We Endorse ‘Bounty Hunter Nate Landry’ Series (Westerns For Adult Readers) By Mark L. Redmond

Bounty Hunter Nate Landry Series!

5 Stars: The Language Of A Six-Shooter!

Bounty Hunter Nate Landry: Major Issues by Mark L. Redmond.

Book 1: Bounty Hunter Nate Landry.

The stereotypical bounty hunter in tales of the old West is an unprincipled, dirty, back-shooter, who is only motivated by the reward money he collects. Nate Landry and his best friend Wolf are a different breed of bounty hunter. They witnessed too much killing during the Civil War; consequently, they try to subdue the outlaws they’re after by using their brains instead of their bullets. But when Anna Thomas asks Nate to rescue her kidnapped son and see that the kidnappers are punished, he and Wolf find themselves chasing an enemy from their past. This man is so evil that killing him may be their only option–if he doesn’t kill them first. If you like adventure, humor, and the old West, saddle up and get ready to ride!

5 Stars: The Language Of A Six-Shooter!

Author Mark L. Redmond is a western action-adventure writer, who takes his readers back to the old wild west in 1877, where campfire coffee is strong and everyone knows the language of a six-shooter.

Chapter One of Bounty Hunter Nate Landry: Major Issues opens in Florence, Arizona, when Bounty Hunter Nate Landry returns home to find Anna Thomas waiting in his cabin with her pistol aimed straight at him. Anna is a mother on a mission to recover her kidnapped son Daniel.

The adventure unfolds as Nate and his trusted companion Wolf, accompanied by Anna, begin their search for Daniel Thomas.

Here is a quote from Chapter Six, as Nate, Wolf, and Anna go in search of bad man Major Campbell.

…We rode in silence for nearly an hour, letting the horses run awhile in the coolness of the morning. I was praying and watching. One of the things that made Campbell so dangerous was the fact that he was unpredictable. He had often succeeded in defeating the rebs by making moves that no other officer would have considered. He had never cared about sacrificing the lives of his men. Most of the time, the insanity of his tactics had protected his soldiers. He had favored the element of surprise, and he had known how to make it work in his favor. I reckoned Campbell hadn’t changed.

…I considered the matter of what to tell Anna about Campbell and how we had met David. We had no idea of what she already knew about this devil who had murdered her husband and stolen her son. And then she told us. “We named him after you,” Anna said.

…I looked at her, but she stared straight ahead. “Daniel Nathan Thomas,” she said. “David wanted to name our son after you. He said you and Wolf had saved his life. He was wounded and came home a year before the war ended.

…He told me about what happened to the other men who were captured with him. He always believed that God had spared him so that he could take care of me—”

…Anna began to cry softly.

… “I’d like to kill Campbell very slowly,” Wolf said.

… “I reckon he’d do the same to us if he got the chance,” I said.

… “If and when he finds out who we are,” Wolf said, “he’ll come after us. We have the edge right now because we know who he is. All he knows about us is that we’re two riders escorting Mrs. Thomas.”

If you need a change of pace, miss the old, wholesome western stories, and appreciate mid-western Christian values, Bounty Hunter Nate Landry: Major Issues should be your next read. Author Mark L. Redmond has two western books for “grownups” and six westerns in his Adventures of Arty Anderson series, geared for middle grade readers.

Editorial Review and Endorsement by Book Marketing Global Network.

Review by Amazon Customer: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Fun easy reading. Reviewed in the United States on September 13, 2021.This book was funny, gave a good feel for what life was like for the men living on the trail, easy to read for a quiet afternoon. Good for adults and older teens. Can’t wait to share it with family and friends and to read the next book in the series. I would highly recommend that everyone read it.

Review by Jeff Benham: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Brothers from another mother. Reviewed in the United States on November 5, 2021. Verified Purchase. Nate and Wolf grew up together, went to war together and now are bounty hunters together. This time is a bit difference. A woman comes to them because her husband was murdered and son kidnapped. Nate’s name was the last thing her husband muttered before he died. It turns out he was in the army with them and the kidnapper was their commanding officer. Love the banter and comradery between these two.

