John Cannon Trilogy by John W. Howell


My GRL by John W. Howell.

John Cannon Trilogy Book One.

John J. Cannon successful San Francisco lawyer takes a leave of absence from the firm and buys a boat he names My GRL.

He is unaware that his newly-purchased boat had already been targeted by a terrorist group. John’s first inkling of a problem is when he wakes up in the hospital where he learns he was found unconscious next to the dead body of the attractive young woman who sold him the boat in the first place.

John now stands between the terrorists and the success of their mission.

Product Details:
Paperback: ‎273 Pages
Publisher: ‎Keewaydin Lane Books; Second Edition (February 20, 2017)
Language: ‎English
Mysteries (Action and Adventure)
Mysteries (Spies and Politics)
Mysteries (Thrillers and Suspense)
Mysteries (Legal Thriller)
Mysteries (Terrorism)
Legal Thriller (Spies, Politics and Terrorism)

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His Revenge by John W. Howell.

John Cannon Trilogy Book Two.

America loves John Cannon, its newest hero, and the President wants to present him with the highest civilian medal for bravery for saving the Annapolis midshipman from a terrorist plot to destroy them. While in Washington for the award ceremony, John unwillingly becomes an accomplice in another plan by the same group to attack the credibility of the US President and the stability of the worldwide oil market. There is no way out as John either becomes a traitor to America or causes thousands of innocent people to die if he refuses.

The second John J. Cannon Thriller moves from a barrier Island off the coast of Texas to Washington DC, then to Northern California, and finally to Ecuador. John is on the receiving end of an offer he cannot, refuse. His avowed enemy Matt Jacobs now wants John to help him shake the reputation of the US in the world political arena. If John refuses, Matt plans to murder innocent Americans including John’s latest relationship. John’s only way out is to pretend to go along with the plan and hope for a miracle.

Product Details:
Paperback: ‎282 Pages
Publisher: ‎Keewaydin Lane Books; 1st Edition (October 15, 2015)
Language: ‎English
Mysteries (Action and Adventure)
Mysteries (Spies and Politics)
Mysteries (Thrillers and Suspense)
Mysteries (Legal Thriller)
Mysteries (Terrorism)
Legal Thriller (Spies, Politics and Terrorism)

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Our Justice by John W. Howell.

John Cannon Trilogy Book Three.

The terrorist leader and financier Matt Jacobs has figured out a plan to eliminate the President. He is relying on John Cannon’s stature as a hero to help him carry it off. John finds himself walking the fine line of pretending to help Matt while trying to figure out a countermeasure to the plan.

The third book in the John J. Cannon Trilogy brings together two strong wills for a showdown. The question to be answered is who will feel the satisfaction that the achievement of justice delivers? John, Matt or neither?

5 Stars: Dangerous World!

For all you John Cannon followers ‘Our Justice’ (trilogy book three in the series) is finally here.

To refresh your memory, ‘My GRL’ is book one in the series. Like a lot of business men who tolls in an office setting day in and day out John J. Cannon takes a leave of absence from his firm, buys a boat and names her “My GRL”. Life was looking up until he wakes up in the hospital and finds out that he was found unconscious beside the woman who sold him the boat. If you have read this book, you know where the story goes, if not, you need to read book one to see how the purchase of this boat brings John into the dangerous world of terrorism, counter-terrorism and politics that will either bring out the best or the worst in him.

Book Two of this thriller trilogy is titled ‘His Revenge’ for a reason, but revenge my not be what John imagines. In fact, he unwittingly becomes an accomplice in a plan to attack the credibility of the US President and topple the worldwide oil industry. How will John get out of this without becoming a traitor to his country and endangering thousands of lives?

‘Our Justice’ is here, and now you must find out if justice is as sweet as revenge. Let me start with a quote from Chapter three to catch you up and whet your appetite.

…The two agents explain something about being called off the case. Ned asks them what they’re doing here, and they tell him they’re sorry for the way things turned out. We all shake hands, and they go away.

…Ned suggests we go to dinner, and we do. We have a little discussion about the agents, and I think Ned feels it is good riddance. Ned and I finish dinner, and he drops me off at my house again. He wonders if he should come inside to check the house before he leaves. I offer to buy him a beer if he’s so inclined. He smiles, “You know, a nice cold beer might be just the thing to top this day. Also, I’m going to have an officer come over here tonight.”

…I don’t say anything about the officer and just nod. We get out of the SUV and start up the driveway. I’m not sure if I see something at the corner of the house or not. “Ned, take a look at the corner of the house to the right.”

