The Gate House by Kathleen Heady

The Gate House by Kathleen Heady.

The old gate house where Nara Blake and her father lived in the English Midlands was cold and filled with secrets. And Nara wasn’t the only one who felt its mystery. Although Nara’s aunt insisted the building held nothing more than useless trinkets and cheap copies of nineteenth century art work, someone had attempted to break in, until Nara caught them in the act.

The police force of the small English town where nothing ever happened was suddenly besieged with burglaries and a murder. As the net of British law began to close in on the art thieves, Nara found herself and her family caught in the net. And the new man to whom she has opened her heart, is helping the police to close in on them.

Review by David B Coles (Author of The Back of Beyond-Abbot and the Acolyte): 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Crime and Romance among the Antiques. This is a delightful book with a surprising number of characters all of which Kathleen Heady manages to keep quite distinct and memorable. The characters – both good and bad – are nicely drawn, nicely observed. I warmed particularly to Elaine and how she rose above the terrible environment of her young life.

I was really pleased to be able read “The Gate House” because I spent the first 21 years of my life in Lincolnshire, first on the edge of the fens and then in Lincoln itself. It brought back the ambience of the area and of hurrying to school, straight up Lincoln’s Steep Hill, vividly. Kathleen has painted a great portrait of Lincolnshire which I can recognize both from my early days and today, on my occasional reunion visits.

The story centers around a railway Gate House used in the trafficking of antiques and works of art stolen from tiny country churches through to Lincoln Cathedral itself. We are given some fascinating glimpses of the Cathedral’s behind-the scenes interior as Nara and her father – visitors to the UK from the Caribbean – become enmeshed in the robberies. The finale, again set within the Cathedral, is more than thrilling enough to keep the reader on the edge of their seat. I shall certainly be on the watch for Kathleen’s sequel to “The Gate House.”

Product Details:
Paperback: 300 Pages
Publisher: Sage Words Publishing (May 14, 2021)
Language: English
Marsha Briscoe (Editor)
Gemini Judson (Illustrator)
Language: English
Adult Readers; Mysteries (Private Investigator)
Adult Readers: Romance (Suspense Thriller)

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About The Author: Kathleen Heady grew up telling stories – to pass the time, or just to exercise her imagination. She spent her childhood on a farm in southern Illinois, where she was fortunate to have parents who encouraged her to study, read, and learn about the world. Besides rural Illinois, she has lived in Chicago, Costa Rica, Colorado, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and now North Carolina. Her current new “challenge” is learning to play the ukulele.

Kathleen has spent most of her professional life as a high school teacher, teaching English, Spanish and social studies. She shares her “almost a tree house” home with her husband and two cats, Macavity and Violeta. She has a daughter, two sons, two daughters-in-law, a grandson and a granddaughter who are all really cool people.

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