The Jack Ludefance PI Series by Behcet Kaya

California Author Behcet Kaya!

The Jack Ludefance PI Series!

Appellate Judge by Behcet Kaya.

Book One In The Jack Ludefance PI Series.

“From the swamps of the Florida panhandle, once again emerges private investigator Jack Ludefance, in a murder/mystery/thriller novel by award winning author Behcet Kaya, titled “Appellate Judge.” A key element in this case, in which readers are orbited into with a very subtle path of reasoning, revolves around a violin. Not just any ordinary violin, but a Stradivarius, worth many millions of dollars. What’s more, it seems this particular Strad, which was gifted to the judge years back by a Swiss aristocrat, was actually at one time owned by the most famous violin virtuoso who ever lived, Niccolò Paganini; adding even more to its value.

The uncovering of details about this violin makes for a very sophisticated history into the world of classical instruments. With suspense, action, seduction and attitude, worthy of the Jack Ludefance series, “Appellate Judge” ranks high in the best-of-class within this genre. It stands on its own for readers just entering the series, albeit those who have read his two prior novels, “Treacherous Estate” and “Body in the Woods” would appreciate the continued character development and maturity Kaya brings to his latest in the series. “The Appellate Judge” is not one to miss!” Gary Sorkin

Review by JoJo Maxson: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Another fierce novel that will keep you glued to the pages. Appellate Judge by Behcet Kaya is the third Jack Ludefance novel, and this private investigator gets better with each book. Jack is taking a break from his cases and goes on a cruise with his sister, Margaux, and their late father’s companion, Deloris. In the middle of his vacation, he gets a call that his next challenging case is waiting for him when he is back in the states. A year has passed since the Honorable Judge Russell Hasting died. His daughter is not convinced it was a heart attack, especially since there were marks clearly across his neck. Can Jack work his magic again to find the clue that will give him a break?

Behcet Kaya is an amazing author that continues to build off his intriguing character, PI Jack Ludefance. Appellate Judge keeps the readers hanging on to every work as the story unfolds into another suspenseful thriller. I love how the author keeps his novels fast, fierce, and full of action without extra filler. I am looking forward to the next novel in this series and the new turn in his life.

Product Details:
Paperback: ‎379 Pages
Publisher: ‎Independently Published (November 27, 2020)
Language: ‎English
Fiction (Crime Mysteries)
Thrillers (Organized Crime)
Thrillers (Suspense)
Mysteries (Crime Thrillers)
Mysteries (Murder Thriller Crime Fiction)
Mysteries (Mystery Suspense Thrillers)
Mysteries (Private Investigator)

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Murder In Buckhead by Behcet Kaya.

Book Two In The Jack Ludefance PI Series.

Bechet Kaya’s book four in the Jack Ludefance series, Murder in Buckhead, follows PI Jack’s all-action mysteries proceedings, resonates with the author’s knotty narrative, sparkling characters, and the ever-still place of realism as to the basic human aspirations.

Buckhead, a district within Atlanta that boasts many high-end residences and businesses, is the scene of the discovery of a body. As the meticulous detective Shamir Turner assesses the circumstances of the alleged suicide of Casey Ray Olmsted, the son of the influential US Senator Bartholomew Jeremie Olmsted, he is certain of foul play (all shreds of evidence are contrary to the suicide claim). In the wake of Senator Olmsted’s request not to proceed with the investigation of his son’s death (since it’s a suicide), Turner has no choice but to do nothing (well, just officially…). Meanwhile, in his mid-40s, private investigator Jack Ludefance from Florida receives a phone call from Scarlet Olmsted asking him to look into the ‘real’ deed behind his son Casey’s death. Blaire Olmsted, Casey’s widower, issues a second exhortation, pleading with Ludefance to probe the senator (her father-in-law) who is after her life.

