Fiction by Themes by Jay Dubya

The FBI Inspector by Jay Dubya.

The FBI Inspector is a collection of twenty-five Inspector Joe Giralo stories, several of which also appear in The Psychic Dimension and The Psychic Dimension, Part II, and the book is author Jay Dubya’s fiftieth published hardcover/paperback work.

In his FBI detective adventures, inimitable Inspector Giralo is assisted by his three loyal subordinates, agents Sal Velardi, Art Orsi and Dan Blachford.

Other story collections produced by this prolific author are The Psychic Dimension, The Psychic Dimension, Part II, First Person Stories, Modern Mythology, Prime-Time Crime Time, UFO: Utterly Fantastic Occurrences, Snake Eyes and Boxcars, Snake Eyes and Boxcars, Part II, Time Travel Tales, Suite 16, One Baker’s Dozen, Two Baker’s Dozen, RAM: Random Articles and Manuscripts, Pieces of Eight, Pieces of Eight, Part II, Pieces of Eight, Part III, Pieces of Eight, Part IV, Nine New Novellas, Nine New Novellas, Part II, Nine New Novellas, Part III and Nine New Novellas, Part IV.

Product Details:
Paperback: ‎406 Pages
Publisher: ‎Bookstand Publishing (March 11, 2016)
Language: ‎English
Short Stories

Amazon Hard-Cover Print:

Amazon Soft-Cover Print:


Modern Mythology by Jay Dubya.

Modern Mythology is a collection of fifteen imaginative stories having mythological themes and also possessing interesting mythological allusions and characters.

Humor is represented in “Olympus Lives” and in “Olympus Lives, Part II.” Anachronism is depicted in the stories “Immoral Immortality,” “The Seven Statues,” “The Heroic Belt,” “Greek Statutory Law” and in the very intriguing exploit “Mythology Economics.”

Conflict and action/adventure situations dominate the tales “The Amazon Sorority,” “Perseus, II” and also “Twelve Modern Labors.” The presentations “Excavations” and “Ice Ages” involve rather amazing archeological discoveries from ancient times.

Finally, mystery and suspense can be found in “The Oracle,” in “Marvelous Modern Mythology” and in the creative rendition “Accidental Coincidence.”

Product Details:
Paperback: ‎298 Pages
Publisher: ‎Bookstand Publishing (March 28, 2012)
Language: ‎English
Short Stories

Amazon Hard-Cover Print:

Amazon Soft-Cover Print:


First Person Stories by Jay Dubya.

Prime-Time Crime Time by Jay Dubya.

The thirty-five novellas presented in Prime-Time Crime Time are works of pure fiction.

The stories’ themes deal with various types of crime and criminal motivation. Any character resemblance to anyone living on Planet Earth is positively coincidental. In addition, any fictional setting scenario is also coincidental.

Prime-Time Crime Time is author Jay Dubya’s 42nd published hardcover/paperback book. Other story collections by this prolific author are Snake Eyes and Boxcars, Snake Eyes and Boxcars, Part II, Suite 16, One Baker’s Dozen, Two Baker’s Dozen, RAM: Random Articles and Manuscripts, Pieces of Eight, Pieces of Eight, Part II, Pieces of Eight, Part III, Pieces of Eight, Part IV, Nine New Novellas, Nine New Novellas, Part II, Nine New Novellas, Part III and Nine New Novellas, Part IV.

Book Endorsement and 5 Stars From Book Marketing Global Network!

5 Stars: Enjoyable Crime Theme Novellas.

If you enjoy the wonderful pace of short story collections, this should be your next purchase. These thirty-five ‘Prime-Time Crime Time’ novellas are works of pure fiction. Author John Wiessner writes interesting stories dealing with various types of crime and criminal motivation. This is not the first collection of novellas that I have read, and it certainly won’t be the last. This is a perfect collection of short stores to take anywhere and enjoy.

Here are my favorite short tag lines from 10 of these 35 very enjoyable novellas.

The Bounty Hunter: “Trevor Crawford’s fertile-but-sinister imagination had always fantasized devising and committing “the perfect crime.”

A Small World: “Eugene held huge personal grudges against twelve people from his academic past who he believed had excessively offended and grieved him.”

Missions Accomplished: “Only if we’re able to first solve this abominable series of horrendous church bombings,” Chief Giralo bluntly answered.

The Duck Pond: “The sly Sicilian culprit and his burly bodyguard lieutenants had never been convicted of engaging in criminal activity, even though “the Duke” was constantly under intense police scrutiny.”

The Trespassers: “Farmin’ is such a big gamble with the unpredictable weather that we’re all sick and tired of gamblin’ when the harvest season’s finally over.”

Too Much Monkey Business: “Are you inherently psychic or clairvoyant; a true crime-solving wizard, or what?”

Double Trouble: Little honor exists between ignominious human beings, and this graphic story confirms that very valid social/ethical axiom.

Swarming Killer Bees: Of all the baffling crime scenarios that have both challenged and intrigued FBI Inspector Joe Giralo, none has ever been more mysterious and bewildering than the difficult case of the “Swarming Killer Bees”.

What Goes Around Comes Around: “I’d rather commit hara-kiri than put myself through the nasty torture of again teaching kindergarten,” Carol admitted.

City Councilmen: A major obstacle stood in Clint’s political path: his Atlantis Coastal Hotel landlord Thomas Theodore Wallace was already a prominent member of the city council.

I highly recommend you pick up all of Jay Dubya’s books. His books are entertaining and educational. His books are easy to read and make marvelous gifts for teens through adults.

Jay Dubya is author John Wiessner’s pen name. John is a retired New Jersey public school English teacher and he had taught the subject for thirty-four years. After retiring from teaching in 1999, John Wiessner became the author of 55+ books in the genre Action/Adventure Novels, Sci-Fi/Paranormal Story Collections, Adult Satire, Young Adult Fantasy Novels and Non-Fiction Books. His books exist in hardcover, in paperback and in popular Kindle and Nook e-book formats.

Editorial Review and Endorsement by Book Marketing Global Network.

Product Details:
Paperback: ‎600 Pages
Publisher: ‎Bookstand Publishing (May 1, 2013)
Language: ‎English
First Person Short Stories

Amazon Hard-Cover Print:

Amazon Soft-Cover Print:


The Psychic Dimension: Part One by Jay Dubya,

Book Endorsement and 5 Stars From Book Marketing Global Network!

5 Stars: The Psychic Dimension (Part One) are a group of very well written short stories that deal with fictional psychic and paranormal experiences.

Author John Dubya has divided this book into 26 novellas. Let me briefly describe five of them.

Corporate Sabotage: “Three government men were casually discussing the amusing theory that their boss Chief Inspector Joe Giralo was indeed one hundred percent psychic, or perhaps one hundred percent “psycho.” But as the trio would soon discover, the astonishing case of “Corporate Sabotage” virtually confirmed their suspicions about their boss’s seemingly paranormal cerebrum.”

Music Psyche: “It has often been said that music soothes the soul, but Dr. Thaddeus Gilmore, eminent professor of Psychology/Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania, recently found-out through a revolutionary research breakthrough

The Table Drawer: “Where did you get that weird table that’s now up in the computer room? It looks like it was obsolete decades before John Wilkes Booth had entered Fords Theater and evilly assassinated President Lincoln!”

A Day to Forget: “A Day to Forget: Ever since adolescence, Jack Cooper hated anything associated with frivolity and revelry. The shy man didn’t like football games because of boisterous crowds, deplored raucous celebrating, and despised rock and roll along with rap music, and the man vastly abhorred obnoxious, irritating behavior at New Year’s Eve parties. Anything noisy from Fourth of July and Halloween parades to carnival and circus atmospheres greatly disturbed Jack’s super-sensitive psyche and sent his volatile emotions completely out of kilter. The only things that the “mercurial man” really dearly loved were peace and quiet.”

Each story is independent from each other which makes this the perfect book to carry with you to read on the go. For the sake of this review, let me focus on two stories.

In the story of Triple Jeopardy, Inspector Joe Giralo and his wife Gina go on a senior citizen’s bus tour. Their first stop is at the Michigan Grand Hotel, where their vacation takes an unexpected turn. Let me quote:

…At nine-thirty a loud frantic rapping upon Room 132’s door rudely interrupted Joe Giralo’s peaceful coffee consumption. The FBI man opened the portal and the occupant was somewhat astonished to perceive the normally debonair suit-and-tie head hotel manager impatiently standing in the hallway.

…“Mr. Giralo,” the exasperated hotel executive exclaimed all out of breath. “I’m Giles Martin, the Grand Michigan’s chief operating officer. May I come in?”

…“Why of course!” the surprised Inspector replied, closing the door behind the unexpected visitor’s hasty entrance. “Is everything okay? You do appear to be more than a trifle alarmed!”

…“I understand that you’re an experienced inspector with the FBI. Our dependable desk records indicate that much, Inspector Giralo, and I’ve already verified that formerly confidential information through our local island police department, which incidentally also drastically needs your immediate assistance.”

…“Mr. Martin, in all due respect, exactly what is wrong?” the now thoroughly interested hotel guest asked. “What’s of so much paramount importance and concern?”

…“A most serious epidemic of colossal proportion has broken-out among the horse population here on Mackinac Island,” panic-stricken Giles Martin boisterously disclosed. “Just about all of our six hundred horses are terribly sick with colic and influenza symptoms, and our town veterinarians are going crazy attending to all of the afflicted animals. And besides that,” the agitated and worried hotel manager impulsively expounded, “the entire transportation system on the island has been shut-down. This is a colossal nightmare dilemma in progress Inspector Giralo; an unimaginable worst-case scenario and its basic origin, or should I say ‘its real cause,’ we certainly find exceptionally baffling. That’s why I’m here to both request and solicit your skilled expertise.”

Inspector Giralo’s experience and instincts are aroused and it looks like their vacation might be interrupted. To see what happens, pick up this book.

Now let me share a small portion of the short story Contemporary Illuminati.

…..Aunt Genevieve had revealed to my mother on several occasions that I had been her favorite nephew, and so I always believed that I was in competition for a massive inheritance with my adversarial cousins David and Stephen Wilson, who both perceptibly appeared to be artificially cordial towards me at venerable Aunt Jenny’s Baltimore wake and funeral that had been held in early May of 1992. A full month later, I received a legal letter from Otto Hernandez, Esquire, informing me that I was to attend a meeting for the purpose of the “Disposition of Mrs. Genevieve Curtis’s Will”, and the family conference was scheduled to occur in downtown Baltimore at 11 a.m. sharp on Wednesday, July 1st. Naturally, from previous conversations with my mother, I was quite excited about the prospect of being the principal heir to Aunt Genevieve’s rather lucrative estate.

…..Flash forward: The lawyer next opened the louvered brown door and removed a five-foot-high, antique-looking, standing lamp from inside the dark enclosure, which he then gracefully carried with both hands over to his huge mahogany desk. “This Sir is what your deceased Aunt Genevieve wishes for you to have,” the suave-but-encumbered estates’ lawyer quite diplomatically and almost-apologetically communicated. “Mrs. Curtis declares and directs in her last will and testament that you should amply admire and appreciate this marvelous, extraordinary lamp of Egyptian design, especially the unique brass head of Queen Nerfertiti that’s now conspicuously ornamenting the lamp’s exquisite canopy.” I momentarily glanced to my left and incidentally observed that my three cousin companions were alternately snickering and chuckling at my rather peculiar inheritance, and even Mr. Otto Hernandez seemed quite out-of-character being amused at my unexpected gift that I had traveled 110 miles from Hammonton, New Jersey to gratefully acquire.

…..Why did Aunt Genevieve leave John this ornate lamp? Was the gesture a cruel joke or was it something more? If you always wanted your long-lost great aunt to leave you something in her Last Will and Testimony, this story may or may not change your mind.

With each story comes an internal struggle where there are decisions to made and consequences. Each one of these stories could be their own book in their own rights. I hope you find these Novellas as interesting a read as I did.

Editorial Review and Endorsement by Book Marketing Global Network.

Product Details:
Paperback: ‎564 Pages
Publisher: ‎Bookstand Publishing (January 10, 2013)
Language: ‎English
First Person Short Stories

Amazon Print:


The Psychic Dimension: Part Two by Jay Dubya.

The thirty-four novellas presented in The Psychic Dimension; Part II are works of pure fiction.

The stories’ themes deal with various types of psychic and paranormal experiences. Any character resemblance to anyone living on Planet Earth is positively coincidental. In addition, any fictional setting scenario is also coincidental.

