Comments (Reviews) From Our Authors

Review Given To BMGN by Author Peter C. Bradbury.

I’m thrilled with the service offered by BOOK MARKETING GLOBAL NETWORK!

Their attention to detail is superb, and the page they have created for me is awesome. They are truly interested in the authors they showcase, which is rarely the case with other promoters.

I am looking forward to a long and exciting journey with them!

Peter Bradbury.
June, 2024

Author’s Page Here At Book Marketing Global Network


Review Given To BMGN by Author John W. Howell.

I have been using Book Marketing Global Network to help get the word out about my books since the publication of my first. Six books later and I am pleased to continue to enjoy the support that is given by Book Marketing Global Network. If an author has any question as to the value of Book Marketing Global Network all that is necessary is to go to the link and examine what the network has put in place for any of the authors listed. The author will see terrific graphics, outstanding reviews, and plenty of positive editorial content. There is enough to convince anyone serious about a writing career to sign up.

I can’t imagine a more thorough, professional marketing service than what I’ve found with Book Marketing Global Network. As both a self-published and a traditionally published author, I want to share my books with the world; and BMGN enables me to reach my goal. They consistently deliver excellence in all they do for me. I’m not even looking for anyone else. Thank you, BMGN!

John Howell
June, 2024

Author’s Page Here At Book Marketing Global Network


Review Given To BMGN by Author J. C. De Ladurantey.

I must say that I appreciate how BMGN has set up author pages. They have ensured that the integrity of the process is protected. The pages are very professional and present my books vividly and desirably. I appreciate the effort and look forward to a long-standing relationship. And I hope to sell a few books!

J. C. De Ladurantey
June, 2024
Author’s Page Here At Book Marketing Global Network


Review Given To BMGN by Author Mark L. Redmond.

I can’t imagine a more thorough, professional marketing service than what I’ve found with Book Marketing Global Network. As both a self-published and a traditionally published author, I want to share my books with the world; and BMGN enables me to reach my goal. They consistently deliver excellence in all they do for me. I’m not even looking for anyone else. Thank you, BMGN!

Mark L. Redmond
April, 2024
Author’s Page Here At Book Marketing Global Network


Review Given To BMGN by Author Jay Dubya (John Wiessner).

My recently developed author’s page at Book Marketing Global Network has been quite professionally and creatively prepared, and I’m sure that it will be visited by book lovers many times in the future as your various websites grow from small acorns into mighty oaks.
I’m delighted to get-in on the ground floor before your myriad website-publicity elevators zoom upward. Thank you very much for putting together a most admirable and attractive Jay Dubya author webpage.

New Comment Added: 04/13/2024. The whole array of author information that you’ve organized and assembled looks especially powerful, and I’m sure that your dedicated effort on my behalf will ultimately achieve numerous Internet hits from prospective readers.

Thanks so much. I’m confident that your comprehensive promotional effort will certainly bring more reader interest in, and more public recognition of, my eight genre literary works.

An admirable job well done.

Author Jay Dubya (John Wiessner)

Author’s Page Here At Book Marketing Global Network


Review Given To BMGN by Author Anastasia Marie Cassella.

BMGN has professionally splashed my information every where. I couldn’t ask for a better campaign. Professional, high-quality book marketing is what you want and BMGN can get you there.

Anastasia Marie Cassella
April, 2024
Author’s Page At Book Marketing Global Network


Review Given To BMGN by Author Cynthia Woolf.

I love the services provided by Book Marketing Global Network.
Their promotions are not only beautiful, they are effective as I always sell more books when they are promoting me.
I will continue to use Book Marketing Global Network services and am pleased to leave this review.

Cynthia Woolf
Historical Western Romance Author

March, 2024
Author’s Page Here At Book Marketing Global Network


Review Given To BMGN by Author Ronald E. Yates.

Book Marketing Global Network works tirelessly on behalf of their author clients to present their work professionally and honestly to the public.
What more can an author ask of a company that provides valuable promotional/marketing services for his or her books?
To top it all off, they are a joy to work with. I will be back with my next book!

