Entering And Winning A Contest by Linda Frank

I had an idea that I thought was unique. As a result of the many questions, I’ve received about my Annie Tillery Mystery Series, I decided to take the first book, The Madonna Ghost, and publish an edition that has notes at the end of each chapter, telling the story behind the story. It includes personal stories, notes on research, character development, the intricacies of the plot, and some writing exercises readers, young and old, can try. My problem was that I didn’t know what genre to categorize this book. I entered two contests, one I entered the book simply as mystery, the other I left up to the contest organized.

I won first prize in the mystery category in the Royal Dragonfly Book Award. https://www.dragonflybookawards.com/royal-dragonfly-contest-winners/

I don’t know the results of the other contest. I will keep you posted. But the lesson it to take the plunge, ever if you are not sure about where your audience lies. I found out what the main genre of this book is, and it gives this brand-new book a boost as I try to market it. Some contests will even give you a free critique, which can be quite valuable. Good luck.

Article Date 11/06/2023:


Message From Linda Maria Frank: Hello, fellow mystery lovers. As a teacher of forensic science for almost 20 years, I decided to create mysteries around the science I found most interesting. I also wanted to create a smart, edgy, young female detective to solve my cases. The result was Annie Tillery. I like to call my books “Nancy Drew meets CSI”. My books capture, not only my love of mystery and science, but those things I found most exciting in life; sailing, falling in love, and my fascination with New York City.

Currently, I am living on Long Island and working hard to promote my books.

The third Annie Tillery mystery, Secrets in the Fairy Chimneys, revolves around another topic I find fascinating, and that is archaeology. It takes place in Turkey. This story is packed with heart stopping page turning drama.

The latest book, The Mystery of the Lost Avenger, investigates a cold case involving Annie’s great grandmother who was a test pilot for Grumman Aviation during WWII. Go back in time to solve an unexplained plane crash involving sabotage and great grandma, Charlotte Wheeler, and her fighter pilot fiancé.

Stay tuned for more thrilling and dangerous adventures for Annie and that oh-so-sexy Ty.

Book Awards: Young Adults/Teen: Linda Maria Frank, New York

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