The Psychic Dimension, Part II is author Jay Dubya’s 45th published hardcover/paperback book. Other story collections by this prolific author are The Psychic Dimension; The FBI Inspector; First Person Stories; Modern Mythology; Prime-Time Crime Time; UFO: Utterly Fantastic Occurrences; Snake Eyes and Boxcars; Snake Eyes and Boxcars, Part II; Time Travel Tales; Suite 16; One Baker’s Dozen; Two Baker’s Dozen; RAM: Random Articles and Manuscripts; Pieces of Eight; Pieces of Eight, Part II; Pieces of Eight, Part III; Pieces of Eight, Part IV; Nine New Novellas; Nine New Novellas, Part II; Nine New Novellas, Part III; and Nine New Novellas, Part IV.

Book Endorsement and 5 Stars From Book Marketing Global Network!

5 Stars: The Psychic Dimension (Part Two) is a group of very well written short stories that deal with fictional psychic and paranormal experiences.

Each story is independent from each other which makes this the perfect book to carry with you to read on the go. I find short story the hardest books to review because the content is broad.

I am going to attempt to share a tidbit from each story in order to show you the unique quality of each complex story lines. With each story comes an internal struggle where there are decisions to made and consequences. Each one of these stories could be their own book in their own rights.

The thirty-four novellas presented in The Psychic Dimension; Part II are works of pure fiction. The stories’ themes deal with paranormal and psychic experiences.

Let me share a synopsis of the novellas in this book. I enjoyed reading them all, but some of my favorites are: “The Attic Television”, “The Music Portal”, “The Rip Van Winkle Club”, “Like Clockwork” and “A Photo’ Finish”. Let the author know your favorite selections once you are finished reading.

Multiple Choice: Some quizzes are design to test one’s memory, others are of a competitor nature, while some have a hidden message. Intro to the short story: “As veteran Agents Salvatore Velardi, Arthur Orsi and Dan Blachford entered Philadelphia FBI headquarters at 600 Arch Street, the three black-suited government detectives had been casually discussing the amusing notion that their distinguished boss Chief Inspector Joe Giralo was indeed one hundred percent psychic. But as the chatty trio would soon discover, the astonishing and confounding “Multiple Choice Case” would become a perplexing development that would virtually confirm their speculative suspicions about their boss’s seemingly uncanny paranormal abilities.”

The Attic Television: Some antiques bring us joy, others bring back memories, but could an attic TV bring back history right before our eyes? Intro to the short story: “John P. Walker was a self-confirmed recluse. He shied away from having close friends, thinking that they Intro to the short story:  would be more interested in his prolific Merrill Lynch Cash Management Account than in the distrustful man’s true companionship. There were hundreds of acquaintances in his computer e-mail address book, but his dependable friends could be counted twice on a thumb-less hand. ‘A secret is only a secret when it belongs to me,’ the slightly paranoid man reckoned. ‘As soon as it is shared with one other person it’s a secret in jeopardy.’”

The Timeless Sports Car: Sometimes we wish for frivolous things, other times we wish for extravagate things, and then there are times when we wish for the impossible. Intro to the short story: “Henry Johnson was very content with his station in life. The man was a successful lawyer in his hometown of Hammonton, New Jersey and was looking forward to early retirement. Johnson had married his high school sweetheart Lois and the couple had three grown sons, Howard, Harry and Hugh. ‘Howard is now ready to take over the family law firm,’ Henry Johnson thought as he stepped out onto the Bellevue Avenue/Horton Street pavement from his Attorney Office, ‘and Harry is a prominent doctor at Jefferson University Hospital in Philly. And young Hugh is a prominent real estate developer in Saddle Brook up in North Jersey. What more could a 59-year-old man wish for?’”

Parallel Developments: Twins typically have a unique psych super power that the rest of us with siblings didn’t inherit. Frank and Fred Davies will stretch the limits of parallel developments. Intro to the short story: “Twin brothers Frank and Fred Davies were 1981 graduates of Hammonton High School, North Liberty Street, Hammonton, New Jersey 08037. From their early youth the twins were complete opposites both in demeanor and in physical prowess. Fred Davies was always an extrovert and a competitive athlete while his twin facsimile Frank had a shy personality genuinely punctuated with humility and modesty.

In June of 1987 Fred graduated from Philadelphia’s Temple University with a law degree and Frank evolved out of New Brunswick’s Rutgers University with a master’s degree in biology research. In the fall of 1991 during a dual ceremony Frank and Fred ironically married twin sisters Lois and Eleanor Cataldi of Bridgeton, a large town situated twenty-four miles southwest of Hammonton.”

Window of Opportunity: They say that opportunity only knocks once, but I dare say it is more often if we live with an open mind to the possibilities. Intro to the short story: “The May Installation Meeting assigning new officers for the Hammonton, New Jersey Lions Club had just adjourned and afterwards, two recently appointed minor functionaries were discussing their basic roles with an elderly club member in the upstairs bar of Rocco’s Town House on North Third Street. The all-too-garrulous District 16-C Governor had already departed the premises and Liontamer Mitchell Spencer, Tailtwister Michael Giberson and feeble Past President Julius Stetson were standing at the tavern’s bar casually engaged in a genial conversation over their after-meeting cocktails.

“It’s good to see new blood coming into the club and accepting active roles,” eighty-two-year-old Julius Stetson praised the local Lions Club’s two new energized recruits. “I was a charter member of the club way back in 1963,” Julius informed his respectful listeners before sipping his cold Southern Comfort on the rocks, “and we had only a dozen members when John F. Kennedy was the country’s President, mostly businessmen owning stores and properties up on Route 30.”

The Music Portal: Ones occupation doesn’t always coincide with one’s aptitudes, abilities and creative side. Intro to the short story: “Up until four months ago I had regarded my very ordinary life as being a dismal failure. My mediocre occupation ever since I was fresh out of high school has been that of a dissatisfied shoe salesman at Brock Shoes Outlet in Berlin, New Jersey. For thirty-one miserable years I would loyally commute each working day from my French Street home in nearby Hammonton, a flourishing agricultural community located twelve miles east of Berlin and also conveniently situated midway between vacation destination Atlantic City and bustling Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the distances being thirty miles in either direction from my house to the East Coast gambling Mecca and to Benjamin Franklin’s City of Brotherly Love.

Soldier of Misfortune: Soldiers endure physical, emotional and mental fatigue on and off the battle field so the rest of us can enjoy the freedoms their service provides. Intro to the short story: “Dr. Angelo DeMarco had recently retired as the head psychiatrist at New Jersey’s Ancora State Hospital so that he could devote his full time to expanding his private practice, which was located inside a second-floor office suite at the southeast corner of 2nd Street and Bellevue Avenue, Hammonton, New Jersey. The psych’ physician was perusing a letter received from Noreen Pearson, the wife of a twenty-five-year-old Army Corporal, and the distraught enlisted soldier had been complaining to his spouse of severe migraine headaches, of terrible repetitious nightmares, and also the afflicted young serviceman was often heard uttering “indiscernible gibberish” during his erratic nightly sleeps.”

The Rip Van Winkle Club: Who ever said marriage is work, was not joking. Couples can live in denial, disillusionment and even delusion. It is important that we are careful for what we wish for. Intro to the short story: “William R. Stuyvesant unhappily lived with his domineering wife Gertrude in a magnificent Tarrytown, New York manor house situated on a palisade overlooking the majestic Hudson River. William often confidentially compared Gertrude (to male associates) to Dame Van Winkle, Rip Van Winkle’s shrew of a wife who lambasted, browbeat and belittled the poor lethargic farmer every day from dawn until midnight. That is where the comparison between Gertrude Stuyvesant and Dame Van Winkle ends. William R. Stuyvesant was filthy rich and neither he nor Gertrude had to work another day in their lives to maintain their expensive tastes, selfish hobbies and extravagant lifestyles.”

Fantasy Book Land: Vacation is a time of renewal and relaxation. Although some turn out better than others. Intro to the short story: “Frank and Betsy Lanier were glad that the busy and hectic summer season was over at their well-established sixty-year-old South Jersey family business going by the all-too-familiar trade name of Fantasy Book Land. Finally, it was time for the couple to enjoy a well- deserved and relaxing fall hiatus, a getaway Columbus Day weekend. In South Jersey, the deciduous tree leaves were resplendently beginning to transform into their autumnal hues and to the needed-to-be-rejuvenated Laniers, a much-anticipated tour bus trip up to New Hampshire’s White Mountains represented a most welcome departure from the continuous daily grind of adult responsibility.

“I’m glad we’re again going with Ralph’s Bus Tours up to New England,” Betsy said to Frank as the husband pulled his black Mercedes into the Cape May Senior Citizens’ Tour Bus Terminal parking lot. “The change in scenery will be most appreciated. We’ll be able to forget our identities and duties for the next four days and be just two ordinary anonymous vacationers seeking asylum from grueling drudgery and accountability.”

Superstitions: Superstitions can be used as a tool to guide, avoid pitfalls or just amuse us. Intro to the short story: “Real estate broker James Brewster was elated, not because he had just completed reading Dale Carnegie’s best-selling book How to Win Friends and Influence People for the fifth time, but because in March of 2009 the wheeler-dealer had shrewdly purchased a three-year-old beachfront three-story home (with an elevator servicing each suite) on the Boardwalk and 16th Street in Ocean City, New Jersey for the ridiculously-low sum of 1.5 million dollars, acquiring the residence as a vacation home but more importantly, owning and leveraging the dwelling principally as a seasonal investment-return rental property.

‘I didn’t even need Dale Carnegie’s sound advice to negotiate this handsome bargain!’ Brewster joyfully reasoned. Being a born-opportunist, the risk-taking entrepreneur wanted to take full advantage of the in-progress economic recession and then in three years, capitalize on the presumed 2.25-million-dollar value of the three-year-old beach home should the country’s money cash-flow scenario improve back to normal.”

Trestles, Overpasses & Blue Skies: A change of scenery may be good for the soul but it can come with its own peculiarities.  Intro to the short story: “Inspector Ned Carson sat at his office desk on the third floor of Philadelphia’s Race Street “Round House,” casually watching vehicular traffic flowing in both directions across the Ben Franklin Bridge connecting Pennsylvania with New Jersey, the span being a mile-long distance across the historic Delaware River. Carson’s reverie was instantly broken when his office partner Detective Timothy Ransom entered the room carrying two fresh cups of coffee and then respectfully handed one of the steaming Styrofoam containers to his thirty-year-veteran colleague.

“Tim, every March right before spring arrives on the calendar, I get the strong urge to get out of the congested city and use a week of my treasured vacation time to go either hunting or fishing with you,” Inspector Ned Carson mused and said, “But I gotta’ confess that our good wives have been quite understanding in allowing us to participate in some valued male bonding at suburban bars, and Jenny trusts me when I’m away from town at a distant convention with you for a week or so.”

The Evil Force: Conventional wisdom regarding the forces of good and evil might not extend beyond our Galaxy. Intro to the short story: “I, Colonel Cliff Dawson am accurately recording this incredible account into my personal electronic journal and not into the official ship’s log for reasons that will obviously be self-explanatory later on in this narrative. Captain Jeremy Parker and I have been on a courageous ten-year space mission exploring outer space and methodically charting our landmark discoveries for the International World Coalition. Our well-publicized mission was described in the world’s media as “an awesome enterprise” and quite basically, I’ve always been attracted to the prospect of being one of the first ‘daring humans’ to find intelligent human-like life thriving elsewhere in the nearby Milky Way Galaxy.

Our lengthy expedition started out from Earth in the year 2534 A.D. and it is now, according to our ship’s reliable instrument panel May 5th of 2542. The Newton III is now ready to lift off and leave the planet that Captain Parker and I have labeled EL-741, which is an Earth-Like sphere rotating around a Sun-Like star that my cohort and I have named Mater Seven.”

Rapid Crystals: Technically from any age, is only as good as the inventor, installer and the user. Intro to the short story: “Harry DeLareto sat erect upon his black leather swivel chair behind his desk in his walnut-paneled Elwood, New Jersey insurance office. The broker was preoccupied making a ten percent depreciation adjustment to the ‘inflated claim’ submitted by the Nesco Volunteer Fire Department that had recently and ironically burned to the ground in a raging inferno.

On Harry’s desk were random additional claims from Mrs. Rhonda Leonetti of Atsion, who had just been involved in an automobile accident, Arthur Noto of Hamilton Township, who had recently collided his motorboat with a Mullica River marina dock and another one from Jennifer Friel, a Sweetwater resident who had experienced severe flooding into her house when the normally tranquil Mullica River had overflowed its banks during a torrential three-day downpour. As DeLareto was fumbling through the assorted bureaucratic paperwork that was frustrating his mental health, the gentleman’s very capable secretary Nancy Davenport suddenly buzzed his desk from the adjoining room. 

