We Endorse ‘The First Unicorn’ by Kathleen J. Shields

The First Unicorn by Kathleen J. Shields.

Almost everyone knows what a unicorn is, but do you know where they came from? Who was the first unicorn? How did he get his golden horn? And why did others follow in his footsteps?

Aden is a young horse, who believes that giving of his time and gifts is the best way to share hope in the world. One evening, he is visited by an angel who bestows a gift of gold upon his forehead, “You cannot see or spend it. It’s for others to behold.” Yet, when he returns home that evening, the herd sees the horn as a weapon and chases him away.

Sad but not discouraged, Aden continues to help and care for others. However, when his mother gets injured, he discovers his horn can perform miracles. It was that first miracle that softened the hearts of the others and inspired them to lead a God-filled life as well.

This story is about love, acceptance, kindness and giving. It is the story of the First Unicorn and how God’s creation would succeed at greatness.

“Anything is possible if love is what you choose. Miracles can happen if you share the good news.”

Book Endorsement and 5 Stars From Book Marketing Global Network!

5 Stars: Love, Acceptance, Kindness and Giving.

‘The First Unicorn’ is the prequel to the Award-Winning children’s masterpiece titled ‘The First Unibear.’

Like with ‘The First Unibear’ children’s imagination will soar, as the colorful illustrations bring to life, the skillfully written and inspired story. The fantasy is enchanted and the lessons taught will remain in each child’s heart.

This story is about a young horse named Aden. Rather than staying with the herd, his energy and goals bring adventure and friendship to all those he meets. Aden’s prayers are answered, after his mother gets injured. God blesses Aden with a remarkable gift and miracles begin to happen.

Aden becomes a leader through love, acceptance and giving. It is Aden’s first miracle that softened the hearts of the others and inspire them to lead a God filled life.

I recommend this picture book for all young readers 4-10 years old. ‘The First Unicorn’ and ‘The First Unibear’ should be placed in community, church, and school libraries. I hope this book finds its ways to those children confined to hospitals and homeless shelters.

Editorial Review (Book Marketing Global Network).

Product Details:
Paperback: ‎47 Pages
Publisher: ‎Erin Go Bragh Publishing (July 31, 2023)
Aashay Utkarsh (Illustrator)
Language: ‎English
Children: Christian Animal Fiction
Children: Christian Inspirational Books
Children: Christian Values Fiction
Children: Dragon, Unicorn & Mythical Stories
Children: Age Range: 4-10

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Book Banner For Kathleen Shields

Prolific Award-Winning Author with Multi-Award-Winning Educational Series!

About Author Kathleen J. Shields: Kathleen J. Shields is a prolific writer with nearly 40 published books! She is creative, highly imaginative and an extremely dedicated, hardworking individual. Some award-winning books are the “Hamilton Troll’s Adventures” and “The Painting” which is Christian Fiction, The First Unibear and The First Unicorn. She also runs her own graphic and website design company as well as a Publishing Company. 

Kathleen has been writing poetry and rhyming stories for decades both for fun and for hire in custom greeting cards and for local speaking engagements. She enjoys sharing her rhyming stories and talking with folks about how they too can write if they put their mind to it. Learn more about this author at KathleenJShields.com

Available Books:

  • A Rainbow of Thanks
  • A Rhyme for Everything: Rhythmic Poetry for Everyone
  • A Tale of Seven Phones, Giving Up is NOT an Option!
  • Ally Cat, A Tale of Survival
  • Constellation Crimes
  • Dandy Lion: A Legend of Love & Loss
  • Dream World Defenders
  • Ethan’s Reception: A Story of Hardship and Acceptance
  • Ghost Dogs: Seeing is Believing
  • Hamilton Troll and the Big Race (The Hamilton Troll Adventures Book 12)
  • Hamilton Troll and the Case of the Missing Home (Hamilton Troll Adventures Book 9)
  • Hamilton Troll Cookbook: Easy to Make Recipes for Children (Hamilton Troll Adventures)
  • Hamilton Troll Curriculum: Continuing Education for Children (Hamilton Troll Adventures Book 14)
  • Hamilton Troll meets Barney Bee (Hamilton Troll Adventures Book 3)
  • Hamilton Troll meets Chatterton Squirrel (Hamilton Troll Adventures Book 4)
  • Hamilton Troll meets Dinosaurs (Hamilton Troll Adventures Book 6)
  • Hamilton Troll meets Elwood Woodpecker (Hamilton Troll Adventures Book 5)
  • Hamilton Troll meets Fiona the Dog (Hamilton Troll Adventures Book 10)
  • Hamilton Troll meets Pink Light Sprite (The Many Adventures of Hamilton Troll Book 1)
  • Hamilton Troll meets Rudy Rat (Hamilton Troll Adventures Book 8)
  • Hamilton Troll meets Skeeter Skunk (Adventures of Hamilton Troll Book 2)
  • Hamilton Troll meets Starlit Troll (Hamilton Troll Adventures Book 11)
  • Hamilton Troll meets Whitaker Owl (Hamilton Troll Adventures Book 7)
  • Her Guarded Desire
  • How to Write, Market and Sell Children’s Books, A Comprehensive Guide
  • Kaitlyn Jones, Reuniting Fate
  • Kaitlyn Jones, Surviving Death
  • PAWsitive Vibes – Dogs: A Positive Vibes Inspirational for Dog Lovers
  • The Creation of Kaitlyn Jones
  • The Day Hell Froze Over
  • The Dog Who Cried Woof: The Night Daddy Was Late
  • The Etiquette of Book Selling
  • The First Unibear
  • The Painting (The Painting Trilogy Book 1)
  • The Painting 2 (The Painting Trilogy)
  • The Painting 3 (The Painting Trilogy)
  • Turtle Diaries, It’s a Hard Shell Life

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Prolific Award-Winning Author with Multi-Award-Winning Educational Series!

Prolific Award-Winning Author with Multi-Award-Winner!

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