Stacy Manning Casaluci

OUR READERS TO DATE: 5,680 California Author Stacy Manning Casaluci! Know You’re Not Alone by Stacy Manning Casaluci. This endearing story is about a mother and her two sons, who must say goodbye to the father when he leaves on a military mission. The brothers, Cory and Kyler, continue their… Continue reading

Susan E. Sage

OUR READERS TO DATE: 1,756 Michigan Author Susan E. Sage! DANCING IN THE RING by Susan E. Sage. Detroit in the 1920s proved to be the Paris of the West for many—including Catherine McIntosh and Robert Sage. These two law school students are as passionate about each other as they… Continue reading

Sameer Dhawan

OUR READERS TO DATE: 158 A Step-by-Step Guide To Building Your Ideal Retirement. The Retirement Blueprint by Sameer Dhawan. A Step-by-Step Guide To Building Your Ideal Retirement. Create A Personalized Retirement Plan That Aligns With Your Values And Goals. Lay the foundations for your dream retirement in just weeks, even… Continue reading

Steven Prevosto

OUR READERS TO DATE: 798 The Defending Guns by Steven Prevosto. In 1878 Anthony Augustus Peters was not only skilled in using a gun, he was a rising star in New York City as a very popular Shakespearean actor. However, he had a death wish. And he would die nobly… Continue reading

Shirley McLain

OUR READERS TO DATE: 9,021 Shirley’s Compilation of Short Stories by Shirley McLain. If you like varied genre short stories, you will like these twenty-seven short stories. This eclectic book has everything from adventure to love. Some of the titles are, Daddy’s Levis, Mother, Daughter Quality Time, Crates Hotel, Happy… Continue reading

Sylvia Dickey Smith

OUR READERS TO DATE: 535 Write, Now! by Sylvia Dickey Smith. A wealth of inspiration and guidance for writers and want-to-be writers. Write. Now! will get you to do just that: Write Now. Whether you’re a new writer, a seasoned writer with writer’s block, or an accomplished writer seeking to… Continue reading

Steve Shear

OUR READERS TO DATE: 8,973 Award-Winning Author/Artist Steve Shear! The Vase of Many Colors by Steve Shear. The Vase of Many Colors explores the orthodoxic ills in Western Religions in ways that tap into the emotions of ordinary readers looking for serious and important content while at the same time… Continue reading

Sandra Sperling

OUR READERS TO DATE: 5,571 Award-Winning Author Sandra Sperling! THE STASH by Sandra Sperling. People have fantasies about finding buried treasure, but for Sarah Altman it becomes a reality when she convinces herself that it isn’t really a crime to appropriate a large stash of money hidden by a meth… Continue reading