“Harry, Mr. And Mrs. David DeLaurentis had to cancel this afternoon’s appointment because their son Alfred has crashed his motorbike into a barn on a blueberry farmer’s property over in Hammonton and they’re now at Atlantic Care Hospital in Pomona. The boy’s all right but that’ll definitely be another injury insurance claim appearing on your desk within the next few weeks,”

Dream-On: Night dreams inhabit our subconscious but their effects can bleed through into our daily lives. Intro to the short story: “Hammonton, New Jersey resident Samuel Charles Dexter was both depressed and despondent. His recent divorce from his ultra-dominant wife Sharon left the man’s mind in an emotional state of shambles. Sam’s friends at the Vineland, New Jersey plastics manufacturing company where Dexter was employed as an accountant suggested that the numbers guru should seek professional therapy counseling. One of his fellow co-workers had highly recommended Dr. Adam Neville, a reputable psychiatrist whose practice was at the corner of Landis Avenue and Third Street in downtown Vineland. Samuel Charles Dexter honored his June 7th, 2010 “get acquainted appointment” and was cheerfully escorted into Dr. Neville’s office by Miss Emily Jensen, the psychiatrist’s secretary and bookkeeper.

“Mr. Dexter, you say in your letter of introduction you’ve been having peculiar dreams lately that seem to be compounding your mercurial emotional instability,” Dr. Adam Neville diplomatically commenced his narrative.”

Ship of Fool: In some cultures, photography has always associated with the interruption of and thus mirror into our soul. Intro to the short story: “Philip Greco was born and raised in Hammonton, New Jersey but in the 1970s the elderly gentleman absolutely loved vacationing for a full week every August in sun-kissed Ocean City, Maryland. Phil Greco had memorized every commercial retail business in the inlet’s five-block section of the boardwalk starting from South First Street right up to North Division where the Route 50 Bridge over the bay channeled automobile traffic into town. Trimper’s Rides, the Red Apple Treats Stand, Dayton’s Chicken, Marty’s Playland Arcade, Sportland Arcade, Dumser’s Ice Cream, The Purple Moose Saloon, Thrashers French Fries, the Alaska Hot Dog Stand, Dollie’s Popcorn, Bull on the Beach Roast Beef Sandwiches, the Atlantic Hotel, the Glassblowers Shop, Fisher’s Caramel Popcorn, Lombardi’s Tower of Pizza, Dealers Choice Poker Game Arcade, the Candy Kitchen Shop, the Psychedelic Shop, The Sea Shell Emporium, The Dutch Bar, Telescope Beach Pictures and the Courtesy Gift Shop all held dear spots in the visiting South Jersey man’s heart. And during his annual week-long hiatus Greco loyally patronized all of the mentioned popular boardwalk establishments.”

Stairway to Heaven: I have often wondered if the details of heaven is in the eye of the beholder. Intro to the short story: “I had suddenly died in my home’s master bedroom’s bathroom while I had been staring into the vanity mirror after finishing shaving. A sudden pain spread from my left arm to my chest and the last thing I remembered as a human being was collapsing upon the brown-tiled floor. There is no doubt in my mind that my body had ceased functioning and that my awareness had slowly exited my form and then transferred into a strange energy-spirit state. I don’t remember any spectacular catharsis when my soul had been ejected from its human shell.

Next, I can remember, I was somehow cognizant of hovering over my lifeless corpse and a moment later my senses were aware of my wife’s delirious screams as she frightfully bent over to touch my neck feeling for a pulse. ‘So much for her being a veteran R.N.,’ my still intact consciousness sarcastically thought. ‘She does really love me after all!”

The Better of Two Lives: We all encounter crossroads in our lives where the choice we make enhance our lives or causes ripples of regret. Intro to the short story: “People make many crucial decisions from several years after exiting their mothers’ wombs right up to entering their cemetery tombs. Men and women usually encounter at least a dozen crossroad events in their lifetimes where important choices are made, some good, and perhaps some not so fortuitous as originally planned and hoped for. Major decisions about marriage, who to marry, career choice, real estate acquisitions and investments complement a person’s numerous minor preferences such as which high school sports to play, who to ask to the senior prom, which college to attend, and what kind of house should be purchased. Such a plethora of mental challenges affect millions of Americans daily and continue to reap rewards and consequences throughout their mortal lives.

Richard Henderson was no exception to the law of human choices. The jack-of-all-trades and master of none had always desired to become a successful businessman, be a renowned author, and finally, thrive as a loving husband to a devoted wife who fully believed in emotional reciprocity. Those very noble aspirations represented Henderson’s wishful goals and lofty ambitions, but quite often, obtained results seldom match the sincerity of initial intent. Richard Henderson’s youthful fantasy and excessive idealism rapidly deteriorated into shattered hopes and crushed dreams.”

Youth Revisited: As we age, we encounter youth all around us. Stark reminders of distance experiences and a shorter road before us. Intro to the short story. “One August 2001 Monday morning Frederick Richard Barker drove his sky-blue Buick LeSabre east on busy Route 30 to the Blueberry Crossing Shopping Center. The retired Hammonton, New Jersey brick and stone mason was a seventy-year-old health fanatic who was fighting a valiant battle against the onslaught of everyone’s eventual common nemesis, old age. Fred parked his recently washed automobile in a convenient space and then strolled from the asphalt onto the pavement and ambled into the Health Tree Nutrition Store to purchase a re-supply of Vitamin E and a new bottle of potent Multi-Vitamins and Minerals.

“Hi,” Fred politely addressed the preoccupied young girl standing behind the counter presently attending to the needs of a demanding customer. “Where’s Sharon? She usually takes good care of me.”

“Mrs. Bertino is in New York attending a health products trade show,” the conscientious girl answered before ringing-up the fastidious customer’s acquisitions on the cash register. “She’ll be back in town on Wednesday unless my boss begins that Pocono Mountains vacation she’s been talking about.”

The Hotel Delaware: Leap Year holds luck for the few and mystery for the masses. Intro to the short story.  “Superstitious people believe and attest that strange incidents often occur on February 29 of every Leap Year. I had never placed too much credence in that unscientific claim until Tuesday, February 29, 2004, which unfortunately is a date I will certainly remember forever. Let me fully explain my accursed dilemma so that all will comprehend the true nature of my misery. The courtesy of another person’s sympathy and understanding will be greatly appreciated. I realize that my tale will seem both illogical and incredible to anyone interpreting it, yet I believe I must share its veracity.

A Leap Year has three hundred and sixty-six days on the annual calendar, one more twenty-four-hour interval than that which exists in a normal year. Greenwich, England scientists and concerned astronomers have adjusted the mechanics of the moon and months to interface with the Earth’s revolution around the sun because a quarter of a day is lost each normal year when coordinating those particular solar system relationships. To accurately adjust for the quarter-day time discrepancy in the Earth’s elliptical orbit around the sun, February 29 was created on the post medieval Gregorian Calendar (developed in the 1580s by Pope Gregory), which we still honor today after the old Julian Calendar (developed in 46 B.C. under the reign of Julius Caesar) had been discarded.”

The Bad Old Days: Farming takes knowledge, decision and hard work. Some work the fields, cranberry bogs and then there are those who provide the world with fresh blueberries. Intro to the short story. “Last September was very stressful for Hammonton, New Jersey peach and blueberry farmer Richard Jacobs.  An irrigation pump caught on fire and the first responder to arrive on the scene was his brother-in-law, Charles Garrison. The fireman attempted entering the pit where the pump was situated but the mechanism exploded. Charles Garrison suffered massive burns all over his body and died at a local hospital hours later.

The dead man’s family hired an uncompromising high-profile lawyer who immediately sued Richard Jacobs for three million dollars. The plaintiffs easily won the legal case on the grounds that the irrigation pump should have been fenced in so that access to it by the now-deceased Charles Garrison could have been prevented. Richard Jacobs’ insurance covered only half of the exorbitant settlement and to make matters worse, the grower could no longer obtain insurance coverage because of his deteriorating credit and poor financial predicament. The result of the expensive litigation had caused additional friction to surface between the bad-luck farmer and his disconsolate wife.”

A Grave Undertaking: Missing person investigations sends shockwaves through any community that has the misfortune of mysterious disappearances. Intro to the short story. “The Hammonton Police Department and the New Jersey State Police were baffled by a wave of a dozen missing persons disappearing from the somnolent South Jersey agricultural community, a town noted for being “The Blueberry Capital of the World.” Chief-of-Police Michael Falcone had summoned Detective Fred Arico and Patrolman Samuel Galletta to his downstairs office in the newly constructed Hammonton Town Hall on the corner of Central Avenue and Vine Street. The recent “missing persons’ phenomenon” had become a popular topic reported and discussed on Philadelphia and Atlantic City television news broadcasts. Chief Falcone felt personally embarrassed at his department having to solicit outside professional help to engage in solving the complex case currently under investigation.”

The Steel Pier: Tourists still flock to the Atlantic City famous Steel Pier in New Jersey. Intro to the short story. “Atlantic City, New Jersey’s famous Steel Pier was the Queen of Resorts premier showplace for entertainment from its original construction in 1898 (as a Quaker repose) through its heyday during and after World War II, leading up to the fabulous “Golden Years” of rock and roll music. In fact, the unique extension into the Atlantic was a favorite destination for vacationers right through the era of popular variety shows that were prevalent during ‘50s and ‘60s pioneering television programming. The revered structure that jutted out over a quarter mile into the ocean had obtained its classic name from the “steel framework” upon which the Pier had been erected. Over the decades many big-name stars had performed live shows at the landmark building including the legendary John Philip Sousa, Frank Sinatra, Benny Goodman, Ed Sullivan, Bing Crosby, Jackie Gleason, Dean Martin, Perry Como and comedian Eddie Cantor.”

Live Free or Die: Although the motto of New Hampshire, this story is not there but it is perhaps a story about a soul caught between heaven and hell. Intro to the short story.  Frederick Allen Griffith shuffled into Dr. Augustus Pietropaolo’s office at 1237 Paradise Road, Hammonton, New Jersey feeling despondent, sluggish and quite lethargic. Mrs. Elysia Fields, the office receptionist, greeted the new patient and checked his name off her long list. Fred felt a tad insecure in that he was the only person sitting in the large waiting room. The fact that there were no magazines, newspapers or pamphlets on the end tables for him to scrutinize made Griffith feel even more uncomfortable.

“You’re a little early for your scheduled appointment,” Mrs. Fields stated with a forced smile. “Dr. Pietropaolo will be available to analyze your issues shortly. Nobody has problems any more. If I may use the euphemism, everyone who comes here has issues! Anyway, the Dr.’s presently reviewing the records of another eccentric client, or should I say ‘unique patient.’ Now Mr. Griffith,” Mrs. Fields added as she took a glimpse inside Frederick’s confidential folder, “you’re here to discuss your recent four-day bus trip up to New Hampshire, is that correct?”

Ignorance Is Bliss: The statement Ignorance is bliss is far removed from reality. Intro to the short story: “Ever since his wife Eleanor had died of Lou Gehrig’s Disease in March of 2006, James Jefferson Gillespie has been extremely despondent and has gone through the motions of everyday life as a pathetic loner. The twenty-eight-year-old chemist thought that a change of scenery would certainly diminish his great melancholy, so he visited his Hammonton, New Jersey Bellevue Avenue travel agent and booked a two-week autumn vacation to Athens, Greece. James felt that he needed some fresh stimuli to regenerate his sagging spirit. A stay at the luxurious Grande Bretagne Hotel, conveniently situated in central Athens, was sure to alleviate Gillespie’s recent chronic introverted disposition.

‘Eleanor’s been gone for nearly two whole years now,’ James sadly reflected on his tragic loss, ‘so perhaps it’s time for me to meet and date someone new! I haven’t had much luck doing that around Hammonton since everyone’ in town knows me or knows about me at the bowling alley, at the restaurants and at the all-too-false singles’ bars. Yes, October seems like a terrific month to be touring the sights of Athens,’ the self-pitying fellow reckoned. ‘Maybe my two-week hiatus in Greece will miraculously alter my lousy success at romance. And Room 610 at the Grande Bretagne Hotel seems to be a good luck omen. My three best bowling game scores added together equal that number!’”

The Cruisers: Ship Cruises tend to a tantalizing idea until reality sets in. Intro to the short story. “Frederick and Amy Pearl loved to travel internationally, especially enjoying leisurely sea cruises throughout the Mediterranean and the Caribbean. The residents of 227 Tilton Street, Hammonton, New Jersey preferred taking weeklong ocean and sea voyages to partaking of exotic winter vacations flying to tropical destinations. The medical doctor and his nurse wife believed in working hard and playing hard when not preoccupied with their demanding professions or being busy babysitting their four energetic pre-teen grandchildren, Dan, Karly, Sierra and Lindsey.  On December 28th, 2008 the Pearls’ oldest son Joseph, a South Jersey insurance and real estate agent, drove the general practitioner and his devoted wife to Philadelphia International Airport.

After checking through Terminal C’s tight airport security without too much inconvenience, Fred and Amy boarded their American Airlines jet bound for sunny San Juan, Puerto Rico, where a seven-day cruise on the luxurious and well-appointed state-of-the-art liner The Winds of Fate had been booked in early May. Six hours later the delighted sea odyssey tourists were sipping delicious pina coladas aboard the ship’s top deck and partaking in the standard gala “bon voyage celebration.”

