We Endorse ‘Bloodstone Series’ by Chris Karlsen

The Bloodstone Murder Series!

Silk by Chris Karlsen.

The Bloodstone Series Book 1.

It is the time of Jack the Ripper; the widowed Queen Victoria sits on the throne of England.

The whole of London is on edge wondering when or where Jack will kill next. The Palace, Parliament, and the press are demanding the police do more to find him. In another part of London, rough-around-the-edges war hero, Metropolitan Detective Inspector Rudyard Bloodstone has his own serial killer to find.

Inter departmental rivalries, politics, and little evidence to go on hamper the investigation at every turn. In a battle of wills, Bloodstone presses forward following his instincts in spite of the obstacles.

Review: I don’t read mysteries anymore. I don’t care who did it, so I don’t bother with mysteries unless they offer a good deal more than just a puzzle. Silk is so much more. The setting and the detective insinuate themselves into your psyche. Like silk, they slip and slide into the crevices of your mind, softly caress your pleasure centers, and make you want more. The recalcitrant and grumpy Bloodstone earns your affection without wanting it or trying for it and the city casts a spell that carries you along so subtlety, you have no idea you’ve been hooked until the end when you’re left bereft and wanting more.

Lovely. Thoroughly engaging. Actually, cared about the mystery a bit, which is saying something. Bloodstone has joined Holmes, Wolfe, and Marlowe in my pantheon of detectives I love.

Customer Ratings:
https://www.amazon.com/Silk-Bloodstone-Chris- Karlsen/dp/1646696875/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1587503628&sr=1- 8#customerReviews

Product Details:
Series: The Bloodstone Series (Book 1)
Paperback: 322 Pages
Publisher: Books to Go Now (September 10, 2019)
Language: English
Romance (Historical)
Romance Historical Suspense Thrillers

Amazon Print:
https://www.amazon.com/Silk-Bloodstone-Chris- Karlsen/dp/1646696875/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1587503628&sr=1-8

https://www.amazon.com/Silk-Bloodstone-Book-Chris-Karlsen- ebook/dp/B00QSTM578/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1587503628&sr=1-8

Audio Book:
https://www.amazon.com/Silk-Bloodstone-Book- 1/dp/B01IFBUX0C/ref=tmm_aud_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1587503628&sr=1-8

Snifter Of Death by Chris Karlsen.

The Bloodstone Series Book 2.

The summer of 1889 was proving to be a strange one for Detective Inspector Rudyard Bloodstone and his partner.

They had a sexual pervert loose. The man didn’t actually harm women but threatened them at knife point, fondling them, and ultimately stealing their stockings.

Far more serious were the murders of influential men, which appeared random other than they were all killed by arsenic poison. Never had he and his partner had cases with so little workable evidence.

Also, the rivalry between him and his detective nemesis at London’s other police department was intensifying. That

nemesis was the boxing champion of their department and looking to challenge Rudyard, who never trained as a boxer.

Besides Rudyard’s pride being at stake, and the pride of his station, his nemesis also had in his possession a scandalous photograph of the woman Rudyard cares very much for. The new lady in Rudyard’s life had captured his heart and he’d fight the devil himself to save her reputation.

Review: The beguiling Detective Inspector Rudyard Bloodstone is back in a sequel to the Bloodstone Series, vol. one: Silk.

Inspector Rudyard’s story continues with a tale of a summer gone agley: men of stature are dropping dead all around him, women are being terrorized by a knife-wielding Stocking Sniffer, a competitor / colleague is looking to pulp his face in, and there are two women in his life: ’nuff said.

Both his professional and personal lives are full of complications and every time you think Ruddy might have a solution, something else goes awry.

But it’s not all dark; some of the complications in his life are downright funny, like those posed by his dog and the neighbor boy.

Book Two of Ruddy is even better than the first; whether you love murder mysteries, nineteenth-century England, strong handsome protagonists, or fascinating killers, you’ll love Snifter. Highly recommended.

Product Details:
Series: The Bloodstone Series (Book 2)
Paperback: 392 Pages
Publisher: Books to Go Now (September 11, 2019)
Language: English
Romance (Historical)
Romance Historical Suspense Thrillers

Amazon Print:

https://www.amazon.com/Snifter-Death-Bloodstone-Book-2- ebook/dp/B06ZZ262S7/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=

Audio Book:
https://www.amazon.com/Snifter-Death-Bloodstone-Book- 2/dp/B076QG91F2/ref=tmm_aud_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=

Customer Ratings:
https://www.amazon.com/Snifter-Death-Bloodstone-Chris- Karlsen/dp/1646696867/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=#customerReviews

A Venomous Love by Chris Karlsen.

