Children’s Fantasy Fiction.
Each Book Enjoyed Separately.
Reading Age: 8-12.

2024 Release!
The Land Of Now And Then: A Magic Islands by Irene Edwards.
Book 3 of 3: Magic Islands.
‘The Land Of Now And Then’ is book 3 in the ‘Magic Islands’ series.
Step into the wonderful world of the ‘Magic Islands’ for the third time, as the magical, mystical, educational series continues…
Still too much of a handful, even when captive, the naughty Purple Wizards are once again exiled for their environmental crimes – this time to a mythical land which shouldn’t exist, a land of extinct animals and ancient fictional beasts. A land where time has suddenly stood still, caused by the same lunar eclipse which brought them there…
Wizard Ambrosious needs help to start time up again – or half the Land of Now and Then will be in perpetual darkness, the other half perpetual light, and nothing will grow or thrive. He again needs the help of a particular group of schoolchildren, from a particular school in White Stone Town, Wales…
So, Stefan and Megan, this time with their friend Trevor, are called on once more to save the Magic Islands from climate catastrophe, by helping to find a missing magical Box of Secrets and its Golden Key. Their investigation will introduce them to a host of long-extinct animals of Planet Earth: a Gigantopithecus, a Dodo, a Parasaulophus, and the inhabitants – both terrifying and friendly – of fearsome Dinosaur Country. Join them as both they and the Purple Wizards learn all about these real and legendary creatures, finding friendship and purpose along the way – and perhaps saving the Land of Now and Then from its inevitable end…
A fun and exciting magical adventure for 8-12-year-olds, with an important environmental message…
Review by Réal Laplaine: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. An entertaining and educational story for children. Reviewed in the United States on June 19, 2024. Verified Purchase. The Land of Now and Then, Book 3 in The Magic Islands children’s fantasy and adventure series, is just that – a magical adventure, where a group of children find themselves inexplicably transported to a land where creatures, both fantastical and either extinct or nearly so, have been saved from extinction and are protected by a powerful wizard. In their encounters, and their mission, they, and the reader, learn about these creatures; about dinosaurs which once roamed the Earth in abundance, now only a handful remain on the Magic Island. In addition to being an imaginative adventure, the book teaches a lesson about life, about the value of all creatures large or small, about the importance of maintaining an eco-system where the balance of the world is not disrupted to the detriment of any living thing. I recommend this book for children as both entertaining and educational – raising awareness on an important issue in our times – protecting the balance of life.
Review by Gigi Sedlmayer, Book Excellence Award Finalist winning author of the Talon series. 5.0 out of 5 Stars. It’s Magic! Believe it or not! Reviewed in the United States on January 18, 2024. Verified Purchase. Reading that book, you will be transported into the magical world of purple Wizards and other worldly creatures and even to extinct creatures, like the dinosaurs. (they all kept alive there by the wizard Ambrosious).Three friends, Megan, Stefan and Trevor are once more being transported into the magical world of The Land of Now and Then to help the creatures to get their clock running again, so the darkness, that was creeping into their land, will stop and they can go on living. Very well written and I enjoyed reading it.
Review by James Stokes. 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on June 7, 2024. Verified Purchase. Magic Islands is a well written story which will captivate and immerse children in the story’s magical elements. At the same time they will become aware of the serious message portrayed by the book. Our world is a fragile environment which needs to be cared for in an appropriate manner. Human beings are the stewards of this planet who need to take this responsibility seriously. As a teacher for nearly forty years Irene Edwards book is a must read for older primary school pupils.
Review by Amazon Customer: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Great children’s book. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on April 7, 2024. Verified Purchase. The third in the series of Magic Island books, again touches on themes of the environmental issues. This time set in the mythical land of now and then ,with some familiar characters from the previous two books. This was a joy to read from beginning to end, and perhaps the best of the three novels. Suitable bed time reading for any children, it’s sure to fire their imagination within the world of Magic Islands.
Review by Claire. 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Fantastic third book of the trilogy. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on April 1, 2024. Verified Purchase. This is my favourite of the trilogy. Fantastic plot and characters. I also bought copies for children in the family who are eager to discover what happens next. Highly recommended for children 8-12 years who will love this series.
Review by Topsy: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Wonderful book to capture children’s imagination. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on March 27, 2024. Verified Purchase. I purchased this book to read with my 9 year old son. He has a huge interest in prehistoric animals and dinosaurs and this story weaves together magic, dinosaurs and an important message about climate change. A must read for children (and adults).
Product Details:
Paperback: 166 Pages
Publisher: Independently Published (January 3, 2024)
Language: English
Children’s (Fantasy Narrative)
Children’s (Fantasy Adventure)
Children’s (Eco-Fiction)
Reading Age 8-12
Amazon Print:
Chaos In The Cosmos: A Magic Islands Story by Irene Edwards.
Book 2 of 3: Magic Islands.
The second instalment in the fun and exciting Magic Islands fantasy-adventure series for younger children picks up where A Spooky Wish left off – and an even more important environmental message.