Ronald Yates
March, 2024
Author’s Page Here At Book Marketing Global Network


Review Given To BMGN by Author Mary Deal.

When I went searching for promotional venues for my books and found Book Marketing Global Network, I was amazed at the amount of promotion possible through this site. I have signed up all of my 10 books. Any future books will be listed here as well. The service is incredibly fast, my books listed within hours with all pertinent information to entice a reader looking for books to buy. The beauty of this is that I didn’t have to search through all my sites to find information needed here. It’s all done for the author. If we have public information on various sites, this site will find it and cull only the best to list with your books.
The promotional capabilities of this site far outshine any other single site I’ve investigated. Not only are our books listed with links but there are opportunities for reviews, contests, and discounts for listing multiple books. They offer promotional campaigns, and editorial reviews, for both published books and unpublished manuscripts. Authors who have side-line businesses besides writing get that website listed as well. Numerous promotional possibilities, all on the same site. Too, all books are listed in the Global Library which means people around the world have the potential of finding them. And we also have an Author page, mine, which needs updating, but I’ve only gotten started here. I am well-pleased with the service of this great site, am eager to participate, and to also meet other writers and find appealing books in the genres I read.
Anyone who seeks promotional capabilities from a website should definitely look into this one. I have never found a complete service like this in the past. I can’t say enough about Book Marketing Global Network, and all the services they offer to writers.

Mary Deal
February, 2024
Author’s Page Here At Book Marketing Global Network


Review Given To BMGN by Author Linda Maria Frank.

Hello, as you know I talk to a lot of authors on my interview show, The Writer’s Dream. One of the subjects that is most challenging is how to market our marvelous books.

I’ve sold 5,000 plus books as of this date. It’s been a lot of work marketing them, since I discovered Book Market Global Network, exposure and sales have picked up. It’s a great and easy way to get your books on social media and a true value. Try it!

Book Marketing Global Network has given me many options for marketing. I have included my Author’s Page link below.

Social media is the thing that is most time consuming and least attractive to me, but I think I have found the solution through Book Marketing Global Network.

Take a look at the options they provide, and I hope this tidbit finds you in good health.

Linda Maria Frank
January, 2024
Author’s Page Here At Book Marketing Global Network


Review Given To BMGN by Author Gail Meath.

In today’s world, it is imperative for an author to maintain a huge social media presence if they hope to achieve success.  Quite often, marketing our books now takes more time and energy than writing them, and many of us either can’t find all the necessary time or have enough social media experience.

I realized that I needed help marketing my books, and I finally contacted Book Marketing Global Network.  Immediately, they set up the most amazing and professional author page for me and began my campaign.   Already, they have done more for me than I could ever do myself, and I am so very thankful to have found them.  I highly recommend every author contact Book Marketing Global Network and relax in the peace of mind knowing you’re not alone in finding an audience for your books.

Gail Meath: Author Of The ‘Jax Diamond Mystery Series’.
January 2024
Author’s Page Here At Book Marketing Global Network


Review Given To BMGN by Author Janice Spina.

I have been promoting my books with Book Marketing Global Network for several years now. BMGN is a great place to promote your books. The team is efficient, accommodating, thorough and prompt. They work tirelessly to ensure that they have everything needed to provide excellent service for me and other authors in promoting our books.
I highly recommend BMGN to anyone who wants to get their books noticed by readers.
Thank you so much, for all that you do to keep my books prevalent.

Janice Spina
Author’s Page Here At Book Marketing Global Network


Review Given To BMGN by Author Clayton Graham.

Many thanks for all your efforts on setting up promotion for my books.
Thank you, for your great reviews and wonderful promotion of all my books, in particular the recent time and energy devoted to my new arrival ‘Amidst Alien Stars’.
Your dedication is unprecedented and is a glowing beacon in the book marketing field.
Your devotion to the cause of book promotion is much appreciated and recommended to all authors.

Best Wishes
Graham C

Author’s Page Here At Book Marketing Global Network


Review Given To BMGN by Author Kathryn Lane.

Terrific. Professional, well presented, excellent graphics.
Thank you,
Kathryn Lane
Author’s Page Here At Book Marketing Global Network


Review Given To BMGN by Author Joy M. Lilley.