Ice Ages: Impressionable young minds are the engines that drive our future. Intro to the short story. “In early December of 1975 Jeremy Ingram had been an impressionable seventh grader at the Hammonton Middle School where he was greatly influenced by his effervescent social studies teacher Mr. Charles Galinas. The New Jersey history instructor had mentioned to his usually lethargic fifth period students the amazing story of Heinrich Schliemann (1822-1890), a German entrepreneur that had become exceptionally wealthy making lucrative business investments in Russia during the Crimean War.

Schliemann had accumulated sufficient expendable wealth to enable the industrious businessman to retire and then energetically pursue his greatest childhood ambition: to prove to the world once and for all that Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey had been actual historical events and not mere myths as had been widely believed throughout the Nineteenth Century civilized world. Soon his scientific archeological expeditions confirmed to cynics that Level VII-a in Asia Minor was “the Troy of Priam” (that he had against all odds) discovered.”

Like Clockwork: A skeptical heart along with a cynical attitude can close the door to the improbable. Intro to the short story. “My spirit has been petrified ever since I had experienced what my senses have perceived as a supernatural phenomenon! My consciousness has never been so paranoid in my entire life as it is right this very minute. After I regain a degree of confidence, I plan to seek professional counseling to help my desperate soul grapple with my current unbearable mental predicament. Let me explain the entire dilemma in detail. I promise to be completely thorough in rendering my accurate description of certain events that seemingly defy scientific explanation.

During my very smooth and comfortable United Airlines cross-country flight from Philadelphia to Los Angeles International Airport, my alert mind could not stop thinking about the one-year anniversary of my twin brother Richard Sullivan’s unexpected cardiac arrest death on April 14th, 2008. Richard had been an extremely successful lawyer back in Hammonton, New Jersey and both his devoted wife Karen and myself greatly miss his companionship. Besides my wife Susan, Rich had been my trusted confidante, friend, loyal supporter and expert financial adviser. My only brother’s keen insight into evolving stock market trends was uncanny, and his shrewd decisions about often-speculative investments were accurate at least eighty percent of the times he had shared his terrific Wall Street recommendations with me.”

Chiropractic Dreaming: With the chaos behind, relaxation comes in the form of the invigorating therapeutic aqua-bed. Intro to the short story. “Every calendar year the time period of February to mid-April is very demanding and stressful for middle-aged Harold DeFelice of 763 Fairview Avenue, Hammonton, NJ. The very thorough and efficient Certified Public Accountant had just mailed the last of his clients’ 2008 Federal Income Tax returns at the Third Street Post Office on Wednesday morning, April 15th and now it was time to drive his brand new tuscan red Nissan Maxima to has scheduled appointment at Advanced Chiropractic, 425 White Horse Pike, Atco. Harold preferred patronizing Advanced Chiropractic over its Hammonton counterpart because the Atco office had the latest and most modern professional equipment, so in DeFelice’s sage estimation, the seven-mile west drive on four-lane Route 30 was indeed well-worth the additional time and effort.

‘Most of my five hundred customers really go crazy in the six weeks prior to the April 15th tax deadline,’ Harold thought as he passed a tractor-trailer while ascending the Route 30 Ancora Railroad Bridge. ‘They persistently call me about deduction trivialities and about every complicated minor change in the tax code as it specifically pertains to them. But now I can relax, get my back and hips adjusted and be pampered by some excellent electrical stimulation, be massaged by the very satisfying roller bed experience and of course babied by my favorite chiropractic indulgence, the invigorating therapeutic aqua-bed.’”

Animal Music: Music is all around us and influences in unusual ways. Intro to the short story: “Any fiction writer aptly knows that the absolute ultimate in creativity that the human mind can produce occurs when the dynamic subconscious engages in dreaming and in imagining totally surreal situations during dreadful nightmares. But when ambitious short story and novel authors attempt organizing eccentric tales (that are analogous to capturing fantastic dreams on paper), the writers’ manuscripts almost always fall pathetically short of the authors’ noble aspirations. Unfortunately, most dreams and nightmares are not fully recollected, but if they could be, then there would exist thousands of additional excellent “soul-inspired” works available for readers’ consumption in both World and American literature.”

Ten Options: Is the option worth the outcome? Intro to the short story. “Ever since first grade back in 1949 Ken Keller had aspired to be a Major League pitcher. His father Karl had instilled that unrealistic dream in Ken’s head. In 1973 Ken Keller had effectively passed-on the love of baseball in general and of pitching in particular to his son Kyle, who in turn in 2009 had effectively conveyed the “family infatuation with baseball” to his eleven-year-old son Keith. But the sixty-seven-year-old retired plumber Ken Keller had never told his son Kyle or his grandson Keith why he and his deceased dad Karl had a certain fondness for alliteration using the letter K.

In 1974 Ken Keller inherited his small King Lane Hammonton, New Jersey ranch home a month after his father Karl had passed away. In 1977 Ken’s second wife Katherine had also died, leaving the lonely man feeling very disconsolate. But the melancholy widower always kept his well-fertilized lawn properly maintained and Ken was especially proud of the many splendid ewe, rhododendron, rose and hydrangea bushes nestled around his home that were meticulously kept trimmed and looking healthy all summer long. Just the day before Ken had heard an envious neighbor bending the mailman’s ear, “Keller’s mulch right down to the last black bark chip always appears to be in the exact ideal spot where the little chunk had first been placed. That guy’s too much of a perfectionist to suit me!”

Landscapes and Photographs: One man’s masterpiece is another man’s craft. Intro to the short story. “On Monday morning September 21st, 2009, the last day of summer, George Rodio had been a bit lucky at Harrah’s Casino in Atlantic City. The Hammonton, New Jersey pharmacy owner had just gotten three sevens on a fifty-cent slot machine and had merrily won three thousand dollars cash. After leaving the gambling establishment’s high-rise parking garage, the perfectly contented slot machine player drove his dark blue Lexus south on Brigantine Boulevard heading towards Route 30, the White Horse Pike. The recipient of the ‘found money’ was thinking about how he was going to merrily dispose of his recent ‘good fortune bonanza.’

‘It’s a good thing I honored my hunch and drove to Harrah’s to try my luck,’ the happy fellow thought. ‘I’ll call my dependable manager Bill Dawkins after I get home and see if all my help came in to work this morning. But first I’ll stop at that new art gallery in Absecon that features impressive works by aspiring South Jersey artists,’ George instantly decided. ‘If I see a suitable painting that captures my fancy, I’ll purchase the Picasso and hang it above the upright piano in the den and then I’ll move the ancient collage of the nine family photos’ that’s now over the piano from the den to the upstairs computer room’s blank wall. I think that Barbara will be both surprised and thrilled with the new acquisition, if I ever decide to buy it.’”

The Pinelands Theatre: Theaters will be our time capsules. Intro to the short story. “Originally completed and opened in 1914, Hammonton, New Jersey’s Pinelands Theatre has had a very long and interesting history. At first the structure functioned as an entertainment venue presenting live vaudeville and variety acts to entertain the local public. Twenty years after its pre-WWI inception, out of sheer economic necessity the landmark Pinelands Theatre switched from showing silent films to innovative “talking movies” in 1930, but in later years competition from the much larger and more elegant Rivoli Theater (at the corner of Bellevue Avenue and Third Street) eventually put the town’s first movie house into extinction, forcing the out-of-date building to eventually close its doors in December of 1943, exactly two years after Pearl Harbor.

After the Golden Age of Hollywood had passed into posterity, the vacant Second and Vine edifice, located a block east of Bellevue (the town’s main thoroughfare), later became a residence in 1951, but then the structure was gutted and converted into a merchants’ warehouse in 1957, but in the early 1960s Kennedy-Johnson era, the aged in-need-of-repair skeleton became a convenient storage facility for a Bellevue Avenue department store. Things were looking rather bleak for the once-revered Pinelands Theatre building with the approach of the twenty-first century and its attendant technologies.”

A Second Chance: Youth feel invisible with lack of wisdom and self-control. Intro to the short story. “Ever since I became an acne-faced teenager back in the mid-1950s, I have always loved fast automobiles, especially ones with chrome-plated flat-head engines. When my family had lived in Bucks County, Pennsylvania from 1953-‘59, my tough-guy friends and I would often hitchhike to the Langhorne Speedway on Route 1 just above Fairless Hills and pay the dollar grandstand admission we had been diligently saving-up for just to sit in the bleachers and watch exciting motorcycle and stock car races. Then my family moved to Hammonton, New Jersey where my addiction to excessive speed persisted right into my junior and senior high school years.

And when I was old enough to drive my father’s ‘55 green and white Chevy, I did surrender to temptation and drag race it on at least a dozen occasions, nearly smashing-up the old jalopy during four separate dangerous racing situations. Because of obstinate pride during those foolish escapades, I never fully comprehended that I had been recklessly putting my own life and the well-being of others in jeopardy.”

Wolverton Mountain: What the junior sleuths and seasoned pros might have in common. Intro to the short story. “Veteran Agents Salvatore Velardi, Arthur Orsi and Dan Blachford   stepped into FBI Inspector Joe Giralo’s office, loftily situated on the eighth floor of 600 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Each of the conscientious trio was wondering exactly what new investigative matter was of such “urgent and strategic importance,” the precise terminology that their reputable Boss had dramatically characterized their very next challenging government assignment. As usual, “the Chief” was sitting behind his enormous Canadian oak desk and his brown eyes were carefully examining the front-page articles of the Philadelphia Inquirer appearing “above the fold”.

I’m glad that you three easily distracted-but-ambitious junior sleuths have gotten here on time for your scheduled noon appointment, and I’m personally delighted that you’re not now eating pizza or hoagies down at the crowded Reading Terminal Food Market,” the Boss gruffly greeted his loyal subordinates. “I’m also happy to note in my latest report to Matt Riley that you three remarkable gumshoes had easily solved the rather preposterous “Treasure Map Caper” that had been annoying various local police departments in the Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware tri-state area, which had warranted the indispensable services and intervention of the local FBI. Now Men,” Inspector Giralo rambled on, “DC headquarters has acknowledged your crucial participation in swiftly solving that particular regional dilemma.”

Poetic Justice: “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, isn’t it?” Intro to the short story. “Every December 1st, FBI Inspector Joe Giralo proudly invites his three loyal agents Salvatore Velardi, Arthur Orsi and Daniel Blachford over to Orchard Street and into his cozy downtown Hammonton, New Jersey home to admire his extensive train display and accompanying elaborate village, all spectacularly exhibited on an enormous platform that virtually encompassed the man’s entire downstairs “second den.”

“I see that you’ve added several new buildings to complement your intricate Christmas hometown extravaganza,” Agent Velardi noted and expressed. “I don’t remember that dress shop and that yogurt and ice cream parlor on the corner ever being in the village last year. You’ve managed to re-create a miniature scale model of downtown Hammonton! Quite impressive indeed!”

“Thanks for the rather exaggerated kudos Salvatore!” Inspector Giralo genially replied. “Ever since I was a curious toddler, I’ve been infatuated with model trains. This entire project has taken me seven years to complete, and all of the stores and buildings along Bellevue Avenue, Central Avenue, Horton Street along with Second and Third Street I’ve diligently assembled with my own two hands. The tedious labor was done right here on the premises, with all the items being assiduously built down in my workshop basement.”

A Photo Finish: Family secrets divulged. Intro to the short story. “At 8 pm sharp a black 2018 Mercedes luxury S 560 sedan entered the secluded U-shaped asphalt driveway enveloping a well-manicured lawn on East First Road, Hammonton NJ. The recently constructed three-million-dollar brick and stone mansion belonged to local wealthy business mogul James Dante Carlino, who that evening was scheduled to meet with the arriving prestigious South-Jersey Central Bank President, Thomas Monastra. In response to recent phone exchanges, the visiting financial executive and the resident real estate guru were slated to discuss an imminent shopping center development project planned for erection just outside Somers Point, across the bay from scenic Ocean City, New Jersey.

“Hello Mr. Monastra,” James Carlino warmly greeted. “It’s too bad we couldn’t meet at the Blue Heron Country Club yesterday for a round of golf. But Mother Nature isn’t always cooperative with desired business consultations.”

“Very well put!” the bank official aptly answered. “Egg Harbor Township isn’t exactly located in Southern California where it seldom rains in the early summer. Living on the West Coast does have its climate advantages. I must admit Mr. Carlino, it’s quite a beautiful estate you’ve imaginatively built here, neatly tucked into the Jersey pines.”

The Psychic Dimension, Part II (34 sci-fi/paranormal novellas, 567 pages) is one of author Jay Dubya’s 56 published books existing in hardcover, in paperback and in Amazon Kindle, Barnes and Noble Nook and Smashwords e-book formats. The Psychic Dimension, Part II is the companion book to The Psychic Dimension.