Far off the coast of Wales are the mysterious, legendary Magic Islands. Once hidden and inaccessible by the treacherous seas surrounding them, the curse of the Hook-Eyed Cyclops Monsters has now been lifted by Ambrosious, Wizard of the Magic Forest. Now Cyclops leader Domadron is worried that people will come; they will bring their pollution and ruin the beautiful seas he calls home.
But an even bigger threat is brewing, out in the cosmos!
For, exiled into space for their wicked deeds on the Magic Islands, the evil Purple Wizards, and their boss Izzy Odorous are up to their usual evil scheming. And this time their actions threaten the whole of Planet Earth! Because, in their vengeance against Ambrosious and his friends Megan and Stefan, they’ve ended up creating an environmental catastrophe! Can enemies and friends alike put differences aside to stop them?
Chaos in the Cosmos is a fantasy narrative for children aged between 8 to 12 years.
5 Stars: Fun, Educational Action Adventure For Kids 8-12!
Chaos In The Cosmos (Magic Island Story) is book two in the Magic Island series. In this wonderful learning adventure, Author Irene Edwards uses the fun and games of the Purple Wizard to bring children back to the Magic Islands. As we learned in book one Magic Island, somewhere along the coast of Wales, there once existed a small group of islands. They were mysterious islands, often believed to be magical islands.
Your child will enjoy the familiar characters Stefan and Megan, if he or she has read Magic Islands. Some of the chapter titles include Hook Eyed Monsters, The Spacecraft, Landing on Mars, Morning on the Red Planet, Volcano Olympus Mons, Let’s Explore the Underworld, Domadron, and the Cyclops, The Golden Puddle, Merlin’s Cave, The Red Wizards Tower, A Hiding Place, and Believe It or Not to name a few.
The Story Begins:” The story begins when the “Magic” happens, and the Purple Wizards are sent spinning from the Magic Islands to the Red Planet, Mars, where they experience a Space adventure on the mystic planet and its hidden Underworld.
…In order to escape from the Underworld and from Planet Mars, Izzy Odorous and his gang of Purple Wizards are faced with having to regain their own powerful magical strengths. With newly regained powers, they mischievously venture out on a magical mystery tour and later threaten danger to the well-being of the entire Planet Earth.
…Scratchit is the much feared, adorable, baby Hook-Eyed Cyclops Monster, who creates havoc by way of his very own busy magical mischief, as he whisks the children, Stefan, and Megan, on a terrifying journey to the Magic Islands.
…But when the children are confronted with the impending perils of global warming, they are also faced with having to help the magical inhabitants of the Magic Islands in their fight for survival during a rapidly changing climatic crisis.
Let me bring you into the story here:
… “Cheer up, Megan. Let’s get away from these sand dunes and shelter somewhere cool, such as the caves,” Stefan said briskly.
…How could she feel cheerful? She stood up and trailed after Stefan as he headed for the caves at the Land of Rocks.
… “Do you think the caves will be a safe place for us?” Megan frowned. “They can’t be. Some of the rocks on the coast are tumbling into the sea?”
… “Perhaps they may be safe enough, but I’m not really sure. At least the caves will offer shelter from the sun. I feel so cross with Scratchit today. The silly little Cyclops has brought us here and dumped us on these islands,” Stefan mumbled in annoyance.
… “But, I’m seriously worried, Stefan.” Megan sighed in despair, “What if…we really are alone on these Magic Islands, and there is no one here, to help magic us back to Wales? What if…there is no food for us to eat… or fresh water to drink, and we dehydrate?
…What if…the Magic Islands flood over?
…What if…?”
My Thoughts: Author Irene Edwards teaches children about planet earth and the cosmos in this fun, adventurous, action-adventure, using words and beautiful hand-drawn illustrations.
Children eight to twelve will enjoy reading with an adult or alone. This book will make a great gift, bed-time story, library book, or a summer reading adventure.
The author’s desire to educate children and adults about the preservation of our planet shines through in her books. Irene provides educational guides, free worksheets for classroom and group discussions. (
Editorial Review and Endorsement by Book Marketing Global Network.
Review by Gigi Sedlmayer, Book Excellence Award Finalist winning author of the Talon series. 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Believe it or not, you only have to say: “Fuzzy-Pickles! Wiggly-Jiggly! Itty-Bitty-Magic-Bits” and all you want is happening. Or is it? A wonderful story, not only for the young. Magic Island, Purple and red Wizards, Hook-Eyed Cyclops Monsters. And Steven and Megan, who was magically wished away from their school outing visiting Merlin’s Cave, by the baby Scratch it. But that is not all. You have to get the book to get the full story. Wonderfully written, easy to read. Great for children. Hi prices for it. I have started with the second book, but now I have to get the first and will see, how all started.
Product Details:
Paperback: 187 Pages
Independently Published (July 5, 2023)
Language: English
Children’s (Fantasy Narrative)
Children’s (Fantasy Adventure)
Children’s (Eco-Fiction)
Reading Age 8-12
Chaos In The Cosmos (paperback):
Amazon Print:
Chaos In The Cosmos (kindle):
Customer Ratings:
A Spooky Wish: A Magic Islands by Irene Edwards.