I am glad to have found this amazing website to help with the promotion of my books.
They go to great lengths to ensure that everything is correctly in place to give readers the best reading experience they can have.
I will definitely be using these services in the future. I am expecting my latest novel to be published in the Autumn, this new book will be seen within all the Book Marketing Global Network “Promotional Avenues”.

Thank you for an easy, seamless journey.
Best Wishes,
Joy M. Lilley
Author’s Page Here At Book Marketing Global Network


Review Given To BMGN by Author Steve Shear.

To all of you published and unpublished writers who have finished your “great American novel” and are struggling to get noticed, please stay with it.
This part of the process is just as difficult, if not more so, than creating your theme, plot and characters. One suggestion at the outset, check out Book Marketing Global Network. I discovered them early on and their company is one of the first “go to” services I “go to” once my manuscript is finished.
Yes, do yourself a favor and check out their services including their book reviews which are some of the most thorough I’ve run across.  They provide a one-on-one person, who will do a super job promoting “your baby” as if it were their own.

I highly recommend them.
Steve Shear
Author’s Page Here At Book Marketing Global Network


Review Given To BMGN by Gisela (Gigi) Sedlmayer.

Since authors need all the help they can get; I decided long ago, to go with Book Marketing Global Network. As the title says: “Global”. I am never disappointed with them. They do a marvelous job. They promote my books, allowing them to be seen, by readers all over the globe. I am impressed with their work and how they did my Author’s Page. I am retired, but I think I will continue with them.
I have over 9000 views to my Author’s Page. I am so happy to see that.

Thank you,
Gisela (Gigi) Sedlmayer, Children’s Author
Author’s Page Here At Book Marketing Global Network


Review Given To BMGN by Author Sandra Sperling.

I’m amazed with all you have done and I just know it will help my sales a great deal. Already I have people contacting me on Facebook about Elisabet’s Will.
Contacting you is the best thing I’ve done for my campaign and I appreciate the hours you spent doing it.
Thank you sooooo much.

Author’s Page Here At Book Marketing Global Network


Review Given To BMGN by Deanie Humphrys-Dunne.

Every author needs excellent marketing in order to succeed. The website ‘Author’s Page’ for my books has attracted over 8,400 visitors to date. It looks incredible and is filled with engaging photos and information of interest to others who want seeking more details on my accomplishments as an author.
Authors of any genre will find the services of ‘Book Marketing Global Network’ to be invaluable. You will be pleased the prompt service offered and I believe you will love the appearance of your ‘Author’s Page.’
I am proud to give my highest recommendation to ‘Book Marketing Global Network’, with professional staff that work diligently to assure that each client receives the best possible marketing for their work.

Deanie Humphrys-Dunne, Children’s Author
Author’s Page Here At Book Marketing Global Network


Review Given To BMGN by Author Nick Iuppa.

FIVE STARS: Book Marketing Global Network provides powerful marketing services for authors. These include expert reviews, promo images, promotional PDF, and messages that are well-positioned in the important social media avenues.
Their marketing material ties in well with other promotions I’m running. The creative and technical staff are responsive, understanding, reasonable, and easy to work with.
I use their services whenever I have a new book coming out or need some additional support for one of my existing titles.

Nick Iuppa
Author’s Page Here At Book Marketing Global Network


Review Given To BMGN by Robert J. Saniscalchi.

Book Marketing Global Network has been a long-time asset in my list of vital tools needed to stay in the game of the highly competitive world of books.

The author brings in the quality of work, a great story that in turn reflects in positive reviews and feedback, this information is seamlessly transferred to your Author’s Page and Book Page(s).

Need a review or have a cover change, no problem, Book Marketing Global Network is always there doing what they do so well.

Highly recommended!
Robert J. Saniscalchi
Author’s Page Here At Book Marketing Global Network


Review Given To BMGN by Author J. A. Hunsinger.

As an author, regardless of genre, your mission, after you complete the manuscript is to call attention to what you consider to be a masterpiece of literary content. After going through all the machinations of publication, it is a real hoot to hold your creation in hand as a bound book.