I have had the pleasure of reading The Psychic Dimension Book One and Book Two by Jay Dubya (John Wiessner). I highly recommend this book along with all this author’s books. Author Jay Dubya is a prolific writer with over 59 published works to his credit. He writes short story collections, trilogies, and novels in all the genres. The Psychic Dimension (Part One and Part Two) is a great way to get to know the author’s thought process.

Editorial Review and Endorsement by Book Marketing Global Network.

Product Details:
Language: ‎English
Paperback: ‎580 Pages
Publisher: ‎Bookstand Publishing (June 23, 2014)
First Person Short Stories

Amazon Hard-Cover Print:

Amazon Soft-Cover Print:


RAM: Random Articles and Manuscripts by Jay Dubya.

RAM: Random Articles and Manuscripts is a collection of forty-one writings and essays that reflect author Jay Dubya’s personality and philosophy.

Articles range from biographical sketches to the author’s humorous adventures, and the manuscript section is dedicated to the writer’s observations about matters that run the modern-day social spectrum from the Iraq War to inherent problems associated with American society.

Some of the articles in this work originally appeared in the Hammonton (New Jersey) Gazette and in the Hammonton News. In the “Articles” section of the book, accounts recalling the writer’s personal memories of certain people are represented in the stories “A Young James Bertino,” “Mr. Charles B. Sipley” and “Little League Baseball.” Humorous experiences are recounted in “A Tale of Two Counties,” “Misadventures in Furnitureland” and “Catty Cat Catching.” The author’s youth is recollected in the renditions “Growing-up in Hammonton” and “Dogwood Hollow: 1954-’55.” And incidents from Jay Dubya’s thirty-four-year teaching career are described in “School Assemblies,” “Williamsburg School Trips” and “The High School Faculty.” In the “Manuscripts” section, such essay subjects as “Rap Music Is Not Music,” “Why Jimmy Brown Doesn’t Write” and “Multicultural Education” are skillfully presented.

Other thoughtful essays are also included with “Freedom Isn’t Free,” “American Education Is Wasteful” and “The Trouble with American Democracy. The creative work “Gerunds, Verbals and Participial Adjectives” is a zany effort that pokes fun at the complexity and diversity of the English language and its complicated grammar usage.

Product Details:
Paperback:  344 Pages
Publisher: ‎Bookstand Publishing (March 28, 2012)
Language: ‎English
First Person Short Stories

Amazon Hard Cover:

Amazon Paperback:


One Baker’s Dozen by Jay Dubya.

Jay Dubya has written other adult fiction besides One Baker’s Dozen and its sister book Two Baker’s Dozen. Black Leather and Blue Denim, A ’50s Novel and its sequel The Great Teen Fruit War, A 1960 Novel along with Frat’ Brats, A ’60s Novel are adult-oriented literary works constituting a trilogy. Pieces of Eight, Pieces of Eight, Part II, Pieces of Eight, Part III and Pieces of Eight, Part IV are’ short story/novella collections featuring science fiction and paranormal plots and themes.

Nine New Novellas is the companion book to Nine New Novellas, Part II, Nine New Novellas, Part III and Nine New Novellas, Part IV. All ten of Jay Dubya’s sci-fi/paranormal book collections are written in a spirit that emphasizes suspense and surprise endings, literary techniques that the author enjoys implementing.

Product Details:
Paperback: 183 Pages
Publisher: ‎Bookstand Publishing (December 4, 2007)
Language: English
First Person Short Stories

Amazon Hardcover:

Amazon Paperback:



Two Baker’s Dozen by Jay Dubya

Two Baker’s Dozen is a collection of twenty-six original short stories having mostly science fiction, paranormal and mystery themes. Several of the stories are amusing anecdotal sketches. Most of the tales in the work feature suspense and surprise endings, writing techniques that the author enjoys utilizing.

Two Baker’s Dozen contains original works of science fiction, paranormal and mystery tales. Many of the stories feature suspense and surprise-endings, writing techniques that the author enjoys utilizing. All of the stories represented in Two Baker’s Dozen are of the fiction variety with the exception of “Life on the Blueberry Farm,” which chronicles author Jay Dubya’s eighteen-year summer tenure as a field manager on the world’s largest cultivated blueberry plantation.

First Person Short Stories

Amazon Hardcover:


Time Travel Tales by Jay Dubya.

Time Travel Tales is a collection of twenty-one sci-fi/paranormal novellas having similar anachronism-style plots and themes, and the work is author Jay Dubya’s thirty-ninth published book.

Other story collections by this prolific author are Snake Eyes and Boxcars, Snake Eyes and Boxcars, Part II, One Baker’s Dozen, Two Baker’s Dozen, RAM: Random Articles and Manuscripts, Pieces of Eight, Pieces of Eight, Part II, Pieces of Eight, Part III, Pieces of Eight, Part IV, Nine New Novellas, Nine New Novellas Part II, Nine New Novellas, Part III, and Nine New Novellas, Part IV.

Product Details:
Paperback: ‎394 Pages
Publisher: ‎Bookstand Publishing (March 31, 2011)
Language: ‎English
First Person Short Stories

Amazon Hardcover:

Amazon Softcover:


UFO: Utterly Fantastic Occurrences by Jay Dubya.

UFO: Utterly Fantastic Occurrences is a collection of twenty sci-fi/paranormal novellas having creative plots and themes, and the work is author Jay Dubya’s fortieth published book.

Other story collections produced by this prolific author are Snake Eyes and Boxcars, Snake Eyes and Boxcars, Part II, One Baker’s Dozen, Two Baker’s Dozen, RAM: Random Articles and Manuscripts, Suite 16, Pieces of Eight, Pieces of Eight, Part II, Pieces of Eight, Part III, Pieces of Eight, Part IV, Nine New Novellas, Nine New Novellas, Part II, Nine New Novellas, Part III and Nine New Novellas, Part IV.

Product Details:
Paperback: ‎320 Pages
Publisher: ‎Bookstand Publishing (March 28, 2012)
Language: ‎English
First Person Short Stories

Amazon Hard Cover:

Amazon Paperback:


Snake Eyes and Boxcars by Jay Dubya.

Snake Eyes and Boxcars: The rolls of dice in any Atlantic City or Las Vegas casino meaning the numbers two and twelve.

In this unique collection of fourteen short story/novellas, the first tale The Second Civil War and the last one The Music Portal are written in the first person where the narrator describes the action using the pronouns I, me, my, and mine, which is in stark contrast to the other twelve sci-fi/paranormal tales sandwiched in between, the dozen other stories being written in the more common third person expository style of literary presentation.

Snake Eyes and Boxcars is author Jay Dubya s eleventh sci-fi/paranormal story collection and his twelfth story collection overall. Other works by this prolific author are Pieces of Eight, Pieces of Eight, Part II, Pieces of Eight, Part III and Pieces of Eight, Part IV. Nine New Novellas, Nine New Novellas, Part II, Nine New Novellas, Part III and Nine New Novellas, Part IV are written in the Pieces of Eight spirit along with recent works One Baker s Dozen and Two Baker s Dozen. RAM: Random Articles and Manuscripts is a collection of 38 mostly non-fiction writings.

Product Details:
Paperback: ‎196 Pages
Publisher: ‎Bookstand Publishing (January 23, 2009)
Language: ‎English
First Person Short Stories/Science Fiction-Paranormal

Amazon Hard Cover:

Amazon Paperback:



Snake Eyes and Boxcars-Part II by Jay Dubya

Snake Eyes and Boxcars, Part II: The rolls of dice in any Atlantic City or Las Vegas casino meaning the numbers two and twelve.

In this unique collection of fourteen short story/novellas, the first tale Like Clockwork and the last one “A Second Chance” are written in the first person where the narrator describes the action using the pronouns I, me, my, and mine, which is in stark contrast to the other twelve sci-fi/paranormal tales sandwiched in between, the dozen other stories being written in the more common third person expository style of literary presentation.

Snake Eyes and Boxcars, Part II is author Jay Dubya’s twelfth sci-fi/paranormal story collection and his thirteenth story collection overall. Other works by this prolific author are Snake Eyes and Boxcars, Pieces of Eight, Pieces of Eight, Part II, Pieces of Eight, Part III and Pieces of Eight, Part IV. Nine New Novellas, Nine New Novellas, Part II, Nine New Novellas, Part III and Nine New Novellas, Part IV are written in the “Pieces of Eight” spirit along with recent works One Baker’s Dozen and Two Baker’s Dozen.

RAM: Random Articles and Manuscripts is a collection of 38 mostly non-fiction writings.

First Person, Short Stories, Science Fiction/Paranormal

Amazon Hardcover:

Amazon Paperback:


Suite 16 by Jay Dubya.

Suite 16 is a collection of sixteen sci-fi/paranormal (and humorous) novellas and the work is author Jay Dubya’s thirty-eighth published book along with being the writer’s fourteenth story collection overall.

Other story collections by this prolific author are Snake Eyes and Boxcars, Snake Eyes and Boxcars, Part II, One Baker’s Dozen, Two Baker’s Dozen, RAM: Random Articles and Manuscripts, Pieces of Eight, Pieces of Eight, Part II, Pieces of Eight, Part III, Pieces of Eight, Part IV, Nine New Novellas, Nine New Novellas, Part II, Nine New Novellas, Part III and Nine New Novellas, Part IV.

Jay Dubya is author John Wiessner’s pen name and it is also a corruption of his initials J.W. John is married to wife Joanne and the couple has three grown sons. The author is a retired New Jersey public school English teacher of 34 years’ experience and he and Joanne live in Hammonton, NJ USA.

Product Details:
Paperback: ‎216 Pages
Publisher: ‎Bookstand Publishing (January 10, 2011)
Language: ‎English
First Person Short Stories/Science Fiction

Amazon Hard Cover:

Amazon Paperback:


Adult Short Stories by Jay Dubya.

Mauled Maimed Mangled Mutilated Mythology (Adult) by Jay Dubya.

Mauled Maimed Mangled Mutilated Mythology is adult literature that satirizes twenty-one classic mythology stories into more mature presentations featuring adult language, content and humor. Author Jay Dubya goes right to work retelling adult renditions of female myths Pandora, Ceres Goes Against the Grain and Echo’s Cursing Curse.

Other famous adventure myths that are thoroughly pulverized and clobbered are Bellerophon’s Marathon Adventure, Theseus and the Minotaur, Perseus and Medusa, Osysseus and the Cyclops and Jason and the Golden Fleecers. Male hero and vanity/punishment myths are also imaginatively assaulted and mercilessly converted into adult versions as in the cases of Prometheus and Fire, The Three Golden Apples, Oedipus, King Midas and Orpheus.

Other stories that are not saved from degeneration are the author’s humorous original tales Olympus Lives and also Colliding Myths, where Jay Dubya combines the popular stories of Phaethon and the classic Daedalus and Icarus. Love myths are also hammered with novel presentations of Baucis and Philemon, Psyche and Stupid Cupid along with Atalanta’s Last Race. Finally, Norse mythology is not spared from total degeneration with a very amusing retelling of Beowulf and Arabian literature is also assaulted with a creative presentation of The Fourth Voyage of Sindbad. Mauled Maimed Mangled Mutilated Mythology is exclusively adult satirical literature that is definitely not written for or to be read by children.

Product Details:
Hardcover: ‎268 Pages
Publisher: ‎Bookstand Publishing (September 18, 2004)
Language: ‎English
Adult Short Stories

Amazon Hardcopy:


Satire-Parodies (Adult) by Jay Dubya.

Hawthorne: Hacked, Shakespeare: Sacked & Thurber: Thwacked by Jay Dubya.

Hawthorne Hacked, Shakespeare Sacked & Thurber Thwacked is a cleverly-organized book that effectively satirizes some of the main works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, of William Shakespeare and of American humorist James Thurber, and the creative compilation is author Jay Dubya’s 52nd published hardcover/paperback publication.

In the Nathaniel Hawthorne section, Jay Dubya aggressively attacks the early 19th Century writer’s famous short stories “The Great Stone Face,” “The Minister’s Black Veil,” “Rappaccini’s Daughter,” “Feathertop,” “The Three Golden Apples” and finally, “Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment.” In the William Shakespeare segment, the renowned English bard’s classic plays “The Tempest,” “Macbeth,” “Hamlet” and “The Merchant of Venice” are rather hilariously clobbered and quite thoroughly corrupted. And finally, in the concluding James Thurber portion, the U.S. author’s notorious short stories “The Catbird Seat,” “A Couple of Hamburgers,” “The Night the Bed Fell,” “Tales with a Twist,” “The Dog That Bit People” and “The Secret Life of Walter Witty” are imaginatively rewritten and given entirely new adult-style, bawdy spins.

Product Details:
Paperback: ‎380 Pages
Publisher: ‎Bookstand Publishing (February 2, 2017)
Language: ‎English
Satire (Adult Humor)

Amazon Hardcover:

Amazon Paperback:


The Wholly Book of Doo-Doo-Rot-on-Me by Jay Dubya.

