The Adventures of Arty Anderson: Middle Grade Fiction by Mark L. Redmond.
Arty Goes West Mark L. Redmond.
Book 1 of 6: The Adventures of Arty Anderson.
Saddle up, pardner, and hang on! Arty Anderson is about to take you on a rip-roarin’ ride through the Old West. Arty’s adventure begins when he and his ma head west to live on a ranch left to them by Arty’s pa. Arty’s first stagecoach ride introduces him to some real “owlhoots”; who just can’t leave the tenderfoots alone; and being a twelve-year-old, Arty just naturally gets himself into all kinds of trouble with them, beginning with Mr. Chastain. If you like adventure, excitement and fun, then hurry up and get your ticket. The stagecoach is about to leave for the Circle A. “All aboard!”
Review by T.M.: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Five Stars. Reviewed in the United States on October 14, 2015. Verified Purchase. We have loved EVERY book in the Arty series! We wish there were more…
Review by Michael: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Excellent series. Reviewed in the United States on January 29, 2022. My kids loved reading the Arty Goes West series. Excellent stories!
Product Details:
Print Length: 65 Pages
Publisher: Sword of The Lord; 1st Edition (January 1, 1999)
Publication Date: March 19, 2021
Language: English
Historical Fiction
The Adventures of Arty Anderson
Middle Grade Fiction
Christian (Religious & Inspirational Fiction)
Westerns For Young Readers
Amazon Print:
Customer Ratings:
Arty And The Hunt For Phantom by Mark L. Redmond.
Book 2 of 6: The Adventures of Arty Anderson.
No longer a tenderfoot, 13-year-old Arty Anderson has become “Arty the Kid”— a tough Texas cowhand, complete with gun and holster, but he has yet to learn some of the unwritten rules of the Old West. Arty’s exciting adventures continue as he stalks “Old Phantom”. If you like a challenge, then step into the saddle and join Arty on his hunt for “Phantom”–but I warn you–stay out of sight!
Review by Tholritz: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. A read the whole family will enjoy, even mom & dad. Reviewed in the United States on April 15, 2022. I have already read the whole series to my older son who is 10, but now we are reading them again to my younger son who is seven. Last night my 13-year-old daughter was in her room, and I had no idea she was listening. When I stopped reading for a minute, I heard her yell out, “Keep reading, mom.”. ? All of Mark’s books are so well written, full of humor, family friendly and have really interesting plots. These are books your kids will want you to read again and again, and you won’t mind saying yes.
Product Details:
Publisher: Sword Of The Lord (January 1, 2002)
Language: English
Historical Fiction
The Adventures of Arty Anderson
Middle Grade Fiction
Christian (Religious & Inspirational Fiction)
Westerns For Young Readers
Amazon Print:
Customer Ratings:
Arty And The Texas Ranger by Mark L. Redmond.
Book 3 of 6: The Adventures of Arty Anderson.
Fourteen-year-old Arty and his friend Jasper, discover a man’s body with a Texas Ranger badge and a wanted poster in his pocket. All their skills are tested as they gather clues, leading them to a late-night adventure, unexpected suspect and face-to-face meeting.
Review by Anthony Justice: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Thank You. Reviewed in the United States on March 17, 2013. Verified Purchase. Thank you so much the product is amazon. and I love the book. I will tell everyone about them. Thank You.
Product Details:
Paperback: 120 Pages
Publisher: Sword Of The Lord Publishers; First Edition (January 1, 2002)
Language: English
Historical Fiction
The Adventures of Arty Anderson
Middle Grade Fiction
Christian (Religious & Inspirational Fiction)
Westerns For Young Readers
Amazon Print:
Customer Ratings:
Arty’s Long Day by Mark L. Redmond.
Book 4 of 6: The Adventures of Arty Anderson.
When Arty and three of his friends plan a picnic in a section of the Circle A they haven’t explored yet, they intend to have a day filled with adventure and fun. Their plans don’t include getting caught in a sudden storm that causes a flash flood. Because he is more experienced than his friends, Arty feels responsible for keeping them safe. How will he protect them when his own life is threatened? Get ready for a wild ride!
Review by T.M.: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Five Stars. Reviewed in the United States on October 14, 2015. Verified Purchase. We have loved EVERY book in the Arty series! We wish there were more…
Review by Michael: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Excellent Story. Reviewed in the United States on January 29, 2022. Loved reading this series when I was younger and also having my kids read it. Great story for all ages!
Review by Anthony justice: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Thank You. Reviewed in the United States on March 17, 2013. Verified Purchase. Thank you so much the product is amazon. and I love the book. I will tell everyone about them. Thank You.
Product Details:
Print Length: 58 Pages
Publication Date: May 18, 2021
Language: English
Historical Fiction
The Adventures of Arty Anderson
Middle Grade Fiction
Christian (Religious & Inspirational Fiction)
Westerns For Young Readers
Amazon Print:
Customer Ratings:
Arty And The Cattle Rustlers by Mark L. Redmond.
Book 5 of 6: The Adventures of Arty Anderson.
In previous volumes, Arty Anderson, a teenage cowboy, has survived scrapes with a cougar and a flash flood, but this time he’s up against a classic western villain–cattle rustlers! Long-time enemy, Jeff Chastain, is back with a gang of outlaws who have escaped from prison. When they learn that a posse is organizing to come after them, Chastain plans a diversion that could spell disaster for the Circle A ranch. Ride along as Arty, Marshal Bodie and the ranch hands get help from Little Hawk, the Indian boy who lives at the ranch, as they chase down the bad guys and have a showdown before they can reach Mexico.
Review by T.M.: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. Five Stars. Reviewed in the United States on October 14, 2015. Verified Purchase. We have loved EVERY book in the Arty series! We wish there were more…
Product Details:
Print Length: 71 Pages
Publisher: Sword Of The Lord Publisher’s; First Edition (January 1, 2005)
Publication Date: June 7, 2021
Language: English
Historical Fiction
The Adventures of Arty Anderson
Middle Grade Fiction
Christian (Religious & Inspirational Fiction)
Westerns For Young Readers
Amazon Print:
Customer Ratings:
Arty’s Tough Trail by Mark L. Redmond.
Book 6 of 6: The Adventures of Arty Anderson.
Life moves on at an exciting pace for Arty Anderson! He now faces the opportunity of a lifetime: helping take a herd of over a thousand head of Texas longhorns up the Chisholm Trail! Yes, sirree, it’s an authentic cattle drive from the Circle A Ranch in Texas to Dodge City, Kansas!
Along the trail, Arty and the other cowhands encounter such dangers as angry steers, quicksand, lightning storms, stampedes, rustlers and Indians. Over and over, Arty is reminded to trust in God for help and strength. Through it all, Arty’s faith in the Lord is strengthened as he finds opportunities to witness for Christ.
Review by Jennifer: 5.0 out of 5 Stars. My Son Loves Arty! Reviewed in the United States on September 2, 2015. My son and I have been reading through the Arty series together this summer. He loves them! He has to strap on his cap gun every time we read so that he can be like Arty :-). Mom really appreciates the sound Bible lessons he is learning. We hope there are more to come in this series.
Product Details:
Print Length: 103 Pages
Publisher: Sword Of The Lord (September 23, 2011)
Language: English
Historical Fiction
The Adventures of Arty Anderson
Middle Grade Fiction
Christian (Religious & Inspirational Fiction)
Westerns For Young Readers
Amazon Print:
Customer Ratings:
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