Author Lynne Podrat.
Proud Recipient Of Gold Award From
The National Association Of Nonfiction Authors For Book ‘Listen To Me’.
Listen To Me: How My Down Syndrome Brother Saved My Life by Lynne Podrat.
This memoir was written to honor my youngest brother’s influence over my life, the good, the bad, and the ugly, of living with a Down Syndrome sibling. It tells the story of the children of my family, despite our parents’ frailties, remaining committed to each other through life’s many changes and separations. Who I am today is directly related to who I needed to become.
Review by LLF: 5.0 out of 5 Stars Insightful and Inspirational. At times heart-wrenching, always heart-warming. Lynne Podrat’s brutally honest memoir, Listen to Me: How My Down Syndrome Brother Saved My Life is a deeply personal account of a family whose guilt and fear is washed away by the endless love and total selflessness of a child with down syndrome. So many lessons to be learned. Everyone should take time to read this insightful and most-inspirational story. Well Done!
Review by Bill Tate: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Belief in oneself and unconditional love. There are many lessons to be learned from this memoir by Lynne Podrat. Early in her story she demonstrates the importance of sticking to one’s convictions, doing what one knows to be right. Throughout her childhood, Lynne shows her willingness to do this, often at the objection of parents and others in positions of authority. And over the course of her lifetime, this consistent pattern of choosing the virtuous path has led to an unbreakable bond of loyalty amongst her extended family and closest friends. Central to her story is her unconditional love for her younger brother Bruce, who was born with Down syndrome. Her absolute commitment to his well-being is reciprocated by not only his love for her, but a love of life that enables him to flourish, to be the best he can be. As a result, the whole community of relatives, neighbors, and caregivers are inspired to become better versions of themselves. Readers of “Listen to Me” will surely find themselves examining their own lives, their relations with those they cherish, and perhaps take steps to strengthen those relationships. Many worthwhile lessons to be learned from Lynne’s story, with the power of belief in oneself and unconditional love being foremost.
Review by luvtoread: 5.0 out of 5 Stars “Listen to me!” After reading this story, you will never again hear that phrase without thinking of Brucie, a child born with Down Syndrome. Although his parents were obviously overwhelmed at the idea of raising this handicapped child and chose to institutionalize him, he was ‘saved’ as a member of his family by his older siblings. This book is the tale of his life and was written by his sister, who insisted at a young age that Brucie mattered.
Her devotion to him and the bonding she encouraged within his extended family are revealed in the story of an innocent boy who grew to be warm, loving, fun, easily pleased, and extroverted to the point of being a valued friend to everyone he met. His later caregivers loved him and were devoted to both him and his family. Those warm relationships continue to this day.
Many people are still uncomfortable with those that are different from them. This story leaves us with the knowledge that those who are ‘different’ can enrich our lives in so many ways, and that caring, on so many levels, makes the world a better place. I had tears in my eyes as I closed the book.
Review by Cindy Freifeld: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Touching and loving story of the love between a brother and sister. Listen to Me How my Down Syndrome Brother Saved My Life. This is a beautiful, touching story how a young girl saved her Down syndrome brother, whom she loved at first sight, from a life of being placed in an institution to having a very loving amazing life with people who were caring, supportive, and compassionate to his needs. I myself have been ignorant when I would see a person with Down Syndrome. I would feel sorry for them and think how hard their life must be for them and their family. The truth is they are all very special and deserve the best possible life. I found this relationship between sister and brother to be a touching, loving, trusting and mutual respect. This book was beautifully written by Lynne Podrat. I only hope this is not the last we hear from this talented author and hope there are many more to come.
Review by Kristen Smigelski: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. An important read. This is a beautiful story of sibling love. Lynne shares her fierce desire to have her differently abled brother included and kept a part of the family in a time when special needs individuals may not have been. Her stories are humorous, heartwarming, and honest. After reading this book my wishes are that I had been able to meet Bruce and we, as a society, learn that differently abled individuals are so much more than their diagnosis and need to be included and appreciated for what they bring to the world.
Review by Pat Backley: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. A well written and emotional book. A very moving and well written account of a life well lived and the impact it had on others.
Product Details:
Paperback: 128 Pages
Publisher: Lynne Podrat (August 19, 2021)
Andi Cuba (Illustrator)
Sandi Wissinger (Editor)
Language: English
Sibling Relationships
Biographies of People with Disabilities
Down Syndrome
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About The Author: Lynne Podrat graduated from the Pennsylvania State University and then spent fifteen years in the Fashion Industry as an Assistant Buyer and Department Manager with Bloomingdales Department Store before returning to school to receive her educational degrees from Arcadia University and Gynedd Mercy. A retired educator and Administrator from the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania School District, she taught English, literature, composition, and history in elementary and secondary schools. She has secretly been a writer and poet her whole life, but has only recently chosen to share those talents with the world. Lynne now lives with her husband in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, spending winters dragon boating and summers hiking the Rockies in Vail, Colorado where her heart sings.
Lynne is the proud recipient a Gold award for both books, Gold from the National Association of Nonfiction Authors for Listen to Me and Gold from Literary Titans for My Sister Want an Elephant.
Amazon Author’s Page:
Lynne Podrat
Author Lynne Podrat
Listen To Me: How My Down Syndrome Brother Saved My Life by Lynne Podrat
My Sister Wants An Elephant by Lynne Podrat
Article by Author Lynne Podrat
The Reluctant Author by Lynne Podrat
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