Dear Earth: A Love Letter From Spring Hollow by Radine Trees Nehring

Dear Earth: A Love Letter From Spring Hollow by Radine Trees Nehring.

It was to be just a weekend retreat, the cabin Radine Trees Nehring and her husband, John, built with their own hands on the land they bought in the Arkansas Ozarks. All they wanted was a once-a-week refuge from the stress and trials of life in the big city one hundred miles away. But the air, the forest, and the wildlife in the place they named Spring Hollow had a haunting magic they could never quite leave behind when they drove away every Sunday evening. The more they learned about the secrets of nature in their country hideaway, the more reluctant they became to part from it. At last, they realized that their hearts were always in Spring Hollow, and that was where they belonged too. They gave up their secure jobs to devote themselves full-time to tending and preserving the beautiful but fast-receding natural world they had come to cherish.

From The Author: My husband and I lived the experiences noted in this book and several of the chapters were originally published in magazines and newspapers in the United States and other countries.  This continues to be the book of my heart and, though my husband and I have recently relocated from Spring Hollow to a condo in Fayetteville, AR, the new owners and their children continue the legacy and love of the area!

From Booklist: Thoreau thought it was fine to build castles in the air as long as we put foundations under them. Radine Nehring has done exactly that. She presently holds court on a granite thinking bench as self-appointed queen of Spring Hollow. In 1978, she and husband John realized their weekends in the Arkansas Ozarks were more real than their “real” lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma. So, the two lifelong dreamers purchased 12 acres in a dogwood-filled hollow and began a decade of double lives. They cleared a space, put up a cabin, installed a wood stove, dug a well, and became gentle landholders. Each weekend, they drove two hours to escape to a private Eden. There, like a veritable Adam and Eve of the Ozarks, they sought to understand why they love the land. There they learned the irony of spending weekdays busy as squirrels and weekends watching squirrels busier than they. In 1988, the Nehrings moved permanently to Spring Hollow where now John builds furniture while Radine builds books. This one is written in a clear, warm voice by a writer and environmentalist who unabashedly loves her husband, her land, and her granite bench. Read it and dream. Patricia Hassler.

Book Review: Many dream of leaving urban areas for the country, but can’t make the transition. Radine and her husband built a cabin in the Arkansas Ozarks which was to serve as a weekend retreat: it quickly became more, luring them to quit secure jobs in favor of a country life. This compelling story traces their transitional experiences, presenting an endearing account. Midwest Book Review.

Product Details:
Print Length: 164 Pages
Publisher: Brett Books, Inc. (available only from St Kitts Press); First Edition (May 1, 1995)
Language: English
Love Letter

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Meet The Author: Multi-published author RADINE TREES NEHRING and husband John moved from Tulsa, Oklahoma, to rural northwest Arkansas in 1988 after spending weekends on their Arkansas land for ten years. Radine began writing a series of articles, essays, and stories about the Arkansas Ozarks shortly after she and John bought their land, and these found interested readers around the globe. Many were collected in her first book, DEAR EARTH: A Love Letter from Spring Hollow, initially published in New York in 1995. When asked which of her books is her favorite, DEAR EARTH is the one Radine names. It is still available in print, has been published in Chinese, and also sells well in e-book form.

Radine says all of her writing expresses her love for the Ozarks and when she began writing her “To Die For” traditional mystery series in 2000, Ozarks tourist destinations were natural settings for her.

“I enjoy writing about what I love and sharing these places with readers everywhere. Both they and I experience my chosen destinations as the story unfolds.”

During her writing career, Radine also wrote and hosted a radio program, “Arkansas Corner Community News,” for ten years. The program, as well as all her other writing, featured unique people, places and events in the area.

She has received many regional and national awards, including a National Silver Falchion for mystery writing and the Governor’s Award for the best writing about Arkansas. Radine was the 2011 inductee into the Arkansas Writers’ Hall of Fame.

Her newest release “Solving Peculiar Crimes” is a short story anthology featuring Carrie, Henry and their friends.

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