The Kidnapping by Linda Burson

The Kidnapping by Linda Burson.

He saved her life. She revived his.

What would you do if an envelope with ten-thousand dollars and a letter outlining a kidnapping mission was mistakenly tossed into your lap? Andy finds himself grappling with that question after his seemingly routine evening at his favorite bar gets him mixed up in a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse.

When Andy tracks down the kidnapping target — millionaire Jenna Ladson — she’s certain he doesn’t have her best interests at heart. As the evidence stacks up, she’s forced to accept Andy’s help. But what protection can a scruffy warehouse worker offer a sought-after heiress?

Suddenly, it’s simple: kidnap her before they do.

But there are dangerous consequences for taking what isn’t yours…and love is about to derail their best laid plans.

The Kidnapping is a romantic suspense novel that explores what happens when love, money and identity intertwine.

Read Andy and Jenna’s story today!

Review by Beverly: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Healing, Love, and Kidnapping. Reviewed in the United States on November 19, 2022. He saved her life. She revived his. He also taught him what love is.What would you do if someone dropped an envelope in front of you with $10k and instructions to be followed?

The Kidnapping was surprisingly unexpected. In a good way. I was hooked from the first chapter. It’s been a while since a book has gotten me that quickly. I didn’t want to put it down. The author takes us on a whirlwind adventure. One that just when you think it’s over, boom not quite. The way the author wrote the two main characters they are both easy to love for their own reasons. Plus, the growth throughout is beautiful.

Andy and Jenna had no idea they’d cross paths, or that it would change their lives forever.

Jenna is lonely in life. Proof that money can’t buy everything. All people want her for is what she can give them, the things she could buy. And she’s just sick of it all. Ending up at a dive bar on the other side of town gives her a chance to let go and unwind.

Andy is moping through life. Having suffered great loss and numbingly starting over. Frequents the same dive bar. Fortunately for him, one day a lady gave him an envelope with $10k and instructions on who and how to kidnap someone. That someone being Jenna. So, what does he do? He decides to meet her and tell her.

Instant connection, instant chemistry that they both choose to ignore. Though Jenna’s plan could throw a wrench in that. She wants to stay with Andy, and figures it’s the best way to keep her safe. That is till they figure out what to do about the letter. There’s strong connections that her ex-fiancé Steve has his hands all over this mess.

So come join us, for an unexpected rollercoaster, lots of romance, lots of awkward holding back. While these two navigate their new situation.

Do they figure it out? Does Andy keep Jenna safe?

A book that was a lot lighter than I expected, will keep one interested for hours. Check it out!

Review by Chrissey: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. A page turner you won’t want to put down. Reviewed in the United States on November 18, 2022. This was such a good book with a very unique plot line. I have to say that it had so many twists and turns that I did not see coming. I truly enjoyed the character of Jenna and I felt that she was very well developed. The author did a great job explaining why Jenna is leary of trusting people and is even more distraught to discover she might have been duped again.

I think Andy was an even better character. I loved the amount of depth there was to him. I also loved how he always was trying his best to do the right thing.

Jenna and Andy’s circumstances were less than ideal but their banter was something I truly loved. I definitely loved this book and read it in less than one day. I didn’t like whenever I had to put it down. It was one that you will want to keep reading to find out what will happen next. I definitely recommend this book!

Review by Faithfulgirl: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Witty, suspenseful adventure. Reviewed in the United States on November 19, 2022. Linda Burson is a new-to-me author but not for long as I will be looking for more of her books. I love her writing style!

Jenna has recently left her fiancé Steve. All he wanted was her money but she wanted so much more. Jenna starts scoping out new hangouts and finds a bar where no one really knows who she is or how much money she has. She’s sworn off men but then Andy walks in the bar. Andy’s minding his own business but finds Jenna to be an interesting and slightly attractive woman. Jenna reciprocates the feelings. It’s when Andy is handed an envelope that things start to change for these two strangers. Inside the envelope is a note with a significant amount of cash. Andy has to make a decision as to what to do with this envelope and the knowledge that he now has.

This is the where they mystery begins. I’ll not ruin anything but the reader will be in for a pretty wild ride with these two and this envelope.

