We Endorse ‘Knights In Time’ Series by Chris Karlsen

Knights in Time Romance Series!

Heroes Live Forever by Chris Karlsen.

Knights In Time Book 1.

4 Stars “A grand debut” by Night Owl Romance Reviews. Elinor Hawthorne has in inherited a house that is haunted by the ghosts of two medieval knights, Basil Manneville and Guy Guiscard. Basil is the man of her dreams, her knight in shining armor. She falls in love with him and he with her. Basil soon realizes she needs to live a normal life, a happy life with a mortal. A lifetime later fate intervenes. Basil, still in love with Elinor, is told her spirit lives on in a young woman and is given another chance at life to find her.

5 Stars: Romantic Dilemma Between A Young Woman And Ghost From The 1300’s.

Author Chris Karlsen is one of my favorite story tellers. Her creative mind takes history, time, characters and story line to a place few have travelled. As a fan of the paranormal, Chris captures my imagine and leaves me wanting more.

In Heroes Live Forever (Knights in Time series book 1), we meet Elinor Hawthorne, a remarkable young school teacher. She has who has just inherited Badger Hollow Manor in Norfolk, England (1980), from her grandmother. Elinor has a no-nonsense attitude about ghosts; when she meets and has to share living space with, two medieval knights killed in the 1300’s.

Ladies: If you were to fall in your home, would you prefer to fall into the strong arms of a strong, handsome, ghost knight, or just hit the floor? Elinor’s experience begins an amazing friendship, love story, fantasy, and time travel adventure, you will not want to miss.

The first part of this story will touch your heart and even bring you sadness. The second part of this book will give you a renewed sense the of destiny and timeless love.

The dilemma is between flesh and spirt. Let me bring you into a conversation these two medieval ghost knights, Basil Mandeville and Guy Guiscard are having in Chapter 15.

…After Elinor left that evening, the knights rode to the castle ruins. Neither spoke until they reached the parapet.

…Guy propped himself against the wall and stretched his long legs out in front of him. The night breeze blew leaves over the stones and across where he lay.

…Basil stood, elbows on a crenel and where he had a view of Elinor’s house bathed in the moonlight.

…Guy tilted his head back and closed his eyes. “Do you want to talk about that scene you made over the butcher’s flowers?”

… “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

… “Don’t be evasive. It ill suits you. You’re jealous, although, I cannot fathom why you’d be so upset over a silly gift from some tradesman.”

… “That is ridiculous. I have never been jealous in my life.”

… “If you were cut right now, you’d bleed green. It certainly wasn’t your aesthetic sense that was offended by her display of roses. Admit it, you’re smitten with her.” Guy cracked one eye open and peered at Basil.

… “You’re trying to irritate me.”

…True, he was fond of Elinor, too fond. He enjoyed being with her more than he cared to say, even to Guy.

…However, jealousy was too preposterous to entertain seriously.

… “I will grant I like her very much, but so do you, do you not?” Basil said.

…Guy shifted so they faced each other. “Yes, I like her, enough to wish I’d met her a long, long time ago.” The unexpected confession got Basil’s attention. “Elinor has none of the brittleness I’ve known in many women. She’s a warm, witty, comely lady. She’s also flesh and blood.”

…Uncomfortable under his friend’s scrutiny, Basil turned away and focused on the house again. “Is there a point to this discussion?”

… “She’s a flesh and blood woman with visions for her future.” Guy rose and joined Basil. “You are but a vision of a past flesh and blood man.” He laid his hand on Basil’s shoulder, “Make sure it’s enough for her my friend.” Guy walked away, leaving Basil alone with his thoughts.

Can Basil Manneville compete with Elinor’s human admirer?

I invite you to read Heroes Live Forever (Knights in Time series book 1), then turn you attention as I will, to Journey in Time (Knights in Time series book 2) by Chris Karlsen. An internationally published author, Chris has traveled extensively throughout Europe, the Near East, and North Africa, satisfying her need to visit places she read about. Having spent a great deal of time in England and France, she used her love of both places as settings for her Knights in Time (5 book) series.

Editorial Review and Endorsement by Book Marketing Global Network.

5 Stars From Readers/Customers!

Customer Ratings:

Product Details:
Knights in Time Book 1
Paperback: 390 Pages
Publisher: Books to Go Now (April 14, 2011)
Language: English
Romance (Historical)
Romance Historical Suspense Thrillers

Amazon Print:


Audio Book:

Journey In Time by Chris Karlsen.

Knights In Time Book 2.