The Bloodstone Series Book 3.

A Venomous Love, won the ‘Global Grand Prize’ in the thriller/suspense category last year (2021) from Chanticleer Reviews.

The killer whispered- “A pretty damsel…worth a pretty risk.

“It’s 1890. A veteran, Detective Rudyard Bloodstone has fought a brutal battle and witnessed war horrors that haunt his nightmares. Now one of those horrors has followed him home from Africa.

A vicious predator, the Cape cobra, can kill a man in thirty minutes. A suspect using the snake as a weapon in robberies is terrorizing London. When the crimes escalate into murder, a victim’s daughter, Honoria Underhill, becomes the focus of the killer.

After several attempts on her life, Scotland Yard threatens to take over the high-profile case. With few leads to follow, Bloodstone and his partner must now fight department politics and catch the killer before Underhill becomes another murder victim.

5 Stars: ‘A Venomous Love’ is book three in The Bloodstone Series. Each book stands alone, so I invite you to begin reading.

One appealing nature of ‘A Venomous Love’ is the historical snapshots of the Victorian period, where main character Detective Rudyard Bloodstone conducts his investigations. The book opens in London, April 1890.

This period in history finds Detective Rudyard Bloodstone severely limited in his ability to solve crimes. No fancy labs or DNA testing. The perplexing case of a thief using an extremely deadly method to steal valuables from his victims, has Detective Rudyard Bloodstone and his partner Detective Archie Holbrook putting their collective, raw detective skills to the test. With Scotland Yard breathing down their necks, the clock is ticking, and another murder is simply a matter of time.

Author Chris Karlsen (retired police detective) gives us an excerpt from ‘A Venomous Love’:

…Puzzled, Ruddy asked, “You say the body is still in the chapel?

…Couldn’t the nurse bring an exam table to put him on and start treatment?”

…“She did. Young and I attempted to help but he suffered violent convulsions. Because the hospital is for children, they don’t have restraints. The head nurse instructed us to leave him back on the floor. She was afraid he’d fall off the table.”

…“Makes sense.” The time-frame of Underhill’s death didn’t make sense. At minimum it usually took an hour and more often, hours for the venom to kill. A horrible thought occurred to Ruddy. What if it was a different suspect with a different lethal snake? “But he died while you were still here?”

…“Yes. He convulsed brutally hard a few more times and an excessive amount of drool came out his mouth. Then he lost consciousness. A nurse put a blanket over him and a pillow under his head. He died as she was making him comfortable.”

…“Strange. This is abnormally fast even for cobra venom.” Flanders stepped up on Ruddy’s right. “What is it, constable?”

…“Shall I leave you to start my search?” Flanders asked.

…“Yes. Collect anything, and I mean anything, you find that looks out of the ordinary,” Archie told him. “This case is so unusual we can’t be sure what is important and what isn’t.”

…The nurse led them to the curtained-off bed. Honoria Underhill lay on her side softly sobbing. Her legs were curled up so she fit on the short bed meant for a child. The nurses had covered her with a blanket. When she saw Ruddy and Archie, she sat up and swung her legs down to the side of the bed.

…“Yes. We know this is traumatic for you but we need to ask you to repeat what happened with as much detail as you can recall,” Ruddy told her.

…“I understand.” Her shoulders trembled. She buried her fists in her skirt and kept her head down as she fought to control her emotions.

…Ruddy brought the conversation back to the crime. “Did the suspect say anything when he attacked?”

…“’A pretty little damsel, worth a pretty risk,’ he said as he rushed toward us. Then he leapt at me with the snake in hand inches from my face. Father pushed me out of the man’s reach and stepped be- tween us. My father tried to knock the man’s hand away and swatted at the animal.”

…She dabbed at her nose again and then offered the handkerchief back to Archie who waved off the return. “It happened so fast,” Honoria continued. “In the time it took me to blink, the snake’s throat blew outward, like a fan opening.” She demonstrated the action with her hands. “A second later it lunged and struck.”

