Richard Hernaman Allen

OUR READERS TO DATE: 2,222 The Waterguard by Richard Hernaman Allen. Shortly after his arrival as an Officer of Customs & Excise in Harwich, Nick Storey discovers that his predecessor has been killed in a road accident, having taken away with him official documents. When Nick retrieves them, he also… Continue reading

The Waterguard by Richard Hernaman Allen

OUR READERS TO DATE: 261 The Waterguard by Richard Hernaman Allen. Shortly after his arrival as an Officer of Customs & Excise in Harwich, Nick Storey discovers that his predecessor has been killed in a road accident, having taken away with him official documents. When Nick retrieves them, he also… Continue reading

Murder At Barebone’s Parliament by Richard Hernaman Allen

OUR READERS TO DATE: 255 Murder At Barebone’s Parliament by Richard Hernaman Allen. 1653. Oliver Cromwell has dissolved the Rump Parliament and he and his generals have appointed a new Assembly of 140 men who will make England “a godly nation”. One of the members, a Fifth Monarchist, who believed… Continue reading

Carillon by Richard Hernaman Allen

OUR READERS TO DATE: 290 Carillon by Richard Hernaman Allen. Asked by his sister to locate her missing grandson, Nick Storey and his wife Rosemary go to Loughborough, where he was studying for a second degree at the university. It quickly becomes evident that he does not wish to be… Continue reading

The Road To Nowhere by Richard Hernaman Allen

OUR READERS TO DATE: 288 The Road To Nowhere by Richard Hernaman Allen. 1986. Nick Storey is asked to assess whether certain high-tech items offered to Mrs. Thatcher by President Reagan to placate her after the Grenada invasion are secure against being leaked to the Soviet bloc. This places him… Continue reading

Murder In A Time Of Plague by Richard Hernaman Allen

OUR READERS TO DATE: 277 Murder In A Time Of Plague by Richard Hernaman Allen. A detective story set at the time of the Great Plague of London in 1665. Two men disappear on the same night, supposedly died from the plague. They are connected through a company loaning money… Continue reading