The Wholly Book of Doo-Doo-Rot-on-Me (Deuteronomy), featuring adult language and content, is a satire/parody of the fifth book of the Old Testament.

Deuteronomy describes the establishment of the laws of ancient Israel, the many conflicts with already existing civilizations Moses and the Israelites had encountered on their flight from Egypt in quest of the “Promised Land”, and the eventual transfer of power and authority from Moses to Joshua prior to the aged prophet’s death. The Wholly Book of Doo-Doo-Rot-on-Me completes the Biblical trilogy that includes The Wholly Book of Genesis and The Wholly Book of Exodus.

A young Arab terrorist named Mohammed Kareem Jihad had made a great discovery of ancient papyrus writings inside a secluded limestone cave. The violent lad brought the scrolls into Jericho where he traded the documents to Professor Phil Collins (an expert on Genesis) and Dr. Allen Qaeda (an authority on Exodus) for an old AK-47, two slightly used hand grenades and some cheap American cigarettes.

For over a full decade after 2002, I had believed that only The Wholly Book of Genesis and The Wholly Book of Exodus had existed in the treasured computer e-mail file I had received from Uncle Phil, since a long blank void had appeared thereafter. But last month out of sheer boredom I ran the file to its end and remarkably discovered the fifth book of the Old Testament Pentateuch, The Wholly Book of Doo-Doo-Rot-on-Me. Apparently, book three titled The Wholly Book of Numbers along with book #four The Wholly Book of Leviticus had somehow been accidentally erased in the e-mailed computer file.

Now that the essential background of The Wholly Book of Genesis, The Wholly Book of Exodus (along with the tampered-with computer file containing The Wholly Book of Doo-Doo-Rot-on-Me) is fully known, only the astute readers can be the best judges of the merits of Mohammed Kareem Jihad’s remarkable discovery and of now-deceased Uncle Phil Collins’ exceptional Biblical claims.

Product Details:
Paperback: ‎226 Pages
Publisher: ‎Bookstand Publishing (March 31, 2015)
Language: ‎English
Satire (Adult Humor)

Amazon Hardcover:

Amazon Paperback:


Fractured Frazzled Folk Fables and Fairy Farces by Jay Dubya.

Fractured Frazzled Folk Fables and Fairy Farces is adult literature that satirizes classic children’s folk tales, fables and fairy tales into more mature presentations featuring adult language, content and humor.

Author Jay Dubya goes right to work retelling Aesop’s Fables into “A Sap’s Fables.” Adult renditions of “The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse,” “The Boy Who Cried Wolf,” “The Wind and the Sun,” “A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing,” “The Lion and the Mouse,” “The Crow and the Pitcher,” and “The Rabbit and the Turtle” are all cleverly portrayed. Other famous fables rewritten into adult accounts are “The Fox and the Crow,” “The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg,” “The Grasshopper and the Ants,” “The Lark and Its Offspring,” “The Miller, His Son and the Jackass,” “Belling the Cat” and finally “The Dog, the Fox and the Stream.”

Folk and Fairy Tales from England, France, Germany and Russia are also imaginatively assaulted and converted into adult-oriented stories. Jay Dubya thoroughly corrupts “The Three Little Piglet Brothers,” “The Flashing Elves,” “The Golden Goose’s Goosing Curse,” “The Notorious Sleeping Beauty” and “Petite Red Riding Hood.” Other classic stories that are not saved from degeneration are “Jack’s Magnificent Beanstalk,” “Hansel and Gretel Dumkoff,” “Little Ebony Sambo,” “Rapunzel’s Draping Hair” and “Tom Thumb’s History.” Finally, the author completely corrupts into adult parody rewrites “Peter W. and the Wolf,” “The Rumpelstiltskin No-Spin Zone,” “Beauty and the Beastly Beast,” “Cinderella’s Fella” and the classic folktale “Flaky Snow White and the Seven Midgdwarfs.”

Fractured Frazzled Folk Fables and Fairy Farces is Jay Dubya’s twenty-first e-book. This book is definitely not written for or to be read by children.

Product Details:
Paperback: ‎186 Pages
Publisher: ‎Bookstand Publishing (November 11, 2020)
Language: ‎English
Satire (Adult Parodies)

Amazon Hardcover:



Fractured Frazzled Folk Fables and Fairy Farces, Part II by Jay Dubya

Fractured Frazzled Folk Fables and Fairy Farces, Part II is adult literature satirizing classic children’s stories and the work is written in the spirit of its predecessor Fractured Frazzled Folk Fables and Fairy Farces. The new work FFFF&FF Part II features adult language, adult content and adult satirical humor.

Author Jay Dubya goes right to work corrupting familiar children’s stories The Three Scruffy Gruffy Billy Goats, The Gay Tailor Who Became King, Petey Rabbit, Thumbilisa Thumbilina, The Emperor’s Invisible Clothes and Goldie Lox and the Three Ursas. Several British legends are re-invented with hilarious adult renditions of St. George Slays the Dragon and Arthur Becomes King of England. Greek myths are imaginatively sabotaged with comical presentations of Daphne’s Daft Daffiness, Bellerophon’s Marathon Adventure, Baucis and Philemon, Psyche and Stupid Cupid and Atalantas’s Last Race.

Other popular children’s stories that are put into adult parodies are Pinocchio’s Personality Problem, The Wolf and the Seven Lame Lambs, The Sorcerer’s Un-Resourceful Apprentice and Peter Pansy Does Kensington Gardens. Finally, Author Jay Dubya presents very amusing renditions of the classic tales Alice Visits Wonderland and Aladdin’s Little Lamp. Fractured Frazzled Folk Fables and Fairy Farces, Part II is definitely not written for or to be read by children.

Satire (Adult Parodies)

Amazon Hardcover:


Shakespeare: Slammed, Smeared, Savaged and Slaughtered, Part I by Jay Dubya.

Shakespeare: Slammed, Smeared, Savaged and Slaughtered is adult literature featuring adult language and content. Jay Dubya converts eight of William Shakespeare s most famous plays into crazy risqu and bawdy satire/parodies.

A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream and As You Like It are creatively assaulted along with The Tempest and All’s Well That Ends Well. Jay Dubya also humorously broadsides Othello and the classic The Comedy of Errors. Finally, the serious plays The Merchant of Venice and King Lear are hilariously clobbered and thoroughly corrupted.

Shakespeare: S, S, S and S represents William Shakespeare as you’ve never before read the bard’s historic works. Each play has been imaginatively rewritten and converted from dialogue into adult-oriented narrative/dialogue form. Shakespeare: Slammed, Smeared, Savaged and Slaughtered is the companion book to Shakespeare: S, S, S and S, Part II.

Product Details:
Paperback: ‎497 Pages
Publisher: ‎Bookstand Publishing (July 9, 2007)
Language: ‎English
Satire (Adult Parodies)

Amazon Hard Cover:

Amazon Paperback:


Thirteen Sick Tasteless Classics (Adult) by Jay Dubya
Thirteen Sick Tasteless Classics, Part II (Adult) by Jay Dubya
Thirteen Sick Tasteless Classics, Part III (Adult) by Jay Dubya
Thirteen Sick Tasteless Classics, Part IV (Adult) by Jay Dubya
Thirteen Sick Tasteless Classics, Part V (Adult) by Jay Dubya

Thirteen Sick Tasteless Classics, Part V by Jay Dubya

Thirteen Sick Tasteless Classics, Part V is humorous adult literature featuring adult content and language.

The work satirizes and spoofs thirteen classic tales from U.S. and British literature, along with popular stories from Greek mythology, the Bible and also well-known fairy tales.

Jay Dubya goes right to work retelling and side-swiping tales from American literature. Washington Irving’s “Rip Van Winkle,” Edgar Allan Poe’s “Dr. Tarr and Professor Fether,” Jack London’s “To Build a Fire,” O. Henry’s “The Green Door,” Mark Twain’s “Punch, Brothers, Punch” and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s classic “Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment” are thoroughly degenerated. British literature is also corrupted with imaginative adult renditions of Rudyard Kipling’s “The Mark of the Beast,” D.H. Lawrence’s “The Rocking Horse Winner and William Shakespeare’s famous play “All’s Well That Ends Well” all being wickedly attacked and parodied.

Finally, ancient Greek and Biblical stories along with several popular fairy tales are brutally assaulted with satirical rewrites of “An Excerpt from the Book of Exodus,” “King Midas,” “The Gay Tailor Who Became King” and “The Notorious Sleeping Beauty” each being wildly clobbered and slickly degraded.

Product Details:
Paperback: ‎240 Pages
Publisher: ‎Bookstand Publishing (November 7, 2014)
Language: ‎English
Satire (Adult Parodies)

Amazon Hard Cover:

Amazon Paperback:


Short Stories-Parodies (Adult) by Jay Dubya.

Twain: Tattered, Trounced, Tortured and Traumatized by Jay Dubya.

Twain: Tattered, Trounced, Tortured and Traumatized is a unique collection of twenty classic Mark Twain short stories and anecdotal sketches that have been creatively rewritten and satirized into adult parody form featuring adult content and language.

When author Jay Dubya was a New Jersey public school English teacher, he often enjoyed teaching and reading Mark Twain’s “influential literature” to his sometimes-enlightened middle and high school academic students. Remarkably, Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835-1910) was both born and died the same years that Halley’s Comet had made its seventy-five-year revolution around the solar system.

Clemens acquired his pen name “Mark Twain” from Mississippi River steamboat terminology of “twain” being a water depth of two fathoms (twelve feet), the allowable safe level for a riverboat to navigate over a reef or shoal, and the depth was measured by a leadsman who threw a heavy lead weight overboard and then after lifting it out of the river, would mark the twain. Clemens became a successful riverboat pilot under the direction of a captain named Horace Bixby, but after the Civil War broke out, the Mississippi River was closed down to commercial traffic. Being unemployed, Sam Clemens journeyed out west to try his hand at gold prospecting in Nevada and then at newspaper journalism in California. The writer gained international recognition with the publication of his classic humorous short story “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County,” first published in 1865.

Mark Twain is generally regarded as a humorist but he is also understood by literary critics as being a serious philosopher and an astute analyzer of the antebellum and post-Civil War American society of his time. Twain’s most famous novels are The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Prince and the Pauper and A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court. Other important Mark Twain works are the books: Roughing It, Life on the Mississippi and Innocents Abroad, and some short literary sketches from the last mentioned three books have been used in organizing this outrageous satire/parody.

Twain: Tattered, Trounced, Tortured and Traumatized is author Jay Dubya’s thirty-sixth published book.

Short Stories (Adult Parodies)

Amazon Hard Cover:

Amazon Paperback:



Poe: Pelted, Pounded, Pummeled and Pulverized by Jay Dubya

Poe: Pelted, Pounded, Pummeled and Pulverized is a unique collection of eighteen classic Edgar Allan Poe short stories that have been creatively rewritten and satirized into adult parody form featuring adult content and language, and the work is the thirty-fifth book of author Jay Dubya (John Weissner).

When Jay Dubya was a New Jersey public school English teacher, during his thirty-four-year classroom career, he often enjoyed teaching and reading the influential literature of Edgar Allen Poe to his sometimes-enlightened middle and high school students.

Even though Poe (1809-1849) had died at a very young age, he still managed, remarkably, to write and publish more than nine-hundred pages of imaginative short stories and awe-inspiring poems. In addition to being a superb writer, Poe was also an excellent editor and literary critic, and is widely regarded as one of the most important authors in American literature. The now-esteemed writer is often referred to as “the father of the American short story” and as “the inventor of the detective story.” Edgar married his thirteen-year-old cousin Virginia Clemm and made a very modest living as a writer and as a newspaper journalist. Poe had a nasty temper, took drugs as painkillers, and because of his mercurial disposition was unable to keep a job for any length of time. In 1847 Virginia died of tuberculosis and Poe, underfed, pale and gaunt-looking, passed away two years later. Poe’s detective stories “The Murders in the Rue Morgue” and “The Purloined Letter” made him famous in addition to his classic horror tales “The Pit and the Pendulum,” “The Masque of the Red Death,” “The Cask of Amontillado,” and the popular but eerie epic “The Tell-Tale Heart.”

Short Stories (Adult Parodies)

Amazon Hard Cover:

Amazon Paperback:



O. Henry: Obscenely and Outrageously Obliterated by Jay Dubya

O. Henry: Obscenely and Outrageously Obliterated is a collection of eighteen classic William Sidney Porter “surprise ending” short stories/novellas that have been imaginatively rewritten and satirized into adult parody form featuring adult content and language.

This extremely humorous book is author’ Jay Dubya’s 34th published work. When the writer was a New Jersey public school English teacher for thirty-four years, he often enjoyed teaching and reading O. Henry’s “influential literature” with his sometimes-enlightened middle and high school students. Even though O. Henry (1862-1910) had died at a very young age, he still managed to remarkably write over five hundred short stories and anecdotal sketches.