The story has a unique twist, a well-thought-out plot, and interesting characters that will keep you turning the page. If you like crime mysteries, I encourage you to purchase this book, and the entire ‘The Bloodstone Series’.

Editorial Review and Endorsement by Book Marketing Global Network.

Customer Ratings:
https://www.amazon.com/Venomous-Love-Bloodstone-Chris- Karlsen/dp/B083XQ1GVB/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1583106436&sr=1- 1#customerReviews

Product Details:
Series: The Bloodstone Series (Book 3)
Paperback: 340 Pages
Publisher: Independently published (January 18, 2020)
Language: English
Romance (Historical)
Romance Historical Suspense Thrillers

Amazon Softcover:
https://www.amazon.com/Venomous-Love-Bloodstone-Chris- Karlsen/dp/B083XQ1GVB/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1583106436&sr=1-1

https://www.amazon.com/Venomous-Love-Bloodstone-Book- ebook/dp/B0856RZ13K/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1583106436&sr=1-1

https://www.amazon.com/Venomous-Love-Bloodstone- Book/dp/B08GKJZC2K/ref=tmm_aud_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1583106436&sr=1-1

A Venomous Love, won the ‘Global Grand Prize’
in the thriller/suspense category (2021) from Chanticleer Reviews.

The Bloodstone Series:
Silk – Snifter of Death – Choosing Heart or Home
by Chris Karlsen

Three Exciting and thrilling stories which follow the Victorian detective, Rudyard Bloodstone.

Silk: It is the time of Jack the Ripper; the widowed Queen Victoria sits on the throne of England. The whole of London is on edge wondering when or where Jack will kill next. The Palace, Parliament, and the press are demanding the police do more to find him. In another part of London, rough-around-the-edges war hero, Metropolitan Detective Inspector Rudyard Bloodstone has his own serial killer to find. Inter departmental rivalries, politics, and little evidence to go on hamper the investigation at every turn. In a battle of wills, Bloodstone presses forward following his instincts in spite of the obstacles.

Snifter of Death: The summer of 1889 was proving to be a strange one for Detective Inspector Rudyard Bloodstone and his partner. They had a sexual pervert loose terrifying women. Far more serious were the murders of influential me, which appeared random with little in common other than they were all killed by arsenic poisoning. Never had Bloodstone and his partner had cases with so little evidence. On top of working the difficult murders, Rudyard has a new lady who captured his heart….a clever, beautiful, and talented lady with a scandalous past.

Choosing Heart or Home: The widowed Queen Victoria reigns over an empire on which “the sun never sets.” London is bright with holiday decorations. Detective Rudyard Bloodstone has grown homesick for his Wales and his family there. He makes plans to see his parents and thinks it is the perfect time to introduce Honeysuckle Flowers, the lovely actress he adores. Once home, nothing goes as he envisioned. His mother disapproves of Honeysuckle’s profession and tells Rudyard he is welcome but not his lady. He must choose between the woman who owns his heart and home and the family he loves

Product Details:
Print Length: ‎641 Pages
Publisher: ‎Books to Go Now (February 21, 2019)
Language: ‎English
Romance (Historical)
Romance Historical Suspense Thrillers
Mysteries (Suspense)
Mystery Anthologies
Historical Mystery
Thriller and Suspense Fiction


Choosing Home or Heart by Chris Karlsen.

Holiday Romance!

This is a Christmas story where my Victorian detective from the series, Rudyard Bloodstone, goes home to Wales for the holidays and to introduce his lady love to his family. No murder, just a warm-hearted holiday novella)

London: Christmas, 1889.

The widowed Queen Victoria reigns over an empire on which the “sun never sets,” and London is bright with holiday decorations. Detective Rudyard Bloodstone’s career is moving along well as Holborn Station’s lead investigator. And, his year had gotten even better when he met London’s celebrated music hall star, Honeysuckle Flowers.

As he and his lady embark on celebrating the holidays, Rudyard grows homesick for Wales and his family there. He makes plans to see his parents and thinks it is the perfect time to introduce Honeysuckle to them. To his unhappy surprise, his mother paints her with a trollop’s brush. His mother is firm: he is loved and missed and most welcome in the family home but not his lady. He must choose between them and to choose means the risk of losing the other.

Customer Ratings:

Product Details:
Print Length: 94 Pages
Publisher: Books to Go Now (October 14, 2018)
Language: English
Romance (Historical)
Romance Historical Suspense Thrillers

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