We Endorse ‘Drystan The Dragon and Friends’ Series by Janice Spina

READERS/FOLLOWERS: 1,984 Reading Grades: Preschool-Grade 3 Drystan and Durward Save the Day by Janice Spina. Reading Grades: Preschool-Grade 3 Drystan the Dragon and Friends Series Book 1. This is a magical series about Drystan the dragon and his friends. These dragons are colorful, engaging and fun to read about. They… Continue reading

Children’s Classic Literature by Janice (J. E.) Spina

READERS/FOLLOWERS: 2,033 Children’s Literature.Pre-School to Grade Three. Broose The Moose On The Loose by Janice (J. E.) Spina. Broose is a sad moose who has no friends until he meets a young boy. Read what happens when Broose meets a boy with the same name as he. Review:  Broose the… Continue reading