W.S. Porter’s fiction often occurs in familiar U.S. environments and settings that he had known well during his short tenure on this planet, particularly New York City, Southern Texas, the mountains of Tennessee, Central America and the post-Civil War American South. Most interestingly, many of O. Henry’s terrific short stories were authored while he was in jail. In 1892 Porter moved to Texas and soon became a teller at an Austin bank where the institution’s officials accused him of illegally manipulating funds into his own account. Porter fled to Central America but upon returning to the states after his wife became very ill, the on-the-lam short story author was captured and then convicted.

Thus, one of O. Henry’s most famous stories “A Retrieved Reformation” involves safecracker Jimmy Valentine getting out of prison and in a geographical sense, the writer’s humorous stories “Shoes” and “Shoes and Ships” both take place in Coralio, an imaginary seacoast village in Central America. It is widely believed that the unique writing name “O. Henry” had been conceived in honor of a certain security guard named Orrin Henry, who had been employed at the federal penitentiary where the literary genius William Sidney Porter had been serving his bank felony sentence.

Short Stories (Adult Parodies)

Amazon Hard Cover:

Amazon Paperback:



London: Lashed, Lacerated, Lampooned and Lambasted by Jay Dubya

London: Lashed, Lacerated, Lampooned and Lambasted is a unique collection of eighteen classic Jack London short stories that have been creatively rewritten and satirized into adult parody form featuring adult content and language.

When author Jay Dubya was a New Jersey public school English teacher, he often enjoyed teaching and reading Jack London’s “influential literature” to his sometimes-enlightened academic students. Jack London (1876-1916) died at the early age of forty but the author left behind a rich collection of literature still read and admired today.

London was a master at the literary writing technique known as Realism where he skillfully describes struggles and life-or-death situations pitting man against man, man against hostile environments and often man against himself. Jack London was born in San Francisco and helped to support his family at age fourteen, dropping out of school to do so. Spending plenty of time in city libraries, London was a voracious reader who studied hard and eventually passed the entrance examination into the University of California. He stayed as a student for one semester but then went to work as a sailor and a laborer. During the Gold Rush of 1897 London spent a year in the Klondike and Yukon territories where he gathered material and information about interesting characters that later would appear in his novels and short stories.

Very fascinated by the Darwinian theory of “survival of the fittest,” many of Jack London’s works focused on the endurance of strong men driven by atavistic instincts and primitive emotions. The settings of most Jack London stories are in California, the Klondike/Yukon regions of Canada and the South Sea Pacific islands in and around Tahiti. London graphically described the great San Francisco Earthquake of April 18th, 1906 in his newspaper account “The Story of An Eyewitness,” and two other stories in this collection take place in California. Twelve of the eighteen satirized tales in this London: Lashed, Lacerated, Lampooned and Lambasted work occur in the Yukon/Klondike territories, and the remaining three stories are set in the South Pacific islands in and around Tahiti. London: Lashed, Lampooned, Lacerated and Lambasted is author Jay Dubya’s thirty-seventh published book.

Short Stories (Adult Parodies)

Amazon Hard Cover:

Amazon Paperback:


PLOTS (Adult) by Jay Dubya.

PLOTS by Jay Dubya.

Plots is a Jay Dubya acronym that represents a compilation of certain famous works by authors Edgar Allan Poe, Jack London, O. Henry, Mark Twain and William Shakespeare. Every good story indeed has a plot, or an essential problem (or problems) that must be solved. The problem can either be a direct physical threat or an imagined mental/emotional crisis existing within the main character’s mind, or perhaps the problem is represented by various combinations of those separate elements. In any case, the main problem must be addressed and/or especially solved during the story.

The particular stories selected by the author have been uniquely corrupted and then creatively rewritten into adult satirical style where Jay Dubya effectively uses adult language and situations, thus adroitly modifying the general integrity of the original works.

Product Details:
Language: ‎English
Paperback: ‎528 Pages
Publisher: ‎Bookstand Publishing (May 26, 2017)
Adult Satire

Amazon Hard Cover:

Amazon Paperback:


Ron Coyote, Man of La Mangia by Jay Dubya.

Ron Coyote, Man of La Mangia is a funny and irreverent satire/parody on Miguel Cervantes/ Don Quixote, published in 1605.

Jay Dubya assumes the writing role of Sir Vantes. In the novel Jay Dubya uses over two dozen parallels between the Coyote and Quixote’ sagas. Ron Coyote is a wealthy peach and apple farmer. His trusty main foreman is Pancho Sanza. Coyote is the ideal dreamer out to change the world and Sanza is the practical hedonistic rascal quite happy with the way the world is dysfunctioning.

Ron Coyote comes under the influence of Calvin Mather, a televangelist who preaches that America should return to the moral values of its Puritan’ Founding Fathers. As a joke, Pancho buys Ron Coyote a Pilgrim suit, and soon the Man of La Mangia believes that he is a contemporary Pilgrim assigned by Heaven to save America from sin, crime and decadence.

Ron Coyote has a black ’38 Plymouth appropriately named Roachinante, a WWI vintage biplane Roachinante II, a stubborn mule called Clinton and a pig named Madonna. Ron Coyote dedicates his great quest to Della Cinnea, an obese school-crossing guard. As incentive for Pancho to accompany him, Ron Coyote promises Sanza a new shack with a flush toilet, and Pancho goes along with his employer because Sanza’s wife threatens him with castration if she doesn’t soon get indoor plumbing and modern sanitary facilities.

Ron Coyote and Pancho Sanza have many extraordinary adventures with the IRS, rowdy teenagers, tramps, Arab terrorists, the U.S. Army, cannibals, gays, the Mafia, motorcycle gangs, Della Cinnea, convicts, Russians and with Calvin Mather. Ron Coyote, Man of La Mangia is an adult novel that features adult language and situations. It is philosophical, risqué, humorous and satirical.

Ron Coyote is adult entertainment, and it is not a book for the moral majority, for the politically correct or for children.

Product Details:
Hardcover: ‎460 Pages
Publisher: ‎Bookstand Publishing (January 1, 2002)
Language: ‎English
Adult Satire

Amazon Hard Cover:


Hawthorne: Hazed Hooked Hammered & Hijacked by Jay Dubya.

Hawthorne: Hazed Hooked Hammered and Hijacked is a collection of twelve Nathaniel Hawthorne classic novellas that have been creatively rewritten and satirized into adult parody form featuring adult content and language.

When author Jay Dubya had been a New Jersey public school English teacher, he often enjoyed reading and discussing Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “influential literature” with his sometimes-enlightened middle and high school academic students.

For many years Nathaniel Hawthorne had attempted to become an established popular fiction writer. After a decent New England college education, Hawthorne soon returned to familiar Salem, Massachusetts where the aspiring author lived with his mother and sisters for twelve years, staying secluded in a lonely room writing short stories and novel manuscripts.

In 1837, his first work titled Twice-Told Tales was successfully published. Hawthorne was chummy with some of the more famous New England literary writers of his time including Herman Melville, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and Ralph Waldo Emerson. Two of Hawthorne’s better-known works are novels The Scarlet Letter and The House of the Seven Gables. “Young Goodman Brown,” “The Great Stone Face” and “Rappaccini’s Daughter” are three of the author’s best-known short stories.

Most of Hawthorne’s retelling of classic stories from mythology had been published in his work Tanglewood Tales. Another famous Nathaniel Hawthorne short story collection is Twice Told Tales, which includes the selections “The Minister’s Black Veil,” “Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment” and “The Great Carbuncle.”

Hawthorne: Hazed, Hooked, Hammered & Hijacked is Jay Dubya’s forty-eighth published hardcover/paperback book. The author’s works also exist in Kindle, Nook and Smashwords e-book formats. The pseudonym Jay Dubya is a corruption of John Wiessner’s initials “J.W.” John is married to wife Joanne and the couple has three grown sons. John and Joanne currently live in Hammonton, NJ, USA.

Product Details:
Paperback:  266 Pages
Publisher: ‎Bookstand Publishing (August 10, 2015)
Language: ‎English
Adult Satire

Amazon Hard Cover:

Amazon Paperback:


Trilogy 1: (Young Adult Fantasy Novels)
Enchanta, Pot of Gold, Space Bugs, Earth Invasion

Enchanta (YA Fantasy Novel Book One In Trilogy) by Jay Dubya,

Enchanta is a fantasy adventure novel for children eight to twelve years of age.

Barbara and David Morgan are flown away from their New Jersey town by a magnificent flying horse.

Wings flies them to Enchanta, where they have been taken to help an old wizard, King Wisher. Wisher had lost his wishing powers when an earthquake struck his kingdom. A new barbaric civilization, the Beneathians had come from the center of the earth and had taken over Wisher’s land. Since Wisher’s wife Queen Hope was captured by the Beneathians, without

Hope, Wisher has no confidence in his wishing ability. Barbara and David locate Wisher’s three magical sons, Changer, Pretender and Inventor. The brother and sister reunite Wisher with his sons. Then the six conduct a daring raid into Beneathia and rescue Queen Hope. The three brothers fool the Beneathians in many amusing situations.

In the end, the Beneathians are defeated, Wisher regains his kingdom, and Barbara and David are magically transported back to New Jersey.

Product Details:
Hardcover: ‎168 Pages
Publisher: ‎Bookstand Publishing (January 1, 2004)
Language: ‎English
Age Range: 9 – 12 Years
Grade Level: 4 – 7
Fantasy & Magic Books

Amazon Hardcover:


Pot Of Gold (YA Fantasy Novel Book Two In Trilogy) by Jay Dubya.

Pot of Gold is an imaginative fantasy adventure story for children ages eight through twelve.

Janet and Larry Garrison, twelve-year-old fraternal twins, are touring Limerick Caverns with their parents on St. Patrick’s Day.

They spot an impish elfrechaun in the caverns and chase him into a strange new land. Four elves have had their gold stolen from their large black kettle, and Janet and Larry must help Rhymer, Prep, Stretch and Nate retrieve their missing fortune. Evilla is a wicked witch who terrorizes the elfrechauns.

Larry and Janet must defeat her, and along the way they also have adventures with the Letter People, Puppet, the Protector, the Two-Facers and Chiron the Centaur from Greek mythology.

Larry and Janet learn the secrets of the Great Cornucopia, take a wild roller coaster ride over a rainbow, figure out the mystery of the Rifle Tower and take an adventurous ride on the strange Merry-Go-Straight. In the end, Evillas changes her evil ways and falls in love with the Protector.

Larry and Janet are magically transported back to Limerick Caverns where they are reunited with their parents.

Product Details:
Publisher: ‎Bookstand Publishing (October 19, 2015)
Paperback: ‎182 Pages
Language: ‎English
Age Range: 9 – 12 Years
Grade Level: 4 – 7
Fantasy & Magic Books

Amazon Hardcover:

Amazon Paperback:


Space Bugs-Earth Invasion (YA Fantasy Novel Book Three In Trilogy) by Jay Dubya.

Space Bugs, Earth Invasion completes the young adult fantasy trilogy that was begun by Pot of Gold and Enchanta. Space Bugs, Earth Invasion is written for children eight to thirteen years of age.

In Space Bugs, David and Barbara Morgan from the Enchanta novel join up with their cousins Larry and Janet Garrison from the Pot of Gold fantasy story to combat the evil forces of wicked Queen Termita from planet Insectia.

The Insectians are human-size insects that invade Earth with their superior technology. The four young teens go to Hammonds Grove, New Jersey’s most famous landmark, Superstitious Rock where they wish for Rhymer the elfrechaun from the Pot of Gold story and Changer, Pretender and Inventor from Enchanta to assist them.

The four magical beings appear and then help the Morgan and Garrison kids go to battle against Queen Termita’s forces. The Insectians use weapons such as the Identatron, the Evilsizer and the Micro-Minimizer against the Earth’s armies, but the children counter with the Trojan Spider, the Medusa Medallions and the Termita Touch.

The kids even have to battle in a spaceship’ arena Queen Termita’s fiercest monster, the Insectaclops. Rhymer, Changer, Inventor and Pretender play many hilarious pranks that frustrate and eventually defeat the Insectian army.

In the end, the Insectians sign a Peace Treaty drawn up by the children, and then they return to their home planet. Rhymer, Changer, Pretender and Inventor go back to their worlds, and everything on Earth returns to normal.

Product Details:
Hardcover: ‎218 Pages
Publisher: ‎Bookstand Publishing (January 1, 2004)
Language: ‎English
Age Range: 9 – 12 Years
Grade Level: 4 – 7
Fantasy & Magic Books

Amazon Hard-Cover Print:

Amazon Soft-Cover Print:


Trilogy 2: (Adult Action, Adventure Novels) Black Leather
and Blue Denim (’50s Novel), The Great Teen Fruit War
(1960 Novel), Frat Brats (A ’60s Novel).

