Dutch Rhudy



R. I. P. (2023)


A Secret In Ash Brooke by Dutch Rhudy.

A Secret in Ash Brooke by Dutch Rhudy Summary: A small town detective agreed to mentor a local newspaper reporter who wished to enhance his sleuthing hobby. In the process of improving his observational skills, the reporter scrutinized various citizens torso and behavior.

As his facial recognition abilities increased, he grew more aware of subtle similarities and differences. The reporter soon became intrigued with an exceptional physical likeness between two young women. Each portray different cultures, and appear nothing alike in manner of dress, or in their separate lifestyles. The reporter, convinced they must be twins, maintained a constant vigil on his suspects. He befriended one of these ladies to learn more about her.

All attempts at justifying to himself she was a twin, proved futile. Subtle comments among her friends and family, confirmed she had only one sibling, an older brother. These facts led our sleuth-hound reporter, to believe these two women were one in the same person. Turning his attention from the proper lady, with her strict religious upbringing; to the one of questionable moral values. His observations only invited confusion and generated unanswered questions. Each time his suspicions exposed another clue, a positive clarification negated the probability. Their timetables overlapped, and one person cannot possibly be in two places at the same time. Or can they?

Certain his assumptions are correct; our reporter continued his quest to learn the truth. Log Line: How can she be in two places at the same time? Tag Line: Never take anyone at face value.

5 Stars: Detective Fiction With A Little History Thrown In!

If you enjoy mystery, detective fiction with a little history thrown in, ‘A Secret In Ash Brooke’ should be your next read.

The small-town setting depicts both the advantages and disadvantages of communities where people know each other intimately.

I especially liked the small mill town setting where men went off to war and some returned. Where women left the security of their homes (changing women’s roles forever) to help in the war efforts and hold their communities together.

Sometimes it takes another perspective to not only notice but unravel secrets that loom large but that are dismissed by ordinary life. Dutch Rhudy’s characters are well suited for the mystery that unfolds in Ash Brooke.

Editorial Review (Book Marketing Global Network).

Product Details:
Paperback: ‎314 Pages
Publisher: ‎Classic Haus Limited, L.C.; First Edition (February 24, 2014)
Language: ‎English
Mysteries (Cozy)
Mysteries (Historical)

Amazon Author’s Page

Amazon Print:


Boot & Milk Balls by Dutch Rhudy.

Boot & Milk Balls take us back in time to the mirth and madness of a bygone era.

The antics of fun-loving, hometown characters, often turn bazaar.

Two popular legends, grossly entwined, evolve to become one macabre tradition.

Three additional short stories; Lost Books Found, Hidden Treasures and The MPA; bring this mischievous Des Peres, Missouri era to a close.

Product Details:
Print Length: ‎19 Pages
Publisher: ‎Classic Haus Limited, L.C.; Third Edition (March 17, 2014)
Language: ‎English
Short Story (Single Books and Collections)

Amazon Author’s Page


Lady Buff & Yardstick: The Three-Footed Kitten by Dutch Rhudy.

Set in a famous Franciscan Monk’s Art Studio.

Lady Buff & Yardstick is a heart-warming story of a mother and kitten.

Shunned by mama Magdalena and befriended by Brother Matthew; curious little Yardstick provides funding for a new infirmary roof.

Product Details:
Print Length: ‎13 Pages
Publisher: ‎Classic Haus Limited, L.C.; Third Edition (September 30, 2013)
Language: ‎English
Short Story (Single Books and Collections)

Amazon Author’s Page


The Elusive Smoking Gun by Dutch Rhudy.

Within the confines of a highly secured area, a sniper kills the state senator. The police apprehend the suspect in under three minutes.

Successful in his devious plan to hide the rifle; the killer waited on a bench and showed no sign of fleeing. An extended search by the FBI failed to locate the murder weapon.

With no evidence to hold him, the sniper walked. The case remained unsolved for years.

Product Details:
Print Length: ‎17 Pages
Publisher: ‎Classic Haus Limited, L.C.; Second Edition (March 22, 2014)
Language: ‎English
Short Story (Single Books and Collections)

Amazon Author’s Page


The Vanishing Corn Mystery by Dutch Rhudy.