Product Details:
Print Length: 84 Pages
Publication Date: June 4, 2020
Publisher: Independently Published (August 19, 2020)
Language: English
Historical Fiction (Christian)
Westerns (Action & Adventure)
Fiction (Westerns)
Westerns For Adult Readers

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Customer Ratings:

5 Stars: Angry Hornets or Five Womacks?

Bounty Hunter Nate Landry: Family Fury by Mark L. Redmond.

Book 2: Bounty Hunter Nate Landry.

Nate and Wolf didn’t have much trouble capturing Luke Womack and his two sidekicks. They turned the outlaws over to the town marshal at Wickenburg; and, since the town didn’t have a jail yet, he chained the trio to the jail tree. With their trap baited and set, all Nate and Wolf have to do is sit back and wait to capture Luke’s four brothers, all hardened criminals, when they come to rescue him.

The problem is, Nate and Wolf have no idea who will come when, or how many of the Womack brothers will show up at the same time. They do know Luke’s brothers will be coming angry and ready to kill. They also know if they’re going to survive the ordeal, they’d better be ready for whatever trouble the Womacks bring. It’s more than likely that someone’s going to die.

5 Stars: Angry Hornets or Five Womacks?

Author Mark L. Redmond uses his great sense of humor to open book two in his ‘Bounty Hunter Nate Landry’ series.

This is Wild West storytelling at its best, with high-action drama that will draw you back into 1877, where the Arizona Territory comes to life with three bank robberies. four stagecoach robberies, and a murder.

In ‘Bounty Hunter Nate Landry: Family Fury (Book Two); Nate and Wolf (his trusted companion) study and discuss a reward poster over coffee, after eating a hearty breakfast. The two men ponder the reward money offered for Luke Womack and his sidekicks. What they need is a plan.

Let me bring you into the story at Chapter 7:

…One of the things Wolf and I had learned while we were soldiers was the value of surprising the enemy. Often, we had defeated forces that were superior to ours in both number and skill because we had caught them off guard. Catching the Womacks off guard wouldn’t guarantee that Wolf and I could beat them, but we reckoned it would give us an edge.

…We were leaning against the hitching rail in front of the mercantile, enjoying the warmth of the mid-morning sun and smoking cigars. We were also making plans.

… “The Womacks will expect us to be waiting for them here in town,” I said.

… “Because they don’t know us?” Wolf asked.

… “Exactly,” I said.

… “They’ll also be looking for two men,” Wolf said. He tapped the ash from the end of his cigar. “So, we’re going to split up?”

… “And watch the trail from both sides of town,” I said. I exhaled smoke, smiled, and touched the brim of my hat as two ladies crossed from the other side of the street to enter the mercantile.

… “We’ll be close enough that whoever sees a Womack first should be able to signal the other,” Wolf said. He took a long draw on his cigar, leaned his head back, and blew the smoke into the air. “With one of us in sight and the other hidden, I reckon we’ll still have an edge.”

Putting the plan into action, they pack their supplies and saddle their horses with confidence. The plan sounds easy enough, but the adventure has just begun. This story takes place where the west is wild, outlaws terrorize small towns, and the brave bounty men ride in pursuit of justice.

The ‘Bounty Hunter Nate Landry’ series is comprised of stand-alone books, geared for YA and Adults. Author Mark L. Redmond has also produced a western adventure series for middle school readers, titled ‘The Adventures Of Arty Anderson’. Mark taught high school English for 28 years in South Bend, Indiana. He is a member of Western Writers of America, Western Fictioneers, SCBWI, ACFW, and the Single Action Shooting Society. He has been studying the West through reading and travel for most of his life (and he’s an old timer, born in 1953). Mark and his wife Susie live in Arizona, where Mark has turned his attention full-time to writing more old western tales. I am looking forward to book three in the ‘Bounty Hunter Nate Laundry’ series.

Editorial Review and Endorsement by Book Marketing Global Network.

Review by Jim Walterhouse: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Enjoyable read! Reviewed in the United States on March 7, 2023. Verified Purchase. It was nice to read something that does no have sex scenes or cursing in it. I’m looking forward to the next one!