Black Leather and Blue Denim by Jay Dubya.

A 50s Adult Action-Adventure Novel Book One In Trilogy.

Black Leather and Blue Denim is a ’50s novel about greaser gang conflict in Levittown, Pennsylvania. J.W. narrates the story.

J.W. (age twelve) and his family move into the Dogwood Hollow section of Levittown in the spring of ’54.

He soon makes friends with Carnie, the neurotic son of a carnival barker, and Tinker, a mechanically inclined, vindictive kid with destructive tendencies. The three boys are picked on and harassed by older greasers from Kenwood, another section of Levittown.

In April of ’54, the Fairless Hills Steel Mill opens, and the Caracas, a Venezuelan ship is carrying the first iron ore from South America up the Delaware River. Students from area schools are invited to wave linen American flags on sticks at the vessel.

Four people in the front row accidentally fall into the Delaware River as the Caracas is passing by. Two of them are Angie Palermo and Bubbles Messina. The two girls and their families blame J.W. and Carnie for pushing them over the bulkhead into the river.

The event causes future conflict between the girls and J.W.

Product Details:
Hardcover: ‎468 Pages
Publisher: ‎Bookstand Publishing (January 1, 2001)
Language: ‎English
Action Adventure

Amazon Hardcover:


The Great Teen Fruit War by Jay Dubya.

A 1960 Adult Action-Adventure Novel Book Two In Trilogy.

“The Great Teen Fruit War, A 1960′ Novel” is author Jay Dubya’s eighth e-book. The story takes place in Hammonton, New Jersey, an agricultural community midway between Philadelphia and Atlantic City. The Blues wear blue denim button-down waist-length jackets and are the sons of wealthy blueberry growers. The Reds wear James Dean’ red zip-up jackets and are the sons of peach farmers. Bellevue Avenue in the center of town is the dividing line that separates blueberry country to the east and peach territory to the west.

“The Great Teen Fruit War” is a story for anyone who loves ’50s and ’60s teen culture. Romance, racial discrimination and conflict between the Reds and the Blues mix into a “coming of age” story that blends humor with drama, suspense and surprise into an action-packed adventure. Throw the town’ greasers “The Ramrodders” into the conflict and events heat up in a hurry as the three highly volatile gangs interact.

When Goose Restuccio, the son of a Mafia kingpin joins the Reds he challenges Gabe Gillette, the leader of the rich-kid Blues. Goose’s father’s hit men get involved in some clever pranks played on the Blues, and the blueberry kids retaliate with deceptive tricks of their own. Soon strife escalates into violence. Goose is captured by Blues and then forced to rape a black girl, and after Crystal Davis becomes pregnant, her black friends ally with the Reds against a coalition of Blues and Ramrodders. The “Great Teen Fruit War” is the exciting sequel to “Black Leather and Blue Denim, A ’50s Novel.” Paperback Print-On-Demand’ copies of “The Great Teen Fruit War” will be available in mid-February, 2002.

Book Review by Penelope: 5.0 out of 5 Stars! A must read!!This book is excellent.

“It’s about teen gangs in 1960 – the Blues (kids from blueberry farmers) and the Reds (kids from peach farmers) and what they experience in their youth.

The Blues’s symbol is a blue denim jacket, the Reds’s symbol a red James-Dean jacket. Every gang has 24 members and those teens are involved in “The Great Teen Fruit War”.

It starts with pranks and tricks they play on each other – but every time one gang wants to get even with the other gang and so the pranks not only get more creative but also more dangerous – until it just has to end in a big fight (that’s not the ending of the story).

But this story is not only about two gangs who fight each other – it is also about moral, romance, racism, the influence people have over each other and so much more.”

Product Details:
Hardcover: ‎464 Pages
Publisher: ‎Bookstand Publishing (June 1, 2002)
Language: ‎English
Action Adventure

Amazon Hardcover:


Frat Brats by Jay Dubya.

A 1960 Adult Action-Adventure Novel Book Three In Trilogy.

Frat’ Brats is the third novel of a coming-of-age trilogy started by Black Leather and Blue Denim, A ’50s Novel and The Great Teen Fruit War, A 1960 Novel.

In Frat’ Brats J. W. attends a South Jersey, teachers’ college and prepares for a professional life in the real economic world.

Soon he and his friends join an off-campus non-sanctioned fraternity Lambda Phi Sigma, and that’s when the freshman’s life suddenly becomes very interesting and conflict-oriented. The Lambda Phi’s must respond to dangerous incidents and harassment perpetuated by two established rival male fraternities, the Delta Alpha Omegas and the Tau Kappa Epsilons, which have the endorsement and support of the college deans.

Conflict soon escalates into life-threatening hazing. J.W. obtains the assistance of an old high school friend Goose Restuccio, the son of a New Jersey Mafia kingpin who aids the Lambdas in their struggles against the school administration and against the two competing favored fraternities.

Frat Brats combines action adventure with romance and many surprising developments among very interesting characters in the culturally dynamic and historically explosive time setting of 1961-’65.

J.W. and his fellow Lambdas manage to survive several kidnappings, unique hostage situations, snakes, manure pits, diving horses, Brahma bulls, bucking broncos, an exciting boat chase, moving train caboose initiation boardings’, a daring panty raid, a nudist colony and a fantastic Florida spring break along with a series of other imaginative ordeals to finally graduate and then help the Lambda Phi’s fight the Second Battle of Salamis against the formidable rich-kid Delta Alpha Omegas to bring closure to the ongoing fraternity war.

Frat’ Brats is definitely adult literature featuring adult language and content and has been exclusively written for a mature reading audience.

Product Details:
Hardcover: ‎468 Pages
Publisher: ‎Bookstand Publishing (June 30, 2004)
Language: ‎English
Action Adventure

Amazon Hardcover:


Stand Alone Book.

The Eighteen Story Gingerbread House by Jay Dubya.

The Eighteen Story Gingerbread House’ book is an eclectic collection of eighteen unique stories that can be enjoyed by children and adults alike. Four of the stories involve magic. They are “The Green Genie,” “The Magic Seeds,” “Merlin’s Ring” and “The Time Door.”

Other stories in the work utilize the literary personification’ technique where animals are given human qualities. These tales are “The Tadpole and the Caterpillar,” “Percy Helps Sparky,” “The Story of Bruin,” “The Wise Old Owl,” “From Fang to Claw,” “The Ants and the Bees,” “The Shrimp and the Lizard,” “The Ram, the Goat and the Deer” and “The Lucky Birds.”

Three of the tales in the Eighteen Story Gingerbread’ House have animals interacting with humans. These stories are “Pedro’s Wonderful Donkey,” “Mrs. Purdy’s Parrot,” and a new Christmastime’ presentation titled “Santa’s Little Buck.”

Finally, two stories have humans as the principal characters. “Lu Vang” is a biography on a Laotian-American immigrant becoming a crewleader on a New Jersey’ blueberry farm, and “Kandu’s Great Discovery” shows the daily life and hazards experienced by a ten-year-old prehistoric Cro-Magnon’ boy.

Product Details:
Hardcover: ‎164 Pages
Publisher: ‎Bookstand Publishing (January 1, 2002)
Language: ‎English
Children’s Literature

Amazon Hard Cover:


About The Author: Jay Dubya is author’ John Wiessner’s pen name. John is a retired New Jersey public school English teacher, having diligently taught the subject for thirty-four years. John lives in Hammonton, New Jersey with wife Joanne and the couple has three grown sons.

Counting London: Lashed, Lacerated, Lampooned and Lambasted, along with its companion books Twain: Tattered, Trounced, Tortured and Traumatized, Poe: Pelted, Pounded, Pummeled and Pulverized and O. Henry: Obscenely and Outrageously Obliterated, John has written and published thirty-seven total books. Pieces of Eight, Pieces of Eight, Part II, Pieces of Eight, Part III and Pieces of Eight, Part IV all contain short stories and novellas that feature science fiction and paranormal plots and themes. Nine New Novellas, Nine New Novellas, Part II, Nine New Novellas, Part III, Nine New Novellas, Part IV, One Baker’s Dozen, Two Baker’s Dozen, Snake Eyes and Boxcars and Snake Eyes and Boxcars, Part II are short story collections all written in the spirit of the Pieces of Eight series.

Other Jay Dubya adult-oriented fiction are the works Black Leather and Blue Denim, A ’50s Novel, and its exciting sequel, The Great Teen Fruit War, A 1960′ Novel. Frat Brats, A ’60s Novel completes the action/adventure trilogy. Jay Dubya also has produced two irreverent Biblical satires, The Wholly Book of Genesis and The Wholly Book of Exodus. A third satire Ron Coyote, Man of La Mangia is a parody on Miguel Cervantes’ classic novel, Don Quixote published in 1605. Thirteen Sick Tasteless Classics, TSTC, Part II, TSTC, Part III and TSTC, Part IV are satirical works that each corrupt thirteen classic stories from American and British literature and from Greek mythology. Fractured Frazzled Folk Fables and Fairy Farces and FFFF & FF, Part II satirize and corrupt famous children’s literature stories. Mauled Maimed Mangled Mutilated Mythology is an adult-oriented satirical/parody work that pokes fun at twenty-one famous classical myths. Finally, Shakespeare: Slammed, Smeared, Savaged and Slaughtered and Shakespeare: S, S, S and S. Part II lampoon the famous works of the great playwright.

The author has also penned a young adult fantasy trilogy: Pot of Gold, Enchanta and Space Bugs, Earth Invasion. The Eighteen Story Gingerbread House is a collection of eighteen new children’s stories. And last but not least, two Jay Dubya non-fiction works are So Ya’ Wanna’ Be A Teacher and Random Articles and Manuscripts.

Jay Dubya’s books are available in hardcover and paperback formats at, Barnes and and Kindle versions are available at Jay Dubya’s e-books are available at Amazon Kindle and at Barnes and Noble Nook.

Jay Dubya (John Wiessner), author of 56 books, gives a biography of his life.

Born in Hammonton, NJ in 1942, John had attended St. Joseph School up to and including Grade 5. After his family moved from Hammonton to Levittown, Pa in 1954, John attended St. Mark School in Bristol, Pa. for Grade 6, St. Michael the Archangel School for Grades 7 and 8 and Immaculate Conception School, Levittown, Pa. for grade 9. Bishop Egan High School, Levittown Pa was John’s educational base for Grades 10 and 11, and later in 1960 he graduated from Edgewood Regional High, Tansboro, NJ. John then next attended Glassboro State College, where he was an announcer for the school’s baseball games and also read the news and sports over WGLS, GSC’s radio station.

John had been primarily an English teacher in the Hammonton Public School System for 34 years, specializing in the instruction of middle school language arts. Mr. Wiessner was quite active in the Hammonton Education Association, serving in the capacities of Vice-President, building representative and finally, teachers’ head negotiator for 7 years. During his lengthy teaching career, John had been nominated into “Who’s Who Among American Teachers” three times. He also was quite active giving professional workshops at schools around South Jersey on the subjects of creative writing and the use of movie videos to motivate students to organize their classroom theme compositions.

John Wiessner was very active in community service, being a past President of the Hammonton Lions Club, where he also functioned for many years as the club’s Tail-Twister, Vice-President and Liontamer. He had been named Hammonton Lion of the Year in 1979 and in 2009 received the prestigious Melvin Jones Fellow Award, the highest honor a Lion can receive from Lions International.

John also was a successful businessman, starting with being a Philadelphia Bulletin newspaper delivery boy for two years in the late 1950s in Levittown, Pennsylvania. After his family moved back to New Jersey in 1959, John worked at his grandparents and his parents’ farm markets, Square Deal Farm (now Ron’s Gardens in Hammonton) and Pete’s Farm Market in Elm, respectively. He later managed his wife’s parents’ farm market, White Horse Farms (Elm) for three summers.

Also, in a business capacity, for 16 summers starting in 1967 John Wiessner had co-owned Dealers Choice Amusement Arcade on the Ocean City, Maryland boardwalk and also co-owned the New Horizon Tee-Shirt Store for eight summers (1973-’81) on the Rehoboth Beach, Delaware boardwalk. In addition, he was a co-owner of Wheel and Deal Amusement Arcade, Missouri Avenue and Boardwalk, Atlantic City. And then, for 18 summers beginning in 1986, John had been the Field Manager in charge of crew-leaders for Atlantic Blueberry Company (the world’s largest cultivated blueberry company), both the Weymouth and Mays Landing Divisions.

After retiring from teaching in 1999, writing under the pen name Jay Dubya (his initials), John Wiessner became an author of 56 books in the genre Action/Adventure Novels, Sci-Fi/Paranormal Story Collections, Adult Satire, Young Adult Fantasy Novels and Non-Fiction Books. His books exist in hardcover, in paperback and in popular Kindle and Nook e-book formats.

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