So, what’s next? Why, sales of course! The challenge now is to call attention to your book, to get your work exposed in a field of millions of old and new publications every year. Book Marketing Global Network (BMGN) can do that for you.

For the purpose of advertising and public exposure to my novels I have been a member of BMGN for many years, back to when it began for me as Cold Coffee. The why of that decision is easy; membership is a good deal. Considering what you get for the annual membership fee, and fees associated with their many services, it is a great deal. Like many of you, Indy authors all, I cannot afford the exorbitant cost of the advertising industry, so I turned to BMGN for help. The staff have worked their hearts out for me and my Axe of Iron trilogy. I believe that most of my sales are the result of that effort.

I encourage those of you who need help in marketing to check out the many links and promos that will feature your work when you become a member of BMGN.

Just to name a few: self-help articles by other authors; Editorial Reviews for both published, and unpublished manuscripts; links to professional editors; use your BMGN author page as a website; and on and on.

I recommend ‘Book Marketing Global Network’ and now their new associate, ‘Book Reviews Central’ without reservation.

J. A. Hunsinger
Author – Axe of Iron Trilogy
Author’s Page Here At Book Marketing Global Network


Review Given To BMGN by Author Lesley Lodge.

I am SO impressed with the promotional work by Book Marketing Global Network.
They first read and comprehensively reviewed my book Wayland’s Revenge. Then posted a whole host of material on to so many promotional sites.
The whole process is completely transparent – even to the extent of hits counters on each promotional page so that you can see the number of visitors.
The individual webpages all look very clear, uncluttered and professional. Moreover, the promotional campaigns continue after the initial work has been done – all included in the price.
I highly recommend this fantastic service, especially – but not only – for new and newish writers.
Many thanks again and best wishes,

Lesley Lodge
Author’s Page Here At Book Marketing Global Network


Review Given To BMGN by Author David Harvey.

Oh my goodness!!!!
So awesome …
Book Marketing Global Network is an absolute star.
I cannot thank them enough, they will promote the heck out of you!!

Dave Harvey
Author’s Page Here At Book Marketing Global Network


Review Given To BMGN by Author Linda J. Burson.

I can’t say enough about Book Marketing Global Network.
With so many books being published every year, it’s incredibly difficult to not only get the word out about your book, but to have an organization like Book Marketing Global Network letting the public know about your book is an invaluable service.
Whether it results in book sales or simply getting your name out there, it’s well worth signing up.

Linda Burson
Author’s Page Here At Book Marketing Global Network


Review Given To BMGN by Author Charles Salzberg.

I’ve been fortunate enough to work with Book Marketing Global Network for over a year now and I couldn’t be happier with the results.
Book Marketing Global Network is always ready to help an author promote his or her books.
It’s been a pleasure working with you.

Charles Salzberg
Author’s Page Here At Book Marketing Global Network


Review Given To BMGN by Author Stacy Manning Casaluci.

Book Marketing Global Network did an amazing job promoting my book!
In the review, I felt they captured the essence of my children’s book. You can tell they are committed to doing their best for all of the authors they provides services for, and is very thorough with the information for your book on the various social media sites.
Strongly recommend their book marketing services! I will definitely be utilizing their services in the future!
Thank you very much!

Stacy Manning Casaluci
Author’s Page At Here Book Marketing Global Network


Review Given To BMGN by Author John F. Dobbyn.

For a very modest price (single book listing with promotion).
I have been amazed at the comprehensive and professional promotion, in a wide diversity of venues, provided by Book Marketing Global Network.
I thoroughly appreciate their artistry in a growing promotional enterprise.

John F. Dobbyn
Author of the award-winning Michael Knight/Lex Devlin legal thriller series.
Author’s Page Here At Book Marketing Global Network


Review Given To BMGN by Author Charles E. Yallowitz.

Book Marketing Global Network,
Thank you for everything. Had a great sales day when the review came out, so there was definitely an impact.
Enjoy the rest of the week.
Charles E. Yallowitz
Author’s Page Here At Book Marketing Global Network


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