Dark Water Series by Chris Karlsen

Author Chris Karlsen Is Internationally Published!

Dark Water Series!

Golden Chariot by Chris Karlsen.

Dark Waters Book 1.

5-Star Review- As with her other books, Chris Karlsen has impeccably researched her topic. Golden Chariot is engaging and full of information and insight. I thoroughly enjoyed this smart, well-written story and am looking forward to reading more from this author. Josie–Night Owl Reviews “Dan Brown underwater! I thoroughly enjoyed this romantic thriller. Charlotte Dashiell, the heroine is a nautical archaeologist with an interesting and unique theory she’s trying to prove. I appreciated the imagination behind her theory. Charlotte engaged me from the beginning where she is caught on a sinking boat to the end of the story.” Seattle Examiner The rare discovery of a ship sunk during the time of the Trojan War has been found off the coast of Turkey, near Troy.

Charlotte Dashiell is an American nautical archaeologist and thrilled to be part of the recovery team. The wreck may contain proof of her highly controversial theory about the Trojan War. Charlotte is present when the Turkish government agent assigned to guard the site is murdered. Her possible involvement and a questionable connection to a private collector of black-market relics bring her under suspicion. Atakan Vadim is the Turkish agent sent to investigate her. Unknown to either of them, the smuggler behind the murder plans to steal a valuable artifact and frame Charlotte for the theft…after they murder her.

Customer Ratings:

Product Details:
Dark Waters Book 1
Paperback: 370 Pages
Publisher:  Books to Go Now (March 14, 2012)Language: English
Romance (Historical)
Romance Historical Suspense Thrillers

Amazon Print:


Byzantine Gold by Chris Karlsen.

Dangerous Waters Book 2.

The sequel novel to the best-selling, thriller, Golden Chariot. A sunken warship from the Byzantine Era carrying an unusual cargo of gold has been found off the coast of Northern Cyprus. News of the valuable cache has attracted the attention of a terrorist cell. They plan to attack the recovery team’s campsite and steal the artifacts. On the Black Market, the sale of the relics will buy them additional weapons.

Charlotte Dashiell, an American archaeologist, and her lover, Atakan Vadim, a Turkish government agent, are scheduled to be part of the recovery team that brings up the artifacts. While en route to Cyprus, they find themselves caught in the crosshairs of Maksym Tischenko, a Ukrainian contract killer bent on revenge. Charlotte, Atakan and Tischenko share a grim history. As a result, Tischenko is a man who will stop at nothing to achieve his goal—seeing them both dead.

Customer Ratings:

Product Details:
Dangerous Waters Book 2
Paperback: 286 Pages
Publisher: Books to Go Now (January 21, 2013)
Language: English
Romance (Historical)
Romance Historical Suspense Thrillers

Amazon Print:


About The Author:  Chris Karlsen is a retired police detective. She spent twenty-five years in law enforcement with two different agencies. The daughter of a history professor and voracious reader, she grew up with a love of history and books.

An internationally published author, Chris has traveled extensively throughout Europe, the Near East, and North Africa, satisfying her need to visit places she read about. Having spent a great deal of time in England and France, she used her love of both places as settings for her Knights in Time (5 book) series.

Author Chris Karlsen presents her Historical Romance and Historical Suspense Thrillers and Historical Love & War series.

Her series now include Knights in Time series, the Bloodstone series, Love & War series, Dark Water series and a Holiday short story selection: Choosing Home or Heart. Her novels are available in digital, e-book, Android App, paperback, audio format, and some books are presented in foreign language format.

A Chicago native, Chris has lived in Paris, Los Angeles, and now resides in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and two rescue dogs. A city girl all her life, living in a small town on a bay was an interesting adjustment. She’d never lived anywhere so quiet at night and where traffic wasn’t bumper to bumper 24/7.

Some of Chris’s favorite authors are: Bernard Cornwell, Michael Connolly, Joseph Wambaugh, Julia Quinn, Julie Anne Long and Deanna Raybourne.

Author Chris Karlsen Presents Her Historical Romance and Historical Romance Suspense Thrillers!

Knights in Time

  • Heroes Live Forever
  • Journey in Time
  • Knight Blindness
  • Losing Time
  • In Time for You

Bloodstone Series

  • Silk
  • Snifter of Death
  • A Venomous Love

Love & War Series

  • The Ack Ack Girl
  • Moonlight Serenade (New Historical Romance)

Dark Water Series

  • Dangerous Waters
  • Golden Chariot
  • Byzantine Gold

Holiday Selection: Choosing Home or Heart (this is a Christmas story where my Victorian detective from the series, Rudyard Bloodstone, goes home to Wales for the holidays and to introduce his lady love to his family. No murder, just a warm-hearted holiday novella)

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