Set in a tiny rural community, where everyone crosses paths daily. The Vanishing Corn Mystery introduces us to a paranoid retired farmer. Like the little boy who cried wolf; Hank Swazi complains to the townsfolk about repeated thefts.

To put a stop to these imaginary crimes, he frequently replaces every hasp, latch and lock. From grain bins, secured tighter than Fort Knox, Hank-the-crank begins missing a measurable amount of corn. His obsessive-compulsive disorder drives him to take inventory, level and mark the remaining volume, every time he fetches a pailful.

Unbroken hidden seals on the padlocks, clear those he accused of thievery. Hank devises a plan and starts on his quest to discover the culprit.

Product Details:
Print Length: ‎22 Pages
Publisher: ‎Classic Haus Limited, L.C.; Second Edition (March 28, 2014)
Language: ‎English
Short Story (Single Books and Collections)
Teens and Young Adults

Amazon Author’s Page


About Dutch Rhudy: Dutch Rhudy; referred to by his peers as the master of Mystery, Mayhem and Madness; resides in a quaint, east Tennessee post war cottage.

Any similarity to serenity, abruptly ends right here. For this mysterious Author of Mischief is about to enter his study. Or should I say, make an attempt at entry.

With a quick two-step, hop-scotching around and over the wildlife feeding pans strewn along the pathway, his feet manage to find a surviving clear landing spot at the study door. He reaches for the doorknob, gives it a sharp push, then stands in the doorway carefully eyeing a profusion of every trinket imaginable, gathered to study and perhaps use as a cue for a scene in a novel; this Pandemonium Plus setting leaves not a square inch of surface or floor area. Born in the mid-1940s; Rhudy actively interacted with his older relatives from the pre-1900s era.

Each had a story to tell about the good old days, their pioneer ancestors, the many antics they pulled as children; including more serious matters, about crime escalating over the years and how they confronted these issues.

Each family gathering added more unique stories of mirth and suspense which have found their way into Rhudy’s mental archives. As a young man, Rhudy worked evenings as a disc-jockey and script writer. Once available for full-time work, he assisted a small advertising firm and worked as a ghost writer for a columnist.

Through this association more work followed; with a request to ghost write several novels for teens and young adults, his career was under way and consumed over a decade before he took a break from writing. Rhudy is getting on up in years; the nest now deserted, peace and quiet has returned to the Rhudy household. Retirement affords him the time to release under the Roaring Falls series, many colorful stories spanning over 150 years.

Included within each story are glimpses into the history of his hometown, its activities and bring to life the many crimes from past to present. Often called “That Mysterious Mystery Solving Mayor of Roaring Falls,” Rhudy claims he solves no crimes; he allows the unraveling of each mystery be conducted by the world-renowned Rumbleigh Investigations.

There is much more about Roaring Falls than appears on the surface; If there is a secret to discover; a scandal, a sinister character, a hidden romance, or clue for solving a crime; some character will invariably let it slip out.

Author’s Published Works:

The Roaring Falls Series

Historical Series:

  • The History of Roaring Falls: Draft Completed, In Editing, Not Yet Published
  • The Journal of Josiah Stren 1828 – 1829 (Example Only): In Production

Mystery Series (Examples Only):

  • Death on The Landing
  • Riverboat Murders
  • The Oracle at Winnowing Rock
  • Torchlight at Summit Ridge

Romance Series (Examples Only):

  • Phoebe’s Wish
  • The Blue Petticoat
  • Prom Night Parties
  • Secret Life of Maggie Grupp

Stand-Alone Novels (Stand-alone publications):


  • A Secret In Ash Brooke

Short Stories (Stand-alone publications):


  • Boot & Milk Balls (Plus three additional short stories)
  • Lady Buff & Yardstick – The Three-Footed Kitten


  • The Elusive Smoking Gun
  • The Vanishing Corn Mystery

Amazon Author’s Page

Author Dutch Rhudy’s Roaring Falls Website

Author’s Page At Book Marketing Global Network:

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