Household Property Inventory Workbook by Theodocia McLean

Household Property Inventory Workbook by Theodocia McLean.

A Must Have Record Keeping System.

The Household Property Inventory Workbook by Theodocia McLean is one purchase you will wish you had made several years ago. Lucky for you, it is never too late to document household and personal belongings.

This workbook is geared for homeowners or those who rent. Document and track everything from furnishings to valuables. This workbook begins with all the primary household family members’ vital statistics, dates, places, of birth, right down to the details needed for family members if you are in the hospital or you need someone to care for your furry members of the family. It ends with your end-of-life instructions.

Heaven forbids your home and all its contents are lost to fire, flood or other natural disaster. However, this is when this workbook becomes valuable. Your home and all its contents are your biggest investments and you have spent a personal fortune insuring for earthquakes, floods, tornadoes and theft. It is the worst time of your life when the insurance adjuster wants proof of your loss. You took the time to document your belongings in this workbook, you followed the format, your recorded serial numbers, included receipts and photocopied everything. You even stored copies on external hard drives or in the cloud. You’re covered! Just sit back and wait for the insurance company to cut you a check.

I highly recommend you purchase this workbook annually for your home and store each past year(s) in your safety deposit box. This workbook makes a great wedding or housewarming gift. Buy copies for yourself, your family and friends.

Product Details:
Workbook Paperback: ‎435 Pages
Publisher: ‎Independently Published (September 15, 2018)
Language: ‎English
Self-Help (Property)

Amazon Print:

Message From Author: I was born Theodocia, on the small cozy Island of Beals, Maine. Sold to the mailman, adopted twice, I was not told my beautiful name until my sixteenth birthday. My love for writing began when my fifth-grade teacher captured my imagination with creative writing assignments while I was living away from home, in a harsh, punitive private school environment. A song that I have sung every day is the only link that I had to Clara, my one special friend, who made daily life bearable for a short time, in that dreadful place. I am an avid reader and I enjoy reviewing books.

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