Amidst the seemingly well-heeled proceedings of the murder-mystery investigation, Ludefance makes some unexpected discoveries about the case that goes against his reasoning. Blaire puzzles him with her switch between slyly seductive innuendos and her innocent persona, genuinely concerned about the senator and the threats he makes (a devious diva or an innocent suspect?). Additionally, not only has Blaire become a thorn in the motive of concealing the true story behind Casey’s death, but Jack has also become part of the follow-ups and death threats. In a bind, Ludefance must deal with two situations that both get in the way of the corrupt and wicked Senator, who believes in getting rid of any weeds that might stand in the way of his objectives. With Rudy, the young expert hacker, Turner, the ever-ardent detective, and many incidental characters on board, the plot follows Jack’s adventure to unravel the mysterious death of Casey – suicide or murder, or is there an entirely different angle to the case?

Through the luxury settings of Atlanta, the criminal underworld, and (not to overlook) the various eateries and human basic appetites for delicacies and meals, the author weaves an interesting tale that goes beyond a mere murder mystery riddle. All of the characters reveal their true selves in their own sexuality, backgrounds, and social positions, whether expressing natural human passion, appetite, or wrestling with their inner conflicts. Despite being a minor force behind the propagation of the murder mystery, the plot’s plethora of characters, including Rudy with his subtle fatherly relationship with Jack, Cindy, Jack’s sexual interest, as well as Turner and County Sheriff Lawson (aka Hiker), the ideal professionals and boon companions, provide enrichment to the plot with their unique presence and personalities.

Product Details:
Paperback: ‎309 Pages
Publisher: ‎Independently Published (July 23, 2022)
Language: ‎English
Fiction (Crime Mysteries)
Thrillers (Organized Crime)
Thrillers (Suspense)
Mysteries (Crime Thrillers)
Mysteries (Murder Thriller Crime Fiction)
Mysteries (Mystery Suspense Thrillers)
Mysteries (Private Investigator)

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Uncanny Alliance by Author Behcet Kaya.

Book Three In The Jack Ludefance PI Series.

A shocking murder has devastated the sacred walls of Kingsley University. A student discovers the body of controversial Professor Zambear in a distressing state, and lo and behold, the likely perpetrator is his wife, Stella Zambear. James Kingsley calls on the savvy private investigator Jack Ludefance to clear his daughter’s name in the murder. In light of Stella’s disclosure of her chaotic marriage and the darker aspects of their relationship, complexities lure Jack into a web of suspicion. Yet, little does he know the extent of deception and intrigue that await him as he lunges further into the case…

Review by Glenda: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Perfection! Had to become a Personal Favorite for 2024! Reviewed in the United States on April 20, 2024. Verified Purchase. Words Failed Me, at first, to describe the new novel by Behcet (Ben) Kaya. Then it came to me. In my mind, It Was Perfect. Perfection when a writer creates not only a novel of importance in today’s world, but, perfect because the writer took the time to ensure that every single issue within the book was covered, checked and rechecked so that the reader would be completely satisfied when finishing this fantastic novel!

Even reading a manuscript online and sitting for 8 hours straight could not stop me from wanting to continue to read and finish the book. Only logic told me to eat and rest for the night… I was up the next morning at 6, soon reading faster and faster, pages flying past as I was lost in the story that Ben had created. Even now as I write, I thrill at the wonder of his words, his characters, his manner of characters interacting with each other… Was that It? Was I reading a book by an author who was so attuned, so empathic, that even his characters in their daily lives knew how and what to say to each other? Routinely? Because, of course, such a writer could indeed write Perfection…

And, for having read Ben’s first novel and seeing his latest which surely places him into the group of major authors of our great literary nation… Please, take the time to, in the right-hand column on my blog, type in the author’s name… You will get a list of his books. In fact, I recommend that you begin with the first in series for Jack Ludefance and binge on the series. Or, since this is the latest, and best, start with it! Either way, you will meet an author who you will remember and a series you’ll want to follow! Let me tell you about it! I’m so excited to do so! And already thinking movies and who should play Ludefance!