London attorney, Shakira Constantine finally agrees to spend the day with her handsome client, Alex Lancaster. While riding in the countryside, the couple finds themselves caught in a time warp and transported back to the 14th century-and an England preparing for war. Everyone believes Alex is the Baron Guy Guisard, a baron who died in the upcoming battle. If they can’t find a way to return to the 21st Century, Alex will have to sail with the army to certain death. Shakira will be left alone to survive in the alien and terrifying medieval world.

5 Stars: From Predictable To Well Researched Medieval Drama!

After Enjoying Heroes Live Forever (Knights in Time Book 1), I naturally turned to Journey in Time (Knights in Time Book 2). In book two we meet Shakira Constantine, beautiful, independent, successful London attorney. When Shakira meets Alex Lancaster (music producer and playboy), their destiny is intertwined when she accepts him as a client, goes against her own ethics, joining him for a weekend at his cottage in the Gloucestershire countryside.

Nothing could prepare these two for the time travel adventure that carries them back to the medieval 13th century. Twists, Turns, humor, danger, romance, and your own emotions will keep you turning the pages, until they return to the 21st century.

Let me bring you into the story (Chapter 18):

…Shakira cracked open one eye. If she was very, very lucky, this would be Alex’s cottage. If she was very, very unlucky, she’d see the walls of an old Keep. Rough cut, honey colored stone confirmed the worst. She closed her eyes and tried to convince herself she still slept and this was part of a horrible nightmare. She refused to acknowledge the noises that drifted up sounded too authentic for a dream.

…Gates creaked, doors slammed, dogs barked, horses whinnied, geese honked, one after another. Women shouted orders. Young voices answered, followed by the sound of running feet. The sun hadn’t fully appeared on the horizon yet, but castle folk see no reason to be quiet. Their daily life begins when the first bright streaks show themselves.

… “Rocky?” Alex patted her shoulder. “Rocky, we need to get up.”

…Torn, she lay curled and silent. She didn’t want to face waking in 1355, but she definitely didn’t want to believe she dreamt making love to Alex either.”

I invite you to join Shakira (nickname rocky) and Alex (known as Baron Guy Guisard) as they discover how to survive in the 13th medieval century and find their way home. I love this authors characters and story. Author Chris Karlsen will frustrate you at times with her flawed human characters. Your emotions will fluctuate, but in the end, Chris knows what is best. There is a must-read Epilogue.

Each book in the series stand-alone, so you can jump in anytime. The five-book series ‘Knights in Time’ include Heroes Live Forever (Book 1), Journey in Time (Book 2), Knight Blindness (Book 3), In Time for You (Book 4) and Losing Time Book 5). Never fear, there are more paranormal, romance, time travel series written by Chris Karlsen (internationally published author). Chris has traveled extensively throughout Europe, the Near East, and North Africa, satisfying her need to visit places she read about. Having spent a great deal of time in England and France, she used her love of both places as settings for her Knights in Time series.

Editorial Review and Endorsement by Book Marketing Global Network.

5 Stars From Readers/Customers!

Customer Ratings:

Product Details:
Knights in Time Book 2
Paperback: 352 Pages
Publisher: Books to Go Now (September 1, 2011)
Language: English
Romance (Historical)
Romance Historical Suspense Thrillers

Amazon Print:


Audio Book:

Knight Blindness by Chris Karlsen.

Knights In Time Book 3.

Given a choice between the pleasant life you knew centuries ago or the possibility of all you want in an uncertain new world, which would you choose? Two men torn through time find themselves in the modern but alien world. Old enemies, one hunting the other, one discovering love, both fighting private battles to survive. Book 3 of The Knights in Time Series Ready for battle, Medieval English knight, Stephen Palmer, charges into the French enemy’s cavalry line. Heeding a warning given months before, he hesitates as he comes face-to-face with the knight in the warning. Struck down in the year 1356, he finds himself landing in the year 2013. Grievously wounded, he’s taken to a nearby hospital.

Confused by the new world surrounding him, he attempts to convince the staff he’s from another time, only to find they think him mad. Rescued by friends, who, to his surprise, have also come through time, he must find a way to function in this odd modern England. He is quickly enchanted by the kind Esme Crippen, the young woman hired to tutor him. She too is enchanted by him. Tempted to deepen the relationship, she hesitates thinking him adorable, but mad. He must discover the means for getting her to believe the truth, all the while, unknown to him, he didn’t come forward in time alone. The enemy knight has also traveled to 2013. French noble, Roger Marchand, doesn’t question why the English knight who charged him hesitated. That fraction of a pause gave him the advantage needed and he brought his sword down upon the Englishman’s helmet hard, unhorsing the knight. He moved to finish the Englishman off when the world changed in a rush of sensations as he is ripped through time. Seeking a reason for the terrible event, he enters a nearby chapel. There, thinking God has chosen him for a quest to turn French defeat that day in 1356 to victory, he sets out to find the English knight. The man he is convinced holds the key to time. If he returns to the day of the battle, he can warn his king of mistakes that snatched victory from them.

