The Waterguard by Richard Hernaman Allen

OUR READERS TO DATE: 261 The Waterguard by Richard Hernaman Allen. Shortly after his arrival as an Officer of Customs & Excise in Harwich, Nick Storey discovers that his predecessor has been killed in a road accident, having taken away with him official documents. When Nick retrieves them, he also… Continue reading

Murder In A Time Of Plague by Richard Hernaman Allen

OUR READERS TO DATE: 277 Murder In A Time Of Plague by Richard Hernaman Allen. A detective story set at the time of the Great Plague of London in 1665. Two men disappear on the same night, supposedly died from the plague. They are connected through a company loaning money… Continue reading

Murder At Barebone’s Parliament by Richard Hernaman Allen

OUR READERS TO DATE: 255 Murder At Barebone’s Parliament by Richard Hernaman Allen. 1653. Oliver Cromwell has dissolved the Rump Parliament and he and his generals have appointed a new Assembly of 140 men who will make England “a godly nation”. One of the members, a Fifth Monarchist, who believed… Continue reading

Carillon by Richard Hernaman Allen

OUR READERS TO DATE: 290 Carillon by Richard Hernaman Allen. Asked by his sister to locate her missing grandson, Nick Storey and his wife Rosemary go to Loughborough, where he was studying for a second degree at the university. It quickly becomes evident that he does not wish to be… Continue reading

The Road To Nowhere by Richard Hernaman Allen

OUR READERS TO DATE: 288 The Road To Nowhere by Richard Hernaman Allen. 1986. Nick Storey is asked to assess whether certain high-tech items offered to Mrs. Thatcher by President Reagan to placate her after the Grenada invasion are secure against being leaked to the Soviet bloc. This places him… Continue reading