Kaya’s choice to use a fictitious small but well-located university in a wealthy part of Alabama begins the novel with the death of a popular campus professor. His wife, Stella Kingsley, who is provost is immediately charged with his murder. Stella, who had been involved with Professor Zambear’s hiring knew of her husband’s reputation at that point, not only hiring him, but marrying him, stating that she had fallen in love with him at first sight. Then, claiming she knew what she would be getting into, could not do anything as her new husband continued in his pursuit of every willing female on campus, enjoying the notoriety, and humiliation of his wife, as well as any female who he enjoyed sexually and then left to move on to the next one… The year is 2019 when apparently sexual exploration in higher education is normal and there is no penalty whatsoever for a professor/student union!

Stella’s father as well as the university president had advised Stella NOT to seek a divorce–for the good of the institution. Readers may think that she had the right for revenge. But, Stella did not kill her husband. She acknowledged that she and her husband had sex that evening at their home. But, around 11 PM he left her to go back to his office to work… He was killed around 2 AM that morning. Stella’s DNA was still on his body; no other suspects were considered, while all external news of the salacious murder was squashed by her father, a leader in both the university and the community surrounding the university. Indeed, at the time of the murder, there was not one security camera on campus. The entire campus was enclosed with wired fence hidden by shrubbery on both sides of the fence… There were 6 campus guards on duty at all times.

James Kingsley, himself, made the contact to Jack Ludefance, after conducting a thorough search for a private investigator to begin to investigate what had really happened, in order to free his daughter from suspicion. In the meantime, she was jailed, with no bond, due to the gravity of the situation.

In thinking about Ludefance, I’m torn between Crocodile Dundee and Spenser… Spenser, of course, with Robert Ulrich would win; however, since Ludefance has a scar running down his face from fighting with an alligator, well, you can see Ludefance is not quite the gentleman PI individual that we think about when we’re actually reading the book… Let’s just say that Ludefance is worthy of being seen in future movies featuring the best known PI living at this time–at least in novels… LOL

Ludefance also has a little bit of OCD, which resulted in what I’ve considered as his best and perfect novel… Yet! He’s a planner and quickly pulls in his right-hand partner and tech expert. You’ll love him as much as I do… He’s the perfect counterpart to his boss… Ludefance quickly gets Rudy searching for the background of the man who was murdered… At the same time, he buys a drone to survey the campus, realizing that if the security was so tight that even the professor had called in to be allowed into his campus building, then perhaps there could be another way to get on campus. They quickly found a location where a part of the fence had been cut…

But during that survey, Rudy had cried out that he thought what he was now seeing was…a…body! Yes, a young woman was found, her foot attached to a concrete block to pull her down… Did the killer even know that the lake normally became dry during summer months? Ludefance quickly checked out everything that was found with her before the police arrived… Khole Rivers had been murdered, the name of the already dead professor was in her belongings, and they found the first possible important clue. A bitcoin…

It was through this woman that they found a possible twist to why the murder of Professor Zambear had occurred… Ludefance had learned that Zambear had been concerned enough about what was happening in and about the Amazon River that he had created a foundation through which funds could be diverted to his foundation through an investment program… And that’s when a murder mystery quickly turned into an international thriller and when, later, even the mention of the Russian Mafia possibly being involved made Ludefance very nervous. He knew just how dangerous it could get, and, when he had to gun down an intruder coming into his hotel room, that’s when the action heats up and I was clicking page after page as more and more information was being found through Rudy and his friends’ hacking skills!

Ludefance was ahead of the local police and campus officers at every point, first, by naming the professor’s killer, and, second, naming the person who had killed the woman in the lake, warning the police that the latter could easily flee given her background. Which she then did!

And around that time, the author is announcing that his next novel will hopefully come out in late 2024, titled, Deception–In 2020, as the world faces the Covid-19 pandemic, Jack confronts the challenge of his career, navigating through a case involving political, medical, and client deception.

