The Contract: Between Heaven And Earth by John W. Howell and Gwen M. Plano

Texas Author John W. Howell!

The Contract: Between Heaven And Earth by John W. Howell and Gwen M. Plano.

Amazon International #1 Bestseller and #1 New Release.

The earth is under the threat of a catastrophic political event which could result in international warfare and destroy all life on the planet. In heaven, a divine council decides that extraordinary measures are essential. They call for an intervention that involves two souls returning to earth. The chosen two sign a contract that they will work to avert the disaster. Brad Channing, a Navy SEAL, and Sarah O’Brien, a teacher, become heaven’s representatives on earth. The story follows them as they individually and then together face overwhelming obstacles and eventually end up on a strategic Air Force base in California. It is there that they discover a conspiracy to assassinate the President of the United States. The terrorists have a plan for global dominance, and they are determined to complete their mission. Although military leadership appears to have the President’s best interests at heart, it is not clear who can be trusted and who should be feared. The action is rough and tumble as Brad and Sarah try to figure out the culprits of the plot that will turn into a worldwide conflagration unless stopped. If you enjoy thrillers, this is one with enough twists and adventure to keep you riveted and guessing. If you like your thriller along with a good romance, Brad and Sarah’s initial attraction and eventual love will sustain you as they live out their heavenly and earthly desires.

Product Details:
Paperback: ‎299 Pages
Publisher: ‎Keewaydin Lane Books (June 3, 2018)
Language: ‎English
Philosophy (Structuralist)
Religion (Theism)
Utopian Ideology

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About John W. Howell: John began his writing as a full-time occupation after an extensive business career. His specialty is thriller fiction novels, but John also writes poetry and short stories.  His first book, My GRL, introduces the exciting adventures of the book’s central character, John J. Cannon. The second Cannon novel, His Revenge, continues the tension. The final book in the trilogy, Our Justice, launched in September 2016, concludes the thriller series.  John’s fourth book, Circumstances of Childhood, launched in October of 2017, tells a different thriller story of riches to rags, football, Wall Street, brotherly love, redemption, and inspiration with a touch of paranormal to keep you riveted. The fifth book is a collaboration with the award-winning author Gwen Plano titled The Contract. Heavenly bodies become concerned about the stability of the Earth and send two of their own to risk eternal salvation in order to save the planet. The Contract achieved number-one status in its genre. John’s sixth book is titled Eternal Road – The Final Stop, which launched in September 2020. In search of their eternal home, Sam and James discover a threat to human existence. They also encounter the prince of darkness. The question is, can they save humankind and their eternal souls? John’s latest book is The Last Drive, a sequel to The Eternal Road. Once again, James and Sam must confront Lucifer in order to save not only their souls but those of two others. Lucifer tests them to the limit, and the challenge they face may be more than they can handle.  All books are available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle editions.

John lives in Lakeway, Texas with his wife and their spoiled rescue pets.

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