Review by Bob C: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. A family round up. Reviewed in the United States on November 6, 2021. Verified Purchase. Landry and Wolf aim to capture a thief and murderer. It turns out, as bad as the outlaw is, he may be the best of his four other brothers. Nate and Wolf decide to use him as bait to capture his brothers. Landry and Wolf are bounty hunters because the law is still sparse in the Arizona territory, and they’ve the experience and the sense of responsibility to do what they can to help capture dangerous outlaws. If you like Westerns, you’ll like the Nate Landry series. If you don’t like Westerns, you might after giving these books a try.

Review by Amy: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Quality read. Reviewed in the United States on August 22, 2021. Verified Purchase. This is a wonderful book to read whether adult or teen. The author has a talented way of weaving an interesting story with good character and morals taught while not including “adult only” content that many do not enjoy reading. I highly suggest this read!

Review by VICKIE J PENNINGTON: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Favorite male author. Reviewed in the United States on November 1, 2021. Verified Purchase. Great book from an excellent writer!

Review by Jeff Benham: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Is there no end to Womacks? Reviewed in the United States on November 5, 2021.In the second book in the series Nate and Wolf track down ruthless outlaw Luke Womack. The problem is, he has brothers as mean as he is. Capturing them too, will be a pretty good trick. I sure hope there are more of these planned.

Product Details:
Paperback: ‎120 Pages
Publisher: ‎Author (September 2, 2022)
Language: ‎English
Historical Fiction (Christian)
Westerns (Action & Adventure)
Fiction (Westerns)
Westerns For Adult Readers

Amazon Print:


Customer Ratings:

Bounty Hunter Nate Landry: Dust Devil by Mark L. Redmond.

Book 3: Bounty Hunter Nate Landry.

Book three in the series finds Nate and Wolf pursuing a gang of outlaws who helped themselves to $20,000 from the bank in Florence, Arizona Territory, and then disappeared. Although the bounty hunters have plenty of experience at tracking down outlaws, the gang’s cunning leader manages to stay one step ahead of them. The chase leads them from Florence to Tucson, then to Goose Flats. Each time Nate and Wolf get close, the outlaws disappear like a dust devil. Although they’re facing one of the most challenging adversaries they’ve encountered so far, neither of the bounty hunters will even consider giving up. Adventure abounds as the reader rides into the old West.

Product Details:
Paperback: ‎138 Pages
Publisher: ‎Author (October 11, 2023)
Language: ‎English
Historical Fiction (Christian)
Westerns (Action & Adventure)
Fiction (Westerns)
Westerns For Adult Readers

Amazon Print:

Bounty Hunter Nate Landry: Dangerous Disguises by Mark L Redmond.

Book 4: Bounty Hunter Nate Landry.

In book four of the series, Nate and Wolf face a gang of clever outlaws who use the skills they learned in the theater to aid them in pulling off their robberies. Disguised as people nobody would notice, they slip into a town or onto a stagecoach, blending in with the folks around them. These outlaws plan their robberies, commit the crimes, and then change their appearance so skillfully no one has been able to apprehend them. In addition, Leah Fulton, the “Dust Devil,” is back, looking for revenge on Nate and Wolf, whom she blames for the death of her brother!

As good as Nate and Wolf are at their jobs, they’re not too proud to accept help–even from some unlikely sources. In addition to a town marshal and his deputy, with whom they’ve worked in the past, the bounty hunters are joined by a Pinkerton agent and a woman who runs a boarding house.

Hang onto your hat, Pardner! This ride might get a little wild!

Like the first three books in this series, this book transports the reader to post-Civil War Arizona Territory, a rugged land populated by rugged people–both men and women. Some of those people were good folks; others were scoundrels. Nate and Wolf may be outnumbered, but they’re hunting outlaws and putting them either in jail or in boot hill, one gang at a time.

Review by Kindle Customer: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Another homerun. Reviewed in the United States on January 8, 2025. In book 4 of the Nate Landry series. Mark Redmond once again hits the ball out of the park. An intriguing story that holds your attention from beginning to end. Highly recommend not only the latest book, but also the entire series, you won’t be disappointed

Product Details:
Paperback: ‎178 Pages
Publisher: ‎Author (January 15, 2025)
Language: ‎English
Historical Fiction (Christian)
Westerns (Action & Adventure)
Fiction (Westerns)
Westerns For Adult Readers

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