Tanayia: Whisper Upon The Water by Connie Vines.
Tanayia is alone in the world. Her village destroyed and her people murdered by a group of revolutionaries who now hold her hostage. A daring escape on the edge of Cochise’s stronghold saves Tanayia’s life, but she discovers her ordeal is only beginning.
Forced to live in a government run boarding school, Tanayia is stripped of her identity. The headmistress is bent on destroying Tay, but Jacob Five-Wounds stands in her way. Jacob urges Tay to run away with him—but diphtheria strikes the school. Now, Tanayia must make a choice, a choice she knows may cost her both, Jacob and his love.
Review: “This well-researched novel is taunt with all the tensions and passions of any tale in which the characters are trapped. That Sister Enid eventually gets her comeuppance (and from a native doctor, too) is only just and satisfying, and an epilogue tells of both the compromises and the triumphs of Tay’s marriage to Jacob Five-Wounds (once a fellow inmate of the school.” A-! ~ The McQuark Review
Product Details:
Series: Whisper Upon the Water (Book 1)
Paperback: 186 Pages
Publisher: Ebound Canada (January 10, 2018)
Language: English
Fiction (Historical)
Fiction (Native American & Aboriginal)
Fiction (Native American Literature)
Amazon Print:
About The Author: Connie Vines lives deep in the quirky suburbs of Southern California with her husband, grown sons and a playful poodle. Raised in a career Naval family, her writing reflects her diverse background, numerous occupations, and her love of animals.
Often giving a nod to an artistic family member (Band member of Louisiana 5/ Hollywood composer, Anton Lada; novelist, Clarence “Clancy” Carlisle; Playwright/ songstress, Jackie Marx) in her books, Connie admits her writing is greatly influenced by the summers she spent with her grandparents in the panhandle of Texas.
Her interests are varied: a kitchen decorated with a ‘gingerbread boy and girl” theme; her paring of a Pioneer Woman teapot and her Royal Albert teal poke-a-dot china cups and saucers. Her cinematic tastes, unique: mashed-together cross-genre 2- and 3-star movies; and her most fav Canadian sleeper-movie,” Powwow Highway” and the “Moose TV” sitcom.
Connie has published over one hundred fiction and nonfiction articles, twelve genre novels, educational student activity books, and has ghost-written two literary novels and one screenplay. Under a pseudonym, Connie published with Kensington/Zebra and is currently contracted with BWL Publishing, Inc.
Tanayia–Whisper upon the Water, is available in the Spanish Tanayia–Un Murmullo Sobre el Agua.
2025 Release: Bell, Book & Gargoyle, #2 Fun & Sassy Supernatural Series, Perfume Paradise, Book #2 Fragrance for Love Series.
Awards: Award of Excellence, H.O.L.T. Medallion, The Orange Rose, Independent E-Book Award, Dream Realm Award. T.A.R.A Fool for Love, and Colorado Gold Award for fiction writing.
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