with Mariah on a psychic journey to recover her memories and live with the consequences surrounding her trauma and life with a maniac that might still be at large and want to finish what he started.

Hunting Mariah by J. E. Spina is the beginning of a great crime fiction series.

Editorial Review and Endorsement by Book Marketing Global Network.

From The Author: Hunting Mariah was written about twenty years ago but took a back seat to my children’s books. Once I published five children’s books, I decided it was time to edit my novel and get it published.

I have been asked in several interviews online what influenced me to write this type of story. My answer to this is nothing. The story just strangely came to me one day and I felt compelled to put it on paper. The killer frightened me and will probably scare a lot of my readers too. Chuckle! I did have two children at one time in college and since this serial killer appears on campus it made me think of the time there was some trouble on my son and daughter’s college campus. It is purely fictional and from my vivid imagination, thank goodness.

My future plans are to edit and publish two more novels of different genres over 2015 and will be publishing two more children’s books and a middle grade series. My goal is to have Jemsbooks for all ages.

Product Details:
Paperback: 349 Pages
Publisher: Janice Spina (October 19, 2014)
John Spina (Illustrator)
Language: English
Children: Fiction (Crime Mystery Suspense)
Children: Mystery (Thriller & Suspense)
Middle-Grade/Preteen/Young Adult


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Mariah's Revenge by Janice (J. E.) Spina

Mariahs Revenge by Janice (J. E.) Spina.

Mariah Series Book Two of Two.

This book begins where the first book, Hunting Mariah, left off. This suspense/thriller/crime novel will keep you turning pages as the tension grows. There will be twists and turns and some surprises. Many of the same characters will be in play to give support and encouragement to Mariah along the way.

A new man comes into Mariah’s life that reminds her of someone she wants to forget. He threatens to bring back the horrors that she and her family once endured. While the one she wants to forget suffers from a horrendous attack that puts his life in jeopardy.

Mariah must draw on her strength and resilience to survive danger at every turn. How much more can Mariah endure? How far will Mariah go to protect her family?

Book Endorsement and 5 Stars From Book Marketing Global Network!

5 Stars: Mariah’s Revenge is the thriller/suspense/crime fiction sequel to Author Janice (J. E.) Spina’s book titled ‘Hunting Mariah’. If you remember in book one, we traveled with Mariah on a psychic journey to recover her memories, as she lived with the consequences of living life with a maniac.

Jump right into book two as we get a better understanding of Sage’s killing spree across New Hampshire, Vermont and New York. While police officers, FBI agents and others are looking for Sage, Mariah buried herself in her studies, as she is determined to move forward.

Sage has encountered an enemy of his own, beyond his wildest imagination. While he is dealing with injuries of his own, he is unaware that someone is watching Mariah and ready to “take over where he left off”.  When a body of an old woman, a dog and then another body at Tambor Lake is discovered, the authorities know they are dealing with a psychopath and the body count is sure to rise.

Author Janice (J. E.) Spina uses a full case of supporting characters in this suspenseful, action-driven drama where Mariah finds the courage to take things into her own hands. Mariah is not one to give up. Her heart is open for lasting love when her grandmother shows support for her and Tony.

Mariah showed her courage and determination to handle any situation and I quote. “Mariah pushed open the door and moved her light back and forth. She saw a mess of broken down furniture piled up in one corner of the room and a bed in the other. The covers appeared to be piled up under the bed. She moved closer to look under the pile. She kept her gun out in front of her and the light sweeping back and forth. Mariah wasn’t prepared for what happened next.”

This is a must read if you believe in the kind of fortitude that Mariah uses to work through her tragedies and the kidnapping to forge a friendship and embrace whatever life has next in store.

Mariah’s Revenge by Janice (J. E.) Spina is an adventure that is not over. I now wait for the third book in this series to find out what life has in store for Mariah.

Editorial Review and Endorsement by Book Marketing Global Network.

From The Author: AUTHORSDB FIRST LINES CONTEST – FINALIST! This is the sequel to Hunting Mariah. It picks up where the first book left off. There are plenty of twists and turns and surprises for readers. If you want to get into the mind of the killer you should read Hunting Mariah first. These two books will have you turning pages swiftly to find out what happens next.

Product Details:
Paperback: 350 Pages
Publisher: Janice Spina; 1st Edition (March 13, 2018)
John Spina (Illustrator)
Language: English
Children: Fiction (Crime Mystery Suspense)
Children: Mystery (Thriller & Suspense)
Middle-Grade/Preteen/Young Adult

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