Review by cinful: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. A must read suspenseful romantic story. Reviewed in the United States on November 5, 2022. Be prepared for this funny romantic suspense story. Jenna has left her boyfriend and has decided to try out a different bar. Back story is Jenna has money and all of her previous boyfriends just want her money. Including Steve, her last one. Although he kept bugging her to add his name to her bank account. He hit the red flag and she was over him. Andy is minding his own business when a girl walks in and puts an envelope in his lap. Shocked, he tried to catch up with her, but she was gone. In that envelope he found a few thousand dollars and a note. That’s it, no spoilers. This is one you will need to read to believe it. This author has done it once again. Kept me up all night reading her book. But so worth the adventure, intrigue, and suspense. The story is well written and fast paced. She got me on page two and I was off. Her main characters are just plain everyday people caught up in the kidnapping. I have read books from this author and never second guess buying her books. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.

Review by Jennadb: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. One of my favourites. Reviewed in the United States on October 30, 2022. I have read many of this authors books and have enjoyed them all in one way or another. I was excited to see what she had instore for us this time. I was not disappointed. This is one of my favourites.

The Kidnapping with its gripping tension and suspense and humour had me turning the pages to find out what happened next. It’s not every day you are thrust in to a world not of your making.

Linda has given us a tangled web to navigate this mystery which has been skillfully planned out and well written. There are a few twists and surprises along the way as we navigate the predicament the characters suddenly find themselves in.

One bar, two strangers and one night that will change their lives forever. Now if they can just manage to keep out of the clutch of danger.

Grab a copy of The Kidnapping and enjoy.

Reviewed by Diane M Sennett: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. This is a great book and would recommend! Reviewed in the United States on October 23, 2022. Jenna Ladson sees Andy in their favorite bar on many occasions, though they never speak to each other. When Andy is given an envelope by a stranger in a bar, he’s perplexed. When he reads the message inside, he has to make a decision that will impact Jenna’s life and his own.

The author writes with detail that the characters come alive in this story. I was hooked from the beginning to the end!

This book is full of suspense, romance, and clever characters. I enjoyed reading this book and was surprised by the outcome.

This is the first book I’ve read by Linda Burson, and I look forward to reading more of her work.

Reviewed by Karen Pearman: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. What a great book. Reviewed in the United States on October 21, 2022. This is a new author for me, so I was not sure what I was getting myself into, but what I found was a funny book. I laughed aloud so many times that my family thought I was crazy. And wondered why a book titled “The Kidnapping” would be funny. I told them that they would have to read it themselves. The author did a fantastic job telling this story. Her visual description was perfect. I could see this going on in front of me. I loved the characters. They were so witty and charming, and they made a perfect pair. I highly recommend this book if you are looking for funny wit and banter mixed in with suspense.

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Product Details:
Paperback: ‎322 Pages
Publisher: ‎Independently Published (September 16, 2021)
Language: ‎English
Romance (Suspense Thriller)

Amazon Print:


Message From Linda Burson:  I decided to write a different kind of biography. While the one written in a few of my books is accurate, this one adds a bit more detail. This one will give you the complete reason while I decided to not only write a novel, but to finally complete it, as well as continue writing.

Life is short. Yes, you’ve heard that cliché many, many times, I’m sure. For me, however, I understand it and feel it to my core. There are those of you who may feel it as deeply as me. Whether you changed your life completely, well, only you would know that. As for me, that’s exactly what I did, and the true reason I am now writing full time.

I had two close calls in my life, close as in the end of my life as we know it here on earth. This makes one stop and think. It certainly made me stop and think, a lot. It made me appreciate what I have, but it also made me consider if the life I was living and the direction it was heading was truly what I desired. This wasn’t a difficult decision for me. I always knew I wanted to write books, but as I said in the previous biography, something always seems to “get” in the way.

Besides the fact that physically I could have died twice, I did have four special people in my life who died way too young. They were all close to me as I was to them. The first important, irreplaceable person I lost was my mother who died from ovarian cancer. Next, was my brother who died due to heart issues; my best friend, who was more like a close sister, died due to breast cancer, and lastly, a cousin who was also a best friend to me, to suicide.

This alone should have been enough for me to make changes in my life. It did get me to seriously consider making these changes and attempt to start that writing career multiple times, but it didn’t push me over the edge enough to do it. It took me being diagnosed with breast cancer, not having great odds, and a couple of years contemplating my life that finally gave me the push I needed to close my business and write full time. It’s the second scare I experienced that keeps me writing.

So, if you don’t wake in the morning looking forward to starting your day, hopefully with a smile, then maybe you need to take a second look at the direction of your life. I found the joy and passion in writing books. Do I want to sell lots and lots of books? Of course. But that isn’t my driving force. I know not everyone is going to love my stories; but that doesn’t matter as much as the fact that I enjoy writing them. It makes me happy; it makes me full whole, and it makes me wake looking forward to starting my day because I know I have something waiting for me that I love to do.

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