Book 1 of 3: Magic Islands.
Centuries ago, there were a group of mysterious, some say magical islands, which fell victim to a monsters’ curse, making them unreachable by sea. The islands were all but forgotten.
But now a group of wicked, exiled Purple Wizards, led by the horrid Izzy Odorous, have found their way to the Magic Islands, and immediately make their evil plans to rule it and its people.
Meanwhile, on a beach in Wales, two friends on a school project have found some very strange items, including a Book of Spells and a magic shell. Wishing they could learn where the items came from, Megan and Stefan are suddenly themselves whisked away to the Magic Islands, where they meet a collection of bizarre characters, including a silly jester, a pair of mean witches, a friendly dragon, a kidnapped king and a powerful, ancient magician. Soon they are all joining forces to stop the Purple Wizards’ wicked plan and lift the islands’ curse forever – and hopefully get the children back home!
A fun and exciting magical adventure for 8-12-year-olds, with an important environmental message.
5 Stars: Magical Read For Children 8-12 Years!
Prologue: Magic Islands (Book One):“Somewhere along the coast of Wales, there once existed a small group of islands. They were mysterious islands, often believed to be magical islands. Some were mountainous and craggy, others only undulated from high to low levels, from hillside to valley.
…The islands had few visitors, for the journeys across the seas to these islands were often treacherous, the seas around them being moody and the pathways unclear.
…It is said many ships had vanished in the rough waters and never returned home to Wales. When ships returned homewards, their sailors refrained from venturing again to the islands for they feared the mighty waves and great anger of the choppy seas.
…Ancient mariners often returned telling mystical and magical tales of having spied from a distance a curious clan of magical dwellers on the islands.
…But there was never any proof of such tales.
…As time went by the islands faded and vanished and the tales of the magical islands were soon forgotten, seemingly forever…”
Forgotten until now! Author Irene Edward unlocks the mysteries of these fictitious Islands.
Let me quote from Part 11- ‘A Call for Help’:
… “Come on, Megan, let’s become invisible.”
… “This Magical Enchanted Forest is the strangest of places,” Megan glanced through the trees as she spoke. Hundreds of cuckoos called out their cuckoo songs tunefully. The woodpeckers were hammering at branches with their sharp beaks.”
…” Rata-tat! Rata-tat! Rata-tat!”
…Above the children’s heads, hawks and eagles squawked eerily. But although the forest was oddly noisy, the children became alarmed by the trees, for they were not standing still and rooted, but were moving around in the forest, hovering and swaying, pushing, and shoving, falling, or rushing around in all directions.”
… “It would help us if the trees stayed in one place,” Stefan said nervously. “How on earth can we keep away from the paths, when the paths keep moving around everywhere?”
My Thoughts: This is a fun read, where character Stefan and Megan make a wish on a Conch shell found on the Welsh coastline. Transported to the ‘Magic Islands’ by their wish, the story-line and beautiful hand-drawn illustrations come to life on the pages.
Never a dull moment as wizards, witches, elves, dragons, castles, and a magical enchanted forest fills the readers imagination.
Children eight to twelve will enjoy reading with an adult or alone. This book will make a great gift, bed-time story, library book, or a summer reading adventure.
The author’s desire to educate children and adults about the preservation of our planet shines through in her books. Irene provides educational guides, free worksheets for classroom and group discussions. (
Editorial Review and Endorsement by Book Marketing Global Network.
Review by: Gigi Sedlmayer, Book Excellence Award Finalist winning author of the Talon series. 5.0 out of 5 Stars. What an amazing magical read. I have read other magical books before, but that one tops them all. It is very different but just fantastic. With great illustrations. loved them to see all now then, as they pop up between.
Review by Elizabeth Rees: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Lovely read. Bought this book for my Grandsons, they loved it and can’t wait for grandma to buy them the next 2 books. Well done Irene Edwards look forward to reading more of your lovely easy to read books to my grandsons.
Product Details:
Paperback: 193 Pages
Publisher: Independently Published (March 23, 2023)
Language : English
Children’s (Fantasy Narrative)
Children’s (Fantasy Adventure 8-12 Years)
Children’s (Eco-Fiction)
A Spooky Wish (paperback):
Amazon Print:
A Spooky Wish (kindle)
About Irene Edwards: Irene Edwards is a retired teacher who now writes fantasy fiction for children. As an educator, she taught Primary level in many parts of the UK; London, Essex, Coventry, Midlands, Cardiff, Port Talbot, Swansea and Carmarthenshire. She then qualified as a Teacher of the Deaf at The Lady Spencer Churchill College, Oxford, working at first within unit settings and later moving to peripatetic, for schools and clinics. Knowing how important literature and language was to the structure of speech and language development, on retirement she began to research into the imaginary minds of children and their world of literature and writing. To find out more visit:
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Author’s Page At Book Marketing Global Network: