Two Faces of Janus by Linnea Tanner

READERS/FOLLOWERS: 1,800 Two Faces of Janus by Linnea Tanner. A Short Story of Ancient Rome (Historical Fiction). A young nobleman confronts a specter from the past that could threaten his family’s legacy. A brash young aristocrat, Lucius Antonius anticipates Emperor Augustus Caesar will support his lofty ambitions to serve as… Continue reading

First Person Stories by Jay Dubya

READERS/FOLLOWERS: 2,259 Prime-Time Crime Time by Jay Dubya. The thirty-five novellas presented in Prime-Time Crime Time are works of pure fiction. The stories’ themes deal with various types of crime and criminal motivation. Any character resemblance to anyone living on Planet Earth is positively coincidental. In addition, any fictional setting… Continue reading

Spy and Villain by Joy M. Lilley

READERS/FOLLOWERS: 1,601 Spy and Villain by Joy M. Lilley. A physically handicapped lady, thinks she sees dastardly goings on in the house opposite to where she lives. She is convinced that the woman opposite is being abused. A Christian theme runs through this story of a spy, the lady in… Continue reading

My Name Is Samantha by David W. Thompson

READERS/FOLLOWERS: 1,673 My Name Is Samantha by David W. Thompson. Top 10 Horror Short Story Award from the annual P&E Reader’s Poll! Her relationship on the rocks, traditional potter Samantha sets out on a camping and caving adventure to rediscover herself. A handsome stranger shares his campfire, and aids her… Continue reading

First Jobs Remembered by Glenn Sartori

READERS/FOLLOWERS: 1,597 First Jobs Remembered by Glenn Sartori. A Collection of Stories Spanning Eight Decades. This anthology of first-job stories is a showcase of experiences that span decades. While some of the entries into the workforce are still relevant today—others are from a bygone era The stories are thoughtful, nostalgic,… Continue reading

Short Story Books by Jay Dubya

READERS/FOLLOWERS: 2,452 Pieces of Eight (Book One-Four Part Series) by Jay Dubya. “Pieces of Eight” is a collection of eight imaginative novellas. Themes represented in the work are science fiction, humor, paranormal, horror, psychological drama and astrology fulfillment. “Pieces of Eight” is the companion book of “Pieces of Eight, Part… Continue reading

Adult Short Stories by Jay Dubya

READERS/FOLLOWERS: 2,392 Mauled Maimed Mangled Mutilated Mythology (Adult) by Jay Dubya. Mauled Maimed Mangled Mutilated Mythology is adult literature that satirizes twenty-one classic mythology stories into more mature presentations featuring adult language, content and humor. Author Jay Dubya goes right to work retelling adult renditions of female myths Pandora, Ceres… Continue reading

Satire-Parodies (Adult) by Jay Dubya

READERS/FOLLOWERS: 2,427 Hawthorne: Hacked, Shakespeare: Sacked & Thurber: Thwacked by Jay Dubya. Hawthorne Hacked, Shakespeare Sacked & Thurber Thwacked is a cleverly-organized book that effectively satirizes some of the main works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, of William Shakespeare and of American humorist James Thurber, and the creative compilation is author Jay… Continue reading

Short Stories-Parodies (Adult) by Jay Dubya

READERS/FOLLOWERS: 2,454 Twain: Tattered, Trounced, Tortured and Traumatized by Jay Dubya. Twain: Tattered, Trounced, Tortured and Traumatized is a unique collection of twenty classic Mark Twain short stories and anecdotal sketches that have been creatively rewritten and satirized into adult parody form featuring adult content and language. When author Jay… Continue reading

Plots (Adult) by Jay Dubya

READERS/FOLLOWERS: 2,373 PLOTS by Jay Dubya. Plots is a Jay Dubya acronym that represents a compilation of certain famous works by authors Edgar Allan Poe, Jack London, O. Henry, Mark Twain and William Shakespeare. Every good story indeed has a plot, or an essential problem (or problems) that must be… Continue reading

Fiction by Themes by Jay Dubya

READERS/FOLLOWERS: 2,646 The FBI Inspector by Jay Dubya. The FBI Inspector is a collection of twenty-five Inspector Joe Giralo stories, several of which also appear in The Psychic Dimension and The Psychic Dimension, Part II, and the book is author Jay Dubya’s fiftieth published hardcover/paperback work. In his FBI detective… Continue reading

What Price Glory? by Nick Korolev

READERS/FOLLOWERS: 437 What Price Glory? by Nick Korolev. A Civil War Collection These historical fiction stories take the reader on a journey into the most tragic time in our history—the Civil War. Arranged along a rough timeline of the period, they cover a broad area of mood and events and… Continue reading

We Endorse ‘Solving Peculiar Crimes’ by Radine Trees Nehring

READERS/FOLLOWERS: 1,739 Solving Peculiar Crimes by Radine Trees Nehring. Carrie and Henry encounter peculiar crimes in these stories featuring right, wrong, and redemption. Carrie’s urge to help people who are in trouble often draws her into puzzling and sometimes dangerous human events. Henry provides support and back-up when her curiosity… Continue reading

We Endorse ‘The Rogue Bear & Other Short Stories’ by Anastasia Marie Cassella

READERS/FOLLOWERS: 1,640 The Rogue Bear & Other Short Stories by Anastasia Marie Cassella. ‘The Rogue Bear’ short story is based on a true story. The story reflects the experience Anastasia had when a bear tries to enter Anastasia’s Cherryfield, Maine’s ranch. Other short stories in this collection include ‘Just Like… Continue reading

Backyard Volcano And Other Mysteries Of The Heart by Kathryn Lane

READERS/FOLLOWERS: 1,667 Short Story Collection. Backyard Volcano And Other Mysteries Of The Heart by Kathryn Lane. Stand-Alone Short Story Collection. These stories help define the world of the Texas-Mexico Frontier—an explosive world where lives break, loves shatter, and healing happens. Kathryn Lane, a native of Mexico, explores this world, leading… Continue reading

Off Center In The Attic by Mary Deal

READERS/FOLLOWERS: 1,580 Off Center In The Attic by Mary Deal. A Collection of Short Stories and Flash Fiction. Humor and nonsense, flights of fantasy into other realms, fright, disgust and disappointment, silliness and wonderment, and the sadness of reality and heartache. It’s all here, and more, in stories that may… Continue reading

The Traveler and Other Short Stories by Anthony Arnold

READERS/FOLLOWERS: 1,443 “Crime Mystery Filled With Gripping Twists!” The Traveler and Other Short Stories by Anthony Arnold. A crime mystery filled with gripping twists! Jackson, of Spokane Washington promises his client safety only to see her murdered moments before he gave her his word. Her husband was a mob boss… Continue reading

Looking For Life by Clayton Graham

READERS/FOLLOWERS: 1,682 Looking For Life by Clayton Graham. A Collection of Science Fiction Short Stories. 5 Stars:  Science Fiction with the Paranormal. …Readers’ Favorite Finalist 2021…Literary Titan Book Award 2021…Author Shout Top Pick 2021 Strap in, turn down the lights, and enter worlds that will stretch your imagination to the… Continue reading