Personally, I’m already excited, waiting to read the NEXT book, and now you all will be able to read this one… I’m hooked on this series… much like I was on the Talanov Series by James Turner. Even though that one had been my personal favorite, I think Ludefance has surpassed it for me. The action and tension are similar, but it is the author’s writing that has swayed me… I had never used the word Perfection for any other book I’ve read, to date! And we know that I’ve reviewed at least over 3000 books on my blog, mostly fiction novels…

Start reading and catch up on the series, at least by reading all my previous reviews here! Better yet, get the books and meet a dynamite team just like Spenser had… Only difference is Hawk was the sometime muscle, while Rudy is a computer expert. In this book, there is even a new love interest who just might be staying in the series… We’ll see!

Yes, I loved this book, which takes this writer to the level of the major fiction authors of this generation. It’s timely, a fascinating dip into the use of cryptocurrency, and most of all character-driven. It’s definitely a 2024 personal favorite for me!

Review by Marilyn Nygard: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Uncanny Alliance. Reviewed in the United States on April 29, 2024. Verified Purchase. Another wonderfully written Jack Ludefance detective novel! Author draws you in an always have to read straight through to the end. Author has great attention to details and adding information making for a great read. Looking forward to the next novel from this great author!

Review by KWN: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Jack Ludefance returns in ‘Uncanny Alliance’. Reviewed in the United States on May 4, 2024. Uncanny Alliance, 5th in the Jack Ludefance PI series, finds Jack embroiled in a murder mystery involving cryptocurrency scams and the Russian Mafia. A page turner to the very end.

Review by Linda C: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Hooked from start to finish! Can’t wait for the next book in this captivating series. Reviewed in the United States on April 29, 2024. Behcet Kaya is a master at character development and storytelling. He continues to amaze in this addition to the Ludefance series – another beautiful setting, memorable and evolving characters, and suspense from start to finish! Enjoyed every chapter – and the teaser at the end!

Review by cutie: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Very well written. Reviewed in the United States on April 27, 2024. I really enjoyed reading this. I couldn’t wait to finish and find out who was the murderer. I always like reading detective novels and this one just filled the gap since I wasn’t able to read long time.

Review by AndreaP: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Great descriptions. Reviewed in the United States on May 9, 2024. I love a good who-done-it novel, and this one didn’t disappoint. The vivid descriptions and cleverly crafted character development will have you turning pages well into the night. Each chapter ends with the reader wanting a little more, and just when you think you’ve got it figured out, there’s a twist. Cheers to a well-rounded book and excellent world-building that places you right in the heart of the story.

Product Details:
Print Length: ‎289 Pages
Publisher: ‎Independently Published (April 14, 2024)
Language: ‎English
Fiction (Crime Mysteries)
Thrillers (Organized Crime)
Thrillers (Suspense)
Mysteries (Crime Thrillers)
Mysteries (Murder Thriller Crime Fiction)
Mysteries (Mystery Suspense Thrillers)
Mysteries (Private Investigator)

Amazon Print:



About The Author: Author Behcet Kaya was born in northeastern Turkey. Growing up in a small village with long held traditions, his rebellious and creative nature emerged at an early age. Leaving home at fourteen, he travelled first to Istanbul and then on to London. His dream was to complete his high school education and then a college degree in engineering. While at Hatfield Polytechnic, Kaya made his first visit to the U.S. as an exchange student with the BUNC. He made the move to the U.S. in 1976 and became a U.S. citizen in 1985. While living in Atlanta, Georgia, he followed his creative yearnings, attending the Alliance Theater School and studying at the SAG Conservatory of Georgia. Kaya and his wife moved to Los Angeles, where he continued his studies at the Roby Theater Company and the Shakespeare, A Noise Within Theater Workshop. In May 2017 Behcet Kaya graduated from California State University Channel Island majoring BA Political Science.

Along with acting, writing became a natural outlet for his creative yearnings. He has published seven novels, “Voice of Conscience, Murder on the Naval Base, Road to Siran-Erin’s story (Sequel To Voice of Conscience), Treacherous Estate (crime story), Body in the Woods, Appellate Judge (Part of The Jack Ludefance PI Series), Murder In Buckhead (The Jack Ludefance PI Series), as well as several short stories.

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