…He whispers, “Yeah, someone’s there. Get down.”

…As I move to the ground, flashes come from the dark corner. Ned grunts like someone just hit him in the stomach, and then falls to the ground and rolls over close to me. “Take my gun and start shooting.” He reaches out, and I can see his gun and also a lot of blood.

…I take the gun from his sticky hand and fire toward the corner of the house. A dull moan tells me that I’ve likely hit something other than the building. I get up and hold Ned’s gun out in front of me, as I’ve seen the police do on TV. After a quick move to my left, I run toward the corner of the house, only closer to the bushes in the front. I don’t want to be a big target while I make my approach toward the gunman. When I reach the corner, I make out an arm with a gun in the hand. Though the arm is outstretched on the ground, it could be a trap, so I step on the wrist. When I do, the hand opens, and the gun makes no sound when it slips to the ground. With the muzzle of Ned’s gun at the person’s head, I say a line I’ve heard before, “One move and you are a dead man.”

…Upon looking closer, I can say that my line was a little redundant. I haven’t seen too many dead men in my life, but this guy looks dead to me. Still wary, I pick up the guy’s gun and sprint back to Ned. When I get there, Ned is still on the ground. “Ned, can you hear me?”

… “Call 911. I need to get to a hospital.” “Should I drive you?”

… “No. No offense, but we both need to stay alive.”

…I dial 911 and speak to the dispatcher. I tell them where we are and that the chief has been shot. The dispatcher sounds upset and lets me know that EMS and a car are on the way. “Please, stay on the line, Mr. Cannon. I need you to give me some idea of Chief Tranes’ condition.”

…I assure the dispatcher that I don’t intend to hang up. I sit on the driveway and look Ned over. He seems to be bleeding a little less, which I take as a good sign. “Ned, the dispatcher wants to know about your condition.”

… “Uh, tell her I’ve been better, but it’s not too serious.” He pauses. “And, John, try to make it believable. The dispatcher is my wife, Geneen.”

… “Oh my God. I had no idea.”

… “Tell her.”

… “Mrs. Tranes? I just spoke to your husband, and he told me to tell you that he’s been better, but it’s not serious.”

… “I heard him, Mr. Cannon. Please, don’t let Ned die. He is the love of my life, and although he’s one tough son of a bitch, this is just the kind of nightmare I’ve had for years. Please, promise me you won’t let him die.”

I invite everyone to read on to get the answers that both you and John Cannon need. This action, mystery, suspense thriller rivals that of Jack Bower (lead protagonist of the Fox television series 24) and will leave you waiting for John W. Howell’s next book titled ‘The Circumstances of Childhood’ scheduled to be released mid-year 2017.

Editorial Review (Book Marketing Global Network).

Product Details:
Paperback: ‎284 Pages
Publisher: ‎Keewaydin Lane Books; 1st Edition (September 19, 2016)
Language: ‎English
Mysteries (Action and Adventure)
Mysteries (Spies and Politics)
Mysteries (Thrillers and Suspense)
Mysteries (Legal Thriller)
Mysteries (Terrorism)
Legal Thriller (Spies, Politics and Terrorism)

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About John W. Howell: John began his writing as a full-time occupation after an extensive business career. His specialty is thriller fiction novels, but John also writes poetry and short stories.  His first book, My GRL, introduces the exciting adventures of the book’s central character, John J. Cannon. The second Cannon novel, His Revenge, continues the tension. The final book in the trilogy, Our Justice, launched in September 2016, concludes the thriller series.  John’s fourth book, Circumstances of Childhood, launched in October of 2017, tells a different thriller story of riches to rags, football, Wall Street, brotherly love, redemption, and inspiration with a touch of paranormal to keep you riveted. The fifth book is a collaboration with the award-winning author Gwen Plano titled The Contract. Heavenly bodies become concerned about the stability of the Earth and send two of their own to risk eternal salvation in order to save the planet. The Contract achieved number-one status in its genre. John’s sixth book is titled Eternal Road – The Final Stop, which launched in September 2020. In search of their eternal home, Sam and James discover a threat to human existence. They also encounter the prince of darkness. The question is, can they save humankind and their eternal souls? John’s latest book is The Last Drive, a sequel to The Eternal Road. Once again, James and Sam must confront Lucifer in order to save not only their souls but those of two others. Lucifer tests them to the limit, and the challenge they face may be more than they can handle.  All books are available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle editions.

John lives in Lakeway, Texas with his wife and their spoiled rescue pets.

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