5 Stars From Readers/Customers!

Customer Ratings:

Product Details:
Knights in Time Book 3
Paperback: 394 Pages
Publisher: Books to Go Now (July 20, 2013)
Language: English
Romance (Historical)
Romance Historical Suspense Thrillers

Amazon Print:


Audio Book:

In Time For You by Chris Karlsen.

Knights In Time Book 4.

While horseback riding in the English countryside, sisters, Electra and Emily Crippen find themselves trapped in a tear in time. Thrown back to 1357 England and caught by a local noble, they are in a place that is home but as frightening and unfamiliar as an alien world would be with no idea how the tear in time came about. The one thing they do know is they must stay together and stay near to where the event took place in hopes of discovering the way back to their modern life. That certain need to stay to stay together is the first certainty taken from them when one sister is forced to remain in England and one is sent miles away to Wales by royal order.

There is one other hope for help the sisters don’t know exists. It’s Electra’s lover, Roger Marchand. A time traveler himself, he never told her of his past. When he realizes what has happened to the sisters, he enlists the help of a scientist friend to help him open the suspected passageway through time. Any effort to save Electra and Emily will likely cost him his life. This was the time Roger came from, a time when his country, France, was at war with England. If he is discovered on English soil while searching for the sisters, he will either be killed or taken prisoner of war. Any risk is worth saving the life of the woman he loves.

Customer Ratings:

Product Details:
Knights in Time Book 4
Paperback: 366 Pages
Publisher: Books to Go Now (September 4, 2019)
Language: English
Romance (Historical)
Romance Historical Suspense Thrillers

Amazon Print:


Audio Book:

Losing Time by Chris Karlsen.

Knights In Time Book 5.

Can love survive the wrong time and place?

Felicia Wycliff’s peaceful stroll through the woods turned to disaster when her dachshund bolted after a rabbit. One minute Felicia was running after the determined little dog, the next she was hurled to the ground. Gathering her wits after her tumble, she brushed herself off and continued her pursuit—right into three mounted knights who blocked her path.

They were so authentic looking. They might’ve stepped from the keep of the nearby castle, Elysian Fields. But the old Norman fortress was a ruin and had been for three hundred years.

“Seize her,” the middle knight ordered, the knight who sat tallest in the saddle.

“Let me go.” She fought, striking out when the two knights grabbed her. “Who the deuce are you?”

“I’m the Captain of the Baron’s Guard, and you are trespassing.”

Kidnapped, her confusion and fear consumed her. But when they rode through the gates of Elysian Fields, the castle looking as formidable as the date it was built, her terror exploded.

When she fell she knew exactly where she was. But where the devil had she landed?

Customer Ratings:

Product Details:
Knights in Time Book 5
Print Length: 356 Pages
Publisher: Books to Go Now (September 16, 2018)
Language: English
Romance (Historical)
Romance Historical Suspense Thrillers

Amazon Print:


Knights In Time Boxed Set by Chris Karlsen.

Best-selling series, together for the first time in a boxed set.

Three friends…warrior knights, One battle will change their lives, Love will change their worlds.

HEROES LIVE FOREVER: Elinor Hawthorne has inherited a house haunted by two medieval knights, Basil Manneville and Guy Guiscard. Basil is literally the knight of her dreams. She never expected to “meet” a ghost face to face let alone fall in love with one. Living the normal life together that they’d want is impossible unless fate

Intervenes: A lifetime later fate does intervene. Basil, still in love with Elinor, is told her spirit lives on in a young woman. He is given another chance at life to find her.

JOURNEY IN TIME: The budding romance between London attorney, Shakira Constantine, and her client, Alex Lancaster is put to the test when the couple finds themselves torn through time back to the medieval world. It’s a world Alex has a strong connection to, a connection that will cost him his life unless they can find a way to return to this time. Without him, Shakira is condemned to live in a dangerous medieval world alone.

Together they’ll struggle to discover a way back to the modern world while dealing with the political and social intrigues of 14th Century England. The intrigues of that world all too often work against their efforts to get home.

KNIGHT BLINDNESS: Stephen Palmer, a wounded medieval knight finds himself torn through time from the battlefield to the modern and alien world.

Seriously injured, he now must make his way in a world he has no context for and no knowledge about.

Esme Crippen is hired as his tutor. Love is something he does understand and as the two fall into love, they both must overcome the fact the world thinks him mad with his time-travel talk, including Esme.

Customer Ratings:

Product Details:
Print Length: 846 Pages
Publisher: Books to Go Now (September 5, 2014)
Language: English
Romance (Historical)
Romance Historical Suspense Thrillers


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