Stories About Growing Up On A Flower Farm In Queens, NYC by Linda Maria Frank


It all started with a conversation I had with my son, Michael. We were going through the family photo albums.

“Who’s that, Mom?” he said pointing to a couple in a posed photo taken by a professional photographer. In the late 1800’s or early 1900’s. if you wanted a photo, you went to a professional photographer. Ordinary folks rarely possessed cameras.

“No one knows the answer to that,” I said looking at the couple.

He turned the cardboard picture over, no date to be found, only the name Schultz.

“Well, it’s Gramma’s side of the family. At least I know that much.”

Then it dawned on me. They’re all gone; grandparents, parents, most cousins, aunts and uncles, my dad’s work crew. There is no one to ask. I know a lot of stuff, but I am on my own with whatever resources I can find to answer the unanswerable.

I am the repository of the family folklore, and there’s so much I don’t know.

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How Can There Be a Flower Farm in Queens?

It was a time when Queens County in New York City was “the country”.

Let me tell you about the flower farm. The sign facing the street in front of 62-15 announced F. G. Frank Florist and Gardener. Doesn’t sound like a flower farm. Well, let’s look at some history.

Read more and see photos from Linda’s childhood in Queens, NY


Early, Early Memories

Imagine a four- or five-year-old girl trudging along a wide, paved street, her hand protectively grasped by a much larger calloused one. She gives a little skip to catch up to her companion. The scene is familiar, the old wood-frame houses, the cemetery across the street, the railroad tracks that run under the street. She knows some of the people who live in the old houses, others are people who don’t even say hello.

She wonders why there are so many weeds and trees hiding the railroad tracks from view. Where do those tracks go? She is afraid of going near them. Mommy has warned her. The cemetery is where Grampa and Daddy work to bring flowers to the dead people who live there.

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Information Given by Linda Maria Frank
Source: From Her Online Blog
Date: 10/10/2023

Message From Linda Maria Frank: Hello, fellow mystery lovers. As a teacher of forensic science for almost 20 years, I decided to create mysteries around the science I found most interesting. I also wanted to create a smart, edgy, young female detective to solve my cases. The result was Annie Tillery. I like to call my books “Nancy Drew meets CSI”. My books capture, not only my love of mystery and science, but those things I found most exciting in life; sailing, falling in love, and my fascination with New York City.

Currently, I am living on Long Island and working hard to promote my books.

The third Annie Tillery mystery, Secrets in the Fairy Chimneys, revolves around another topic I find fascinating, and that is archaeology. It takes place in Turkey. This story is packed with heart stopping page turning drama.

The latest book, The Mystery of the Lost Avenger, investigates a cold case involving Annie’s great grandmother who was a test pilot for Grumman Aviation during WWII. Go back in time to solve an unexplained plane crash involving sabotage and great grandma, Charlotte Wheeler, and her fighter pilot fiancé.

Stay tuned for more thrilling and dangerous adventures for Annie and that